Three firefighters come out, and one of them carries a slim, lithe body slumped over his shoulder.

I rush forward. “Jane!” I shout, breaking through the tape to get through to her. The glimpse of burned bright blonde hair is the biggest giveaway that it is her.

“Mr. Archer,” the police officer calls out to me, trying to stop me. There’s nobody that could stop me as I sprint toward them, making the firefighter’s eyes widen. “Stay back,” One of them orders.

“I need to know who it is. Is she dead?” I say.

He gestures to the paramedics’ ambulance. “Wait over there, please.”

I swallow hard and do as he says, approaching the ambulance. They have a body bag ready, making the dark dread root even deeper into my soul.

“I don’t think you should be here,” the paramedic says.

I shake my head. “I own the company. Who is dead?”

The paramedic nods. “Okay, wait here.”

The firefighter comes closer with the body and sets her down inside the open body bag. My stomach churns the moment I see her face. It feels like someone has punched me in the gut as I look at her serene, beautiful features burned and blackened by the fire.

“No,” I cry, rushing forward.

The paramedic allows me to move toward her.

“Jane, I’m so sorry,” I say, running my hand through her beautiful golden hair. A lump wedges in my throat so hard I can no longer speak. Tears flood down my cheeks as the impact of her loss hits me harder than the loss of my empire, which is proof I have been a fool staying away from her.

I never took her on a date, never kissed her beautiful lips, never had the warmth of her against me. I clench my fists by my side as grief twists into a fierce rage.

I bend down and whisper into her ear, even though she can’t hear me, “I’ll make them pay for this, Jane. I promise.” A complex web of emotions flow through me as anger, guilt, and grief threaten to shred me apart at the seams.

The Carmichael clan is the most influential criminal organization in the state, which means I need to flee Georgia tonight if I stand a chance of getting revenge. The insurance will cover the fire damage, but Archer Data Corp will be in ruins once news spreads about the destruction of the servers.

“Sir, I apologize, but we require you to step away.” A firm hand lands on my shoulder as I clutch onto Jane’s freezing hand. As I stare at her, I realize I won’t be able to attend her funeral. I have to leave now if I want to disappear.

I let go of her hand, tearing my eyes away from her beautiful face. Slowly, I step away, knowing this is the last time I’ll see her. The last time I’ll stand on Atlanta soil. I trust Eric, the company president, to handle the insurance company and fallout.

As of tonight, Brett Archer no longer exists. I will disappear off the face of this earth, untraceable. The Carmichaels won’t find me until it’s too late. I will tear their world down and hurt them ten times worse than they’ve hurt me.

Tonight, Brett Oakley Archer died. I have to become someone else for the second time in my twenty-eight years on this earth.



Five years later…

“I swear that isn’t me,” I say, standing in front of my father, who is holding a photo of someone who looks remarkably like me kissing the high school janitor. “Someone must have photoshopped it.”

For a start, I don’t think I’ve ever even spoken to the high school janitor in my life. As I stare at the photo, the sight of him churns my stomach. Not that I’m vain, but he’s certainly not a man I’d be attracted to, weighing probably a hundred pounds more than he should and less hair on his head than I have on my legs.

Second, I’ve never kissed a boy in my life, let alone some random, balding, middle-aged man. It’s hard to believe they think that’s me.

“Eva Carmichael. You almost brought utter ruin on our family,” my mother chides, shaking her head in the corner. “Don’t think we’re stupid enough to believe that isn’t you.” She steps forward and glares at me with her hard, stony expression. “How long has it been going on?”

I stare at my mother, dumbfounded, wondering if she believes I’d be in a relationship with the high school janitor. “I don’t even know the guy.” My parents are pathetic, as I don’t have time for men.

I focus all my energy on my schoolwork, as I need to get into the best school I can to become a vet, much to their disgust. Even though they insist that will never happen, as my destiny is to inherit the family business, I plan to escape their grasp and follow my dreams.

My father slams a hand down on the desk. “Eva, don’t lie to us,” he roars. The look in his eyes is vicious. “You’re eighteen years old. It’s about time you took responsibility for your actions.”