She smiles at me. “Sure, coming right up.”

I drum my fingers on the makeshift bar, focusing my mind on anything but the girl on the dancefloor with Dimitry Jakov.

“Here you go.” She places the drink down. “Enjoying yourself?”

I raise a brow. “Not particularly. Chaperoning a load of drunk students isn’t my idea of enjoyment.” I point my finger at her. “Try not to give anyone too much. I don't want to be cleaning vomit off the floor again.”

She laughs, holding her hands up. “Of course not. I learned my lesson.”

When I turn around, my heart stutters in my chest to see Eva is no longer on the dancefloor with Dimitry. I come up blank after a quick sweep. There’s no sign of Eva anywhere in the hall. My thoughts race along with my heart pounding at a thousand miles an hour as I return to Archer. “Did you see where they went?”

His brow furrows as he turns to me. “Who?”

“Eva and Dimitry,” I growl.

Archer shrugs. “How the fuck should I know?” He grabs my wrist as I’m about to walk away. “Are you intending to ruin her family, or do you intend to fucking marry her? As at the moment, you’re acting like her crazed lover.”

I snarl at him in response, and he lets go, reading the warning signs. I have to find Eva, not argue with him.

Gavril is talking to a student. I don't want to ask if he saw where they went. He’s always more of a drag than Archer, so I know there’s no use asking for his help. The students are supposed to remain in the hall during the event, but none of these fucking idiots follow the rules.

As I’m halfway down the corridor toward the library, my phone buzzes, and I reach into my pocket to find a message from Eva.

Dimitry has taken me to an after-party, and I don’t like it. Can you come rescue me?

An inferno blazes to life inside of me as I march into the hallway, glancing down the corridor in search of them. I type a question back.

Where is this party?

The bubbles show up, suggesting she’s texting back. And then they disappear.

“Fuck,” I growl, shaking my head.

Where would the after-party be?

I’m going to need backup to break up a fucking party. The ruins are the only place for an after-party. I ring Archer’s number, knowing I don’t have time to go back and drag him out.

“Oak, what’s up?”

“There’s an after-party on campus. I’m going to break it up and might need backup.”

He tuts on the other end. “Don’t bother. There’s one every year.”

“What?” I growl.

“Get Eva out and leave it.” He cancels the call.

How did he know about this after-party?

I rush toward the ruins, which, as I suspected, are booming with loud music. My heart pounds hard and fast in my chest as I shorten the distance.

When I get there, my stomach dips.

There’re hundreds of students, not just seniors, gathered in the clearing. Most of them are too drunk to notice me as I push through the crowd, searching for Eva.

I pull my cell phone out of my pocket.

I’m in the ruins. Where are you?