I nod. “Yeah, this place takes some getting used to.”

She chuckles. “It’s all I’ve ever known.”

I shake my head. “Is Elias like the resident bully?”

Natalya nods, her face turning serious. “He’s had it out for me ever since he arrived here in fourth grade.”

“Why?” I ask.

Natalya shrugs. “Beats me. I did nothing to him. He just hated me at first fucking sight.” She sighs heavily. “I think it’s because he hates how smart I am.”

It might have something to do with Elias’s crush on the beautiful Russian.I’d know the look he gave her anywhere.

A sharp knock on wood echoes through the classroom, drawing everyone’s attention to the front, where a tall, dark-haired man stands, glaring out at us all with unique hazel eyes.

“Page Seventy-five,” he orders, his voice stern and accented.

Natalya quickly grabs her book and thumbs to the page. There’s an unusual atmosphere in this class. The unease in the air is palpable amongst all the students.


He sure as hell does command fear, as I can practically smell it seeping off of every student in the room.

I grab my book and turn to the requested page before glancing back up at the notorious Professor Nitkin. He is undeniably attractive—as hot as any male model. “What is it with all the teachers here being so hot?” I murmur in question to Natalya.

Her eyes widen. “Don’t talk in this lesson unless you want to be punished.” She glances up at Nitkin as he writes on the board. “I don’t know, but you’re right. Pretty much all the staff is hot, even the women.”

I chuckle at that.

Suddenly, Natalya grunts as something hits the back of her head. “Ouch,” she says, placing a hand where it hit and turning around to glare at Elias, who is staring at her with his piercing blue eyes.

“What you looking at, Gurin? I’m hot, but there’s no need to stare.”

Natalya’s normally calm features turn furious as she glares at the heavily tattooed boy, shaking her head. “Perhaps you should go fuck yourself, then.”

The shock on his face is amazing, as it seems my standing up to him in the corridor got her confidence up. I give her a soft nudge and a knowing smile, and she shrugs. “What’s the worst that can happen, hey?”

A bang on our desk makes both of us jump as the Professor glares down at us. “Do you two already know all you need to know about the liver?”

My stomach churns at the tone of his voice. And I shake my head. “Sorry, sir. I’m afraid not.”

His eyes narrow. “You are new. What’s your name?”

“Eva, sir.”

He nods. “Welcome, Eva. Now pay attention, or I’ll make you carve up the liver, no matter how little you know about it.”

My brow furrows, and I wonder what he’s talking about until he whips off a lid from a silver platter at the front. “This is a human liver.”

I stifle a gasp, wanting to ask where the fuck he got a human liver from, but I know I won’t like the answer. Also, I don’t get the sense that this is a class where you ask questions. A shiver travels down my spine as I stare at the bloody organ. I hold a hand over my mouth as nausea rolls through my stomach.

“Where can we find the liver on a human body?” Nitkin asks.

Not even Natalya puts up her hand in this class.

“No one?” He asks.

I hesitantly put my hand up, as biology was one of my top classes at my last school. After all, I want to be a vet.