“Brooklyn.” Damn, she had a nice voice, too.

“Right. My sister here?”

“Oh! No, I think she’s helping decorate her sorority’s float for the homecoming parade.”

“Damn, she knew we were gonna have dinner together,” I said, lifting the box in my hands.

“I’m, well... you could come in and wait for her. If she knew you were coming, I’m sure she’s on her way.”

I nodded and tried not to look at her ass as she turned and led me into the room.Plopping down on an easy chair in the living room, I watched her sit on the sofa, tucking her long legs underneath her and pulling a blanket over her body.

“This dorm didn’t even exist when I was here. It’s nice,” I observed.

“It really is,” she agreed.

“They don’t have no one running the front desk at night?”

She shook her head. “Nope. It’s the honors dorm. There’s barely ever anyone at the desk. I guess they expect them to behave.”

“Hmm. They got you sleeping out here on the couch?”

She twisted her mouth, shaking her head again. “I actually stay in Kitt Hall. Nadia and Sharla just let me crash here sometimes.”

“Kitt Hall? Wow, that place brings back memories.”Nasty ones,I mentally added.

“I bet,” she said, and I swear she was eye fucking me. But this was my little sister’s friend. A damn kid...right?

“You a junior like Cake?”

“Cake? Oh! Yeah, I’m a junior.”

Shit. Yep, too young, but damn! “What’s your major?” I asked.

“Music—Vocal Performance with a minor in dance.”

Those legs. Dancer’s legs.

“You sing, huh?” I queried.

“I try. People say I have a good voice.”

“Show me.”

Her eyes flashed wide. “Oh, no. I’m too tired for that right now.”

I’d opened my mouth to respond when I felt my phone buzz with a text message from Sharla:Gonna be a late night for me. Rain check?

“Damn,” I muttered.

“Sharla?” Brooklyn asked, her velvety voice hitting me in the gut. Her speaking voice was so damn sexy, I knew I’d probably lose my shit if I ever heard her sing.

“Yeah. You like supreme pizza? I don’t feel like taking this to my hotel room.”

She shrugged. “Uh, sure. I skipped dinner.”

“Good, then it won’t go to waste.” I placed the pizza box on the coffee table and stood from my seat. “It was nice talking to you, Brooklyn.”

“Same here but...you’re not gonna eat any? You haven’t had dinner either, have you? I could...I could run downstairs and get us some drinks from the vending machine.”