I hold my fists in front of me as they taught me. It’s not in my nature to be aggressive, but I’ll defend myself.

She comes at me and jabs at my left side, which I block easily. The girl gets impatient, throwing a jab at my right too fast. I slam my fist into her stomach hard, making her grunt as she doubles over.

“Fuck this,” Jeanie says, rushing for me fast.

She tackles me to the ground, landing punch after punch. I struggle to push her off, but her strength overwhelms me as she gets about three solid blows in before I can fling her off me.

Blood trickles from my busted lip. “What is wrong with you?” I ask, struggling to believe these girls delight in hurting others. It makes no sense, but my brother was the same, determined to prove himself deserving of the depraved empire my parents built.

“Nothing,” Jeanie replies. “What did you expect from an academy full of mafia heirs?”

I didn’t expect this kind of shit on my first night here. The fact is, I will stand out like a sore thumb because I have no plan to take over my parents’ business.

The tallest of the girls steps forward. “If you think this is bad, you’ll be surprised.” There’s a cruel edge to her tone as she reaches into her pocket, pulling an object out. She’s so fast all I catch is a flash of metal as she lunges forward, stabbing the knife into my right leg.

I scream in agony as she pulls it out, making blood fly into the air. My stomach churns at the sight of my blood spurting from the deep wound as I take a step backward, which only serves to make it bleed more.

The pain is terrible as I put weight on my leg, so I balance on one leg, knowing they might attack again and I won’t be able to fend them off. “What the hell?” I say, glaring at them as a foreign rage infects my blood. “As if it wasn’t unfair, three against one, you bring a knife, too?”

The same girl who stabbed me smirks and steps closer, twirling the knife in her hand. “Because you fought, you get special treatment.”

I hop backward on my one good leg, knowing that I’m only delaying another painful attack. My eyes flit to the doorway, which now has an audience gathered outside of it, but no one comes to my aid.

The tall girl comes for me again, and I dodge her but only just, falling over in the process and landing flat on my ass. The jolt sends a shot of excruciating pain through my leg, and I growl, irritated that I can fight these sickos off.

Would they kill me?

I wouldn’t put anything past the students of this nuthouse. This place should be illegal, but cops are as corrupt as the criminals like all authorities in this world. Money is the root of all evil, and if you have enough, it doesn’t matter what heinous crimes you commit. It will all disappear if you have money.

The girl grins down at me, moving the knife toward my other leg. She holds my gaze, enjoying the fear that radiates from me.

She moves to stab the knife into my other leg, but I disarm her, pulling the knife from her hand when she least expects it. I point the knife at her, waving it. “Get the fuck back.”

The girl smirks. “Or what? Are you going to stab us?”

I glare at her, a dark hatred simmering beneath my skin. “Yes, stay the fuck away from me.”

The same girl pulls something out of her pocket and flicks her wrist, opening a switchblade. As I try to formulate a plan, my heart pounds in my ears. I may be more of a liability if I stand as the blood pours from the stab wound, but I try to get to my feet. I topple back over onto my ass, to the amusement of my attackers.

“What a pathetic wuss,” Jeanie says, glancing at the other girls. “What shall we do with her?”

My head swims from the blood loss, making me dizzy. I’m not sure whether these girls would even think twice about murdering me. I tighten my grasp on the knife in my hand, remaining focused.

“Out of the way,” the principal booms. “All of you, back to your rooms.”

The girl drops the knife onto the floor next to me, her face paling as she jumps away as if someone slapped her. She’s worried about being caught by the principal. It wouldn’t have surprised me if this were part of the curriculum, as they nurture brutality and darkness.

The principal’s piercing aquamarine eyes find mine, and the anger in them is blazing. I can’t work out if it’s directed at them or me.

“You three will report to Professor Nitkin.” He glares at them. “He’ll be in charge of your punishment.”

The three girls pale, and Jeanie scowls at me with a burning hatred. They turn and leave, so I’m left alone with Principal Byrne. Once they’re gone, he turns his attention to me.

“What did I tell you, Eva?” he asks.

I draw in a shaky breath, wincing as my ribs hurt from the beating I took. “Not to open the door.” I remain on the floor, feeling tiny as he towers over me.

His eyes are wild with rage as he moves toward me, closing the gap. “And what did you do?”