Iclench my fists by my side, watching as Dimitry’s hand tightens around Eva’s hip, pulling her closer to him. They’ve been dancing for a fucking hour nonstop, and I’m almost ready to deck him in front of everyone.

Eva’s trying to wind me up, as she hasn’t looked at me once. I saw her try to get out of dancing about twenty minutes ago, but that rat Dimitry won’t let her out of his clutches.

She’s insane if she thought I’d be okay watching him all over her like this. I’m a fucking loose cannon, ready to explode at any moment.

Archer claps a hand on my shoulder. “You look tense, Oak. What’s up?” He squeezes my shoulder. “You feel tense too. Perhaps I should introduce you to my masseuse.”

I narrow my eyes at him and nod toward Eva and Dimitry. “That’s what is up,” I growl.

He smirks at me. “Jealous, aye?”

Arch knows how to wind me up like no one else. “Careful, I’m on the edge of doing something I’ll regret, and you taunting me will not help.”

Archer laughs. “Chill. It’s not like he has his tongue down her throat.” He raises a brow. “They are dancing, and it’s a dance.”

I snarl, which makes Archer take a step back.

“Shit, Oak,” he says, shaking his head. “I think you are in way too deep, buddy.”

I narrow my eyes and glare at my friend. “If that weasel so much as tries to kiss her, he’ll be dead. Do you hear me?”

Arch runs a hand through his hair. “I think you might need a timeout. We can’t have you losing your shit over a student.”

Gavril appears at that moment, brow furrowed. “Who is losing their shit over a student?”

“Oak, he’s in over his head with the Carmichael girl.” Arch nudges Gav. “Jealous of her date.”

Gav stands in front of me. “Look at me, Oak.”

I do as he says, meeting my friend’s gaze. Gavril won’t take any of my envious nonsense, but I fear that I’m impossible to reason with right now. Eva is deep under my skin.

“You won't do anything to fuck this.” He crosses his arms over his chest. “The boy is her date and nothing more. Get a grip.”

I nod in response. “Fuck, I’m in the shit, aren’t I?”

“It seems like you are head over fucking heels for the girl you want to destroy,” Arch says, not skirting around the issue. “I would call that in the shit, yeah.”

I keep my mouth shut, knowing that they have no idea. If I tell them the truth about Eva, that despite kissing her once, I ended up fucking her three times since they would probably call an intervention. I can’t keep my fucking mind off of her, and even though we are keeping a distance from one another physically, we sext every night, sending filthy messages and pictures to each other.

I feel like I’m a teenage kid all over again, even though we didn’t have mobile phones when I was younger.I’ll spend the winter break with Eva, and these two clowns won’t get in the way.

Gav nods, agreeing. “Yeah, you need to forget Eva.”

Forget Eva? As if it is that fucking simple.

There’s no forgetting her. She’s embedded in my soul. A part of me I can’t erase, and the past five days of staying away from her have been torture. The rest students leave in six days, meaning I’ll go insane by the time I get my hands on her.

“Are you okay, Oak?” Gav asks, staring at me with concern. “You look a little pale.”

“I’m fine,” I say, snappier than I intended. “I need a drink.” I march away from my friends and head toward the bar, which is stocked with alcohol.

After all, the least of these students’ crimes is drinking alcohol underage. We learned a few years ago that trying to keep alcohol out of the formal dances for seniors was futile, as someone always spikes the punch anyway, so it’s safer to allow them to drink whatever they want.

“Hey Michelle,” I say, greeting my secretary, who drew the short straw of having to man the bar tonight again. “Can I get a scotch?”