His eyes widen, and he holds his hands up. “Alright, calm down.” He runs a hand through his hair. “If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you have the hots for the girl?” Arch says.

“Shut it,” I say, rubbing my temples. “I don’t want to talk about it.”

Archer chuckles in response. “You look like a man who needs a fucking night out and a lot of alcohol.”

I meet my friend’s gaze. “Is that an invitation?” I’ve heard of worse ideas.

“Why the fuck not? We haven’t been out in ages.” He pulls his cell phone out. “I’ll see if Gav wants to join.” He types a text to him and fires it off.

“You’re right. I think it’s exactly what I need.” A night of drinking with my friends might help get my mind off of Eva Carmichael and the crazy line I crossed with her three days ago.

Arch smirks and nods toward the door. “Perfect. I’m going to get cleaned up and have something to eat.” He moves for the door out of the staff room. “Meet back here at eight o’clock?”

I nod in response. “Sure. See you then.”

Arch walks out of the staff room, leaving me alone with my chaotic thoughts.

I never foresaw such a ridiculous complication. There’s something deep that connects me to the girl I wanted to ruin, the girl I wanted to destroy in the name of revenge.

* * *

The bar Archerpicked is heaving with kids, as it’s popular with the local college. Typical Archer always makes sure there are a lot of hot young college girls around for him to pick from.

Gav looks as uncomfortable as I feel as we step inside. “Is this the best place for us to grab a drink?”

I nod in agreement, glancing around. “It’s a little loud.”

Archer shakes his head. “Sorry, grandpa, but this is the hottest place in town.”

I glare at him. “In case you forgot, we’re teachers at a nearby school, not frat boys.”

He laughs. “Both of you need to lighten up.” He shakes his head and leads the way toward the bar. “It’s not like we’ll run into any of our students.”

Hopefully, he’s right. None of us are stupid enough to believe that students don’t sneak off campus. The students aren’t permitted to leave the grounds unless they have permission, but that wouldn’t stop them.

We’ve caught kids doing exactly that, but it doesn’t mean we’ll run into any here. There are another ten clubs in the town which makes the chances slim, even if this is the hottest place in town, as Arch put it.

“Usual?” Archer asks, glancing at me.

“Yeah, whiskey, neat.”

He laughs, shaking his head. “Never can change it up. Can you?”

“Why should I? I like whiskey.”

Archer orders my whiskey, a vodka for Gavril, and a manhattan for himself. He likes to think of himself as sophisticated, even though most of the time he’s an idiot, a loveable idiot, but an idiot all the same.

“Let’s find a booth, somewhere we don’t have to shout to hear each other,” Gav says, glancing around the room.

I spot a booth in the corner and point to it. “Over there.”

Gav nods and leads the way to the booth, shoving through the college kids crowding the place. Once we get to it, he growls. “This is the last time I let Archer pick where we go.”

I laugh. “Agreed.”

“What did you agree to?” Archer asks, slumping down on the far side of the booth with his drink.

“That this is the last time you choose where we go for a night out,” I say.