“Are you serious? Won’t it ruin your reputation as principal?”

I shake my head. “It will cause a bit of a stir, but nothing I can’t handle. After all, if we’re married, it’s not like I pose a threat to any other girls attending.” I don’t even know if that’s true, but I have to make it work.

Eva sobs then, the tears coming fast down her face.

“I didn’t mean to upset you,” I say, sitting next to her on the bench and pulling her against me. “I want you to know I love you, Eva.” My chest aches as I’ve never loved another person before in my life. Not like this.

“I’m not upset, I’m so…” Eva pulls away from me and wipes her face. “So happy. Yes, I’ll marry you.” She cups my face in her hands. “I love you, too.” Her lips crash into mine as she pours every ounce of feeling into the kiss, making my heart sing.

I don’t know how lucky I got to find my soul mate. It seems fate has a way of screwing with you, but somehow, everything will work out better than I planned. Revenge is for people who have nothing, but my quest for revenge brought me everything and more.

Eva is my world, and I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with her.



Ipace the floor of Oak’s cottage, waiting for him to get off the phone with his contact.

Although our new arrangement means that the blackmailer has nothing, not once we announce that we’re married. Oak intends for me to move in with him at the cottage for the rest of the year, as we will be husband and wife.

The priest has already been called to wed us before school starts again. If we are going to pull the wool over my parents’ eyes, we have to act fast. They haven’t even contacted me over the Christmas period, which isn’t surprising. Half the time, they seem to forget I exist, even though they believe I’m important for the future of their clan.

Oak’s betrayal hurt me more than I can explain. I’m still angry at him about what he did to me and his intention to use me as collateral in his quest for vengeance. It all made sense, though, once he explained everything. My parents tore apart his world, so I guess it’s only natural to want to make them pay.

He appears from the study, a grave look on his face.

“What’s wrong?” I ask.

“It’s Dimitry.”

My stomach dips as that means he must have followed us after Oak knocked him out. “So he was faking being knocked out?”

He nods. “It’s the only explanation how he knew where we were.” Oak runs a hand through his tussled hair. “He wants to sue me for assault.”

“How do you know that?” I ask.

“My contact put tabs on his phone, and he’s been talking to lawyers about hiscase.”

I roll my eyes. “Dimitry doesn’t have a case, as he was sexually assaulting me.” I cross my arms over my chest. “I could take him to court.”

Oak nods, but he still looks concerned. “True, but once we marry, who will believe you? It will appear like you are trying to cover for your husband.”

I sigh. “Can’t we find some dirt on Dimitry?”

“My man is on it, but he hasn’t found anything yet.” Oak bites his bottom lip.

“What is it?” I ask.

“Would getting married tomorrow be too soon?”

Too soon.

I don’t think I can marry this man soon enough, no matter how irritated I am that he kept the truth from me for so long. “No.”

An easy smile spreads onto his lips. “Good, because Archer is back tomorrow from his break, and he’s agreed to be my best man and our witness.”

I raise a brow. “Professor Daniels?” I confirm.