“Yes, we got married,” Eva reiterates. “That’s not important right now.” She walks over and helps me to my feet, supporting me. “We need to get my husband patched up.” She gives Elaine a pointed look, and she nods frantically.

“Of course, follow me.”

I clutch onto Eva for support, and Archer offers me his arm, too, as we make our way to the main school building.

This isn’t how I pictured our wedding day ending, but all I can say is that I’m thankful that we’re both alive and Jamie has conceded. The fact he left with his wife’s body suggests he has no intention of fighting this.

Eva is finally free, and I can protect her from the world she wants no part in.



My heart pounds so hard I can hardly hear the students on the other side of the curtain.

Oak intends to announce our marriage to the entire school during the welcome back meeting in the hall today in exactly five minutes.

He told me I didn’t have to be here, but it didn’t feel right to leave him to tell everyone alone. Natalya, Camilla, and Adrianna all arrived back here yesterday at my request to break the news to them personally.

I rendered all three speechless at first, but once they finally started talking, I explained all the crazy, sordid things that happened over winter break. They were happy for me once they got over the shock.

Oak has also told all the staff, who, other than Gavril and, of course, Archer, was very shocked. A few protested against it, saying it was immoral. However, Oak argued the entire school construct was immoral, so he doesn’t feel their argument stood up.

I’m prepared for the funny looks and the jokes at my expense once it becomes public knowledge, but I don’t care about it. I have the man I love and three great friends to support me.

Oak clears his throat into the microphone, and I know it’s time.


This is crazy.

We expect a bit of backlash from students’ parents, too, once it becomes common knowledge, but Oak believes it won’t be as bad as I’d expect.

“Welcome back to the Syndicate Academy. I hope you all had a good winter break.”

There are a few shouts in the crowd, but Oak ignores them.

“I have a rather controversial announcement to make, one that may shock a lot of you.” Archer nods to me as it’s my cue, and I walk out onto the stage with Oak, spotting Natalya beaming at the front of the crowd encouragingly. “Eva Carmichael became Eva Byrne, my wife, over the winter break. She now lives with me in my cottage on the grounds. If any of you wonder why you see your teacher kissing his student or sneaking her into his home.” I notice him pointedly glaring at Dimitry, who looks furious at our sudden announcement.

Many students whisper to each other, and everyone looks confused or disgusted.

“I understand that this is very unusual, but Eva and I fell in love, and we got married. It’s that simple. If you have questions, I will accept them now.”

Elias smirks and lifts his hand. “Yes, Elias.”

“Did you fuck her in the classroom, professor?”

Oak’s temple bulges as he clenches his jaw. “Anyone who has anything stupid to say will be spending the morning with professor Nitkin. I’ll only accept respectful questions.” He nods at Gavril, who walks forward, grabs Elias by the elbow, and drags him out of the room.

The entire hall of students falls silent, making me wonder what Gavril Nitkin does to people.

How does he inspire such fear in students born to be killers?

“Any other questions?” I ask.

A young boy, who I don’t recognize, raises his hand. “Yes, Jaden.”

“Does that mean you will no longer be teaching her, as surely there may be a question of unfair treatment when it comes to grades?”