Her brow furrows. “It’s a student.” She swallows. “He’s dead, and there’s no sign of who did it.”

“Fuck,” I growl, marching down the corridor. “Where?”

She nods toward the boys’ bathroom. “In there.”

I march in and hold my hand over my mouth the moment I do. The boy in question is, in fact, Henley Anderson, the son of Jackson Anderson from Oklahoma. We believe that they’re currently embroiled in a rather heated war with the Russians on their turf, which means this was the Orlov Bratva. The leader’s son is also in attendance here, Stepan Orlov. Henley was only fifteen years old. Stepan is seventeen years old.

My stomach churns at the sight in front of me. The blood and gore are indescribable. They have gouged his eyes out of his head and fixed his mouth open with a device. “Inform the family and get Ainsley here to clear it up.”

This isn’t the first death we’ve had to deal with here, but it’s the first one we’ve had in two years. We have brutal fights that end with badly injured students, but death is luckily something we avoid more often than not. However, on this occasion, it’s clear that nothing would stop the Orlov Bratva from having their revenge on the Anderson family.

“Of course,” Michelle replies, looking rather green. “I need to get out of here.” She whirls around and heads out into the corridor. Her retching fills the air as I stand there, almost frozen by the scene in front of my eyes.

I sigh heavily, shaking my head. The craziest thing is that Stepan Orlov will get away with it. He’s the heir of the Bratva in Oklahoma. He has every right to exercise his powers where the fuck he wants, and as the staff who are teaching him how to be the most brutal leader possible, how could we possibly punish him for being exactly that?

It is one thing I hate most about this academy. The darkness we nurture and inspire only sets them free to terrorize this country. Ironically, I fled this kind of world, unable to accept the immorality of the part I was due to play, only to end up teaching the exact people I despised.

I walk out into the corridor. “Is Ainsley on his way?” I ask.

Michelle nods, clearing up the sick off the floor. “Yes, he’ll be here in five minutes.”

“Good. In the meantime, don’t allow anyone in there.” I walk off.

“Where are you going?” Michelle calls after me.

“Back to class. Ainsley will handle it.”

Ainsley is our fixer, who we call in during incidents like this. A man whose expertise is in clearing up and hiding messes so that it appears like they never happened, as well as handling the parents.

I return to the classroom, feeling chaotic.

Henley’s parents will visit within the day, and they will not be happy. This means I’ll have to pay a settlement, even though they signed the agreement, which detailed that SA and its staff have no responsibility for death or injury caused by classmates. However, there is no reasoning with grieving parents, even if they often are only grieving the loss of an heir rather than a child.

I run a school for the spawn of monsters, and money would assuage only a monster at the loss of a child.

I run a hand through my hair and slump behind my desk.

The class is quiet as they continue to work. Natalya stands after I return, placing the essay on my desk. “All done.”

I nod and wave my hand. “You may leave.”

The rest of the class isn’t far behind until only Eva is left. She’s a welcome distraction after the shit I just witnessed. She stands once we’re alone and walks over to the desk, smiling hesitantly at me. “Here you go, sir.”

I growl, knowing she’s using the world to taunt me.

Eva turns to walk toward the door, but I cut her off before she gets to it, grabbing her hips and pulling her flush against me. “Where do you think you are going?”

“My next class, sir.” She glances over her shoulder at me but arches her back, so her firm buttocks press into my straining erection. “I have physical education class next with Professor Daniels.”

“Like hell you do,” I growl, pushing her against the wall next to the door, ensuring no one can see us. My hand reaches for the blind over the window, and I pull it down. “I’ll give you a better physical education, Eva,” I murmur, letting my teeth tease at the shell of her ear. “What do you say to that?” I reach for the lock on the classroom door and turn it, making sure no one can come inside. This classroom is free this period, but I won’t take any risks.

“I’ll get in trouble for—”

“Not if I excuse you, you won’t.” I grab her wrist and force her to face me. “I need you right now, Miss Carmichael.”

She wets her lips with her tongue. “Don’t you have a class to teach?”

I shake my head. “Free period, baby girl.” I let my hand gently skate over her thigh before squeezing it gently. “Stop overthinking and just feel.” I kiss her lips, knowing that right now, all I need is to drown in her.