“Yes, Eva.”

“The right side of the abdominal cavity, just below the diaphragm, sir,” I say.

He claps his hands; the sound makes me jump. “Right.” His gaze roams over the entire class. “And who can tell me the best way to damage the liver?”

My heart skips a beat as I realize what this anatomy class is all about.

How could I be so stupid?

I’d hoped it would be like biology, but it appears it’s all about working out the best way to murder people, essentially a class in killing. It couldn’t be more contrary to my desire to learn how to save animals’ lives. I hate this fucking place. Natalya might seem like a nice girl, but this is what she’s interested in, becoming a criminal, just like my parents.

Can I be friends with someone like her?

A part of me wants to be, as she’s been so friendly to me, but the other part knows what these students will become once they graduate—killers, drug dealers, and, worse.

“Natalya. You must know the answer to this?” Nitkin presses.

She nods in response. “Yes, the best way is to stab through the front of the chest where there’s no protection from the ribs, but this can be challenging in a fight.” She shrugs. “If you are going to do that, you may as well aim for the heart.”

My stomach twists at her cold and calculated answer.

Elias is right. I need to be careful who I’m friends with here, as it’s easy to forget that criminals surround me.

* * *

“Over here,”Natalya says, leading me through the busy cafeteria toward a table near the back. “I can’t wait for them to meet you.”

My stomach churns, as I’ve never been very sociable. The idea of meeting new people, especially the people that attend this fucked up school, scares me.

She heads straight toward a table where two girls sit, chatting. One has dark chestnut brown hair, and the other has golden-brown hair, each beautiful in their own right.

“Girls, I’d like you to meet my new friend, Eva,” Natalya announces.

They both turn and smile at me. “Hey. Is this the famous girl who stood up to Elias in the corridor?” The golden-haired girl says.

Natalya smiles widely. “It is. Eva, meet Camilla,” she gestures toward the girl with golden-brown hair.

“Nice to meet you,” I say.

She then signals to the darker-haired girl. “And Adrianna.”

I give her a nod.

Camilla pulls a seat out next to her. “Come and sit with us.”

I smile and take a seat, trying to ignore my anxiety.

“So, what exactly did you say to Elias?” She asks.

I shrug. “He told me to pick my friends carefully.”

“And she told him she won’t be friends with him, as she’d rather be friends with a fucking corpse,” Natalya cuts in.

Camilla’s eyes widen. “Shit. I hope he didn’t take it personally.”

“Not to mention, she called him an asshole,” Natalya adds.

My brow furrows. “Why? What would he do?”