“Class dismissed,” Oak announces, eyes fixed on me. “Mrs. Byrne, stay behind.”

A few students snicker, and Natalya gives me a knowing glance. “I’ll catch up with you later.”

I nod in response and remain seated at my desk, staring at my husband. The look in his eyes is one of pure lust as the last student leaves the room, shutting the door behind him.

“How can I help you, sir?” I ask, twirling a strand of hair around my finger.

He stands, approaching me as I remain seated behind my desk. “I wished to discuss Spring Break since it starts tomorrow.”

I raise a brow. “And what exactly did you want to discuss Spring Break for?” I ask.

He grabs hold of the collar of my blouse and yanks me up to stand in front of him, eyes blazing with a mix of desire and irritation. “We didn’t have a honeymoon. I’m going to take you to Naples.”

My eyes widen, and I shake my head. “Isn’t it dangerous considering—”

“My past?” he finishes for me.

I nod in response.

“It’s been fifteen years since I saw my family. None of them would recognize me now, and my passport is in my new name.” I shrug. “I think we can risk it so you can taste the best pizza in the world.”

I tilt my head. “I’m not sure any pizza is worth risking your life over.” I shake my head. “Why don’t we go somewhere nearer?” I suggest.

There’s a strange flash in Oak’s eyes. “I just heard my grandmother passed away, and her funeral is in three days.” His eyes flick to the ring on my finger. “The same woman who gave me that ring.”

“I’m sorry,” I say, placing a hand on his chest. “Surely you can’t safely attend the funeral?”

“No, but I can watch from afar. There are old ruins about seven hundred yards away, and I want to be there while they bury her.”

It all sounds risky, and after doing a little research on his family, they are just as dangerous as my parents were. “Okay, but we have to be very careful, Oak. When you got shot by my mother—”

He cuts me off. “It was nothing more than a superficial flesh wound.”

“I know, but it didn’t mean I wasn’t scared.” I cling onto the front of his shirt. “I can’t lose you.”

“You won’t.” He presses his lips to mine, and I kiss him back. It quickly turns heated as I glance at the glass door into the classroom, clutching onto his shoulders. “I should get going.”

He yanks me harder against his body. “No chance. I have a free period, and so do you.”

“The door,” I warn.

He grunts and then goes to pull the blind down over the window. “Now, bend over for me, wife.”

I do as he says, a thrill spreading through me at the tone of his voice.

Ever since we announced our marriage to the rest of the students, we’ve been a little reckless, but then we have no one to answer to. After all, Oak runs this school. There were a few complaints from parents, but Oak assured them that their students were in safe hands now that he was bound to one woman only.

Oak pulls open the drawer in his desk and grabs a bottle of lube, making me shake with anticipation.

“Not here,” I murmur, shaking my head.

He smirks and pulls out the ball gag, holding it up. “Yes, I want to fuck your ass over my desk.”