“A pen name.” I wave my hand dismissively.

“Why do I have the feeling I’m in the middle of something between you and my brother?” he asks.

“Actually, it involves the three of us, in a manner of speaking.” I nod at the book. “That’s one of several. My primary income is from the sale of these books.”

“Okay…” Charlie says skeptically. “I still don’t know where this is going. I thought you wanted to write kids’ books?”

“I do. But that’s a harder market to break into. I fell into this genre on a suggestion by a member of a writing group I joined years ago. I guess you could say it took, and it’s been successful enough to allow me to explore other opportunities like this one where I can learn more about the youth market. Up until two days ago, no one but my agent could connect me to that pen name.”

“Is it safe to assume Chris can connect you?” Charlie hedges.


“And that didn’t go well?” Charlie chews on his lip again.


“So you want me to help you two make up?” Charlie winces.

“No! I want you to tell me if that book might reflect negatively on Engage. I don’t want something I do outside this office to jeopardize what you’ve worked for. I’ve written several of these. I can’t unwrite them, and I can’t even promise I won’t write more, but if my writing is a conflict or something that might give investors pause, then I’ll step away.”

“Lisa, I can’t dictate what you do out of the office.” Charlie rubs his forehead. “As long as you aren’t doing anything illegal, I don’t see how this is an issue.”

“But if anyone were to discover my pen name? To connect that with Engage? What would they think about a romance novelist working at an education company?”

“Oh, I get it.” Charlie shakes his head. “Chris has concerns about public perception.”

I go on as if he hasn’t spoken. “If I’m going to stay here, it should be because you have all the facts to make a decision about the pros and cons of my working here.” I nod at the book again. “Those are the facts.”

“Do you really think this is necessary?” Charlie asks.

“I do,” I exhale. “I never meant to hide anything, and I assumed a pen name was a comfortable buffer. But a pen name inherently involves secrets, and any time you have secrets, you have a potential for fallout. I wouldn’t want you caught up in that, especially if you didn’t know it was a possibility.”

“Does Chris really think these novels can cause that much trouble?”

“Yes, at least during this stage of the process. I intended to keep my work here separate from my novels, but on the off-chance someone makes a connection, I need you to be aware of the risks of employing me.”

“I think the bigger risk is not employing you.” Charlie snorts. “But if it makes you feel better, I’ll do my homework to make sure.”

“It would. I can still pursue my dream even if I don’t work here. This is your dream. I want you to have control over it.”

“I appreciate that, Lisa, thank you,” Charlie says. “I hired you because I thought we could help each other achieve our dreams. I still hope for that, but I appreciate you considering how your work might impact mine.” He picks up the book and studies the cover briefly before putting it in his laptop bag. “I have to warn you, I’ll be looking at ways to downplay any risks I see. You’ve been a big part of our success, and I don’t want to lose you.”

I smile, relieved that Charlie hasn’t dismissed me outright. “I don’t want to be lost, but I want you to do what’s best for Engage. And if now isn’t the right time to work together, it doesn’t mean there will never be a right time.”

Charlie studies me a moment and says, “Not many people would be so honest or so aware of others. I’m lucky to have you. So is Chris.”

I blink back tears, hoping Charlie doesn’t notice them. “Thank you,” I say. “I’m lucky to have you, too.” I quickly rise and head for the door, putting distance between Charlie and the emotion I feel certain is on my face. “I think maybe I’ll work from home until you’ve had a chance to look at that and make a decision.”

“Okay.” Charlie nods.

I leave the office knowing I’ve done what I can to bring this part of my story to a conclusion. As to the story with Chris, well, I have some ideas about that, too.

Chapter 27


The doorbell startles me out of my stupor. I’m not expecting anyone and don’t want company. Cautiously, I make my way to the front door.