My stomach swirls with unease as I clutch tighter to my husband, wondering who would have broken into Oak’s home. And then I notice the car parked two hundred yards up the road. “My parents,” I mutter, nodding to it.

It’s their car. A black range rover with black wheels and a Georgian state registration plate.

“Shit,” Oak breathes, muscles tensing. “How did they find out?”

“No idea.” I shake my head. “They haven’t even called me over the Christmas break.”

He grabs my hand and squeezes. “Stay behind me, alright?”

I swallow hard, knowing that I don’t want Oak to have to face my parents, not after everything they did to him. They are monsters and won’t listen to reason. “We shouldn’t go in there. It’s too dangerous.”

“Everything will be okay, I promise.” He drops my hand. “Now, stay behind me.”

I watch him as he walks toward the busted door of the cottage, his powerful shoulders full of tension. My heart is racing like galloping horses charging across a field as I stay close to him, lacing my fingers in the fabric of his dress shirt.

Oak leads the way into the cottage, but we’re met by my father glaring at us hatefully as he aims his gun right at my husband’s heart.

I swallow hard, knowing my father is an excellent shot. He never misses. Suddenly, I’m staring my worst nightmare right in the face, knowing that the appearance of my parents has ruined the blissful happiness of marrying my soul mate. The fantasy has been shattered by the two people who should support me no matter what.



Istare down the barrel of Jamie Carmichaels’ gun, knowing I can’t let him win this time, not when I have so much more to lose. Eva means more to me than anything I’ve ever possessed.

“Put the gun down, Jamie.” I cross my arms over my chest and glare at him. “If you kill me, you might as well kiss goodbye to the clan for good.”

Eva inches closer to my back, fisting my shirt.

“Hand over my daughter, and then I’ll leave.” He signals at Eva, who cowers behind me. “Eva, stop this at once and come here,” he barks.

“I’m afraid you are too late, Jamie. Eva is already my lawfully wedded wife, and therefore she’s no longer your concern as of about half an hour ago.”

“I won’t stand for it.” Jamie snarls, cocking the gun. “Eva is our heir, and she will marry a suitable husband who can rule our empire.”

Eva steps out from behind my back with her chin held high. “I’ll never do that because Oak is my husband, and as I’ve told you since the day that Karl died, I have no intention of having anything to do with the clan.” She glares at her father. “You just never listened to me.”

Jamie splutters, and the door to the living room opens as Angela Carmichael comes walking in toward us. “Eva, get in the car at once,” she calls, nodding toward the door we came through.

“I’ll never go anywhere with you,” she spits, glaring at them with as much hatred as I feel. “You sent me here, so it’s your fault that I fell in love with Oak and married him.”

“Married him?” My mum splutters, eyes widening. “What are you…” she trails off when she sees Eva’s white wedding gown and the ring on her finger. “You bastard.” She glares at me. “Why the fuck would you do this?”

“I have my reasons,” I say, keeping cool despite Jamie holding a gun and pointing it right at me. “You ruined my life once. It seems only fair I return the favor.”

Angela’s nose wrinkles. “What are you talking about?”

I harden my glare, knowing that these two self-centered, arrogant pricks still don’t know who I am. “Five years ago, I left my life behind and changed my name.”

Jamie’s eyes narrow as he regards me more carefully, as if trying to work out who I am.

“Brett Archer ring any bells?” I ask.

His eyes flash with fury. “You fucking bastard.”

“You call me a bastard?” I growl, shocking myself at the viciousness in my voice. “You tore my world apart, and all I’ve done is marry your daughter. It doesn’t come close to what you did to me.” My attention moves to my wife. “I didn’t marry her to spite you, anyway.” I swallow hard, knowing that uttering the next words could backfire. “Eva is my world, and I will cherish and protect her if that means anything to you at all.”

Eva steps closer to me, crossing her arms over her chest. “You are both dead to me. You might as well adopt some kid who wants to be a part of your plans.”