“What does that mean?”

“It means you’re not being polite, or pretending, or putting on a show. You’re really into this project, and it shows.”

“You get all that from a smile?”

“A genuine one? Yeah. So, why are you excited?”

“Well, besides predicting the future,” she blushes as she turns back to the screen, “I found a really great quote about the pace of innovation throughout history taking centuries to manifest, but technology today is making it possible for the same advancements to happen in a single generation. It really puts in perspective just how much the world is changing, and how fast.” She turns to look at me, her screen seemingly forgotten but the light in her eyes just as bright.

“That is an interesting quote. So, given the pace of change, what the does the future of education hold?” I grin.

“That is up for debate.” She laughs, totally at ease now. “There’s still a lot of research to do before we make any recommendations. I just like the quote as a way to introduce the topic. It kind of sets the tone for the whole series, you know?”

“Yeah, I think I do.” I smile again. Her enthusiasm is contagious. “So, you write the blog, anything else?”

“The investor documents.” She shrugs. “There’s a lot of applications to fill out, a lot of profiles to write.”

“Do you get as excited about those as you do the blog?”

She chews on her lip like she’s contemplating her answer or uncomfortable having the focus turned to her. “Yes and no.” She shrugs slightly. “There isn’t a lot of variety in it like with the blogs, but it forces me to be explicit and concise at the same time. I like that challenge.”

“Can I read your work?” She starts, so briefly I’m not sure whether it’s real or imagined.

“The blogs or the applications?” she asks tentatively, and I get the strange sense we’ve taken a step backward, although I don’t understand why since talking about her work is what seemed to relax her in the first place.

“Either. Both. Education isn’t really my thing, so I’d like to understand it better. Plus, I’d like to better understand what makes you smile like that.”

This time she definitely starts, and when her eyes seek mine for explanation, I find myself locked in a gaze with her again. I’m not sure how long we stay there, lost to our connection, before she seems to recover and breaks the silence. “What are you here for again?”

Chapter 2


Oh my gosh, I need to get my head on straight. I’ve calmed down since that initial scare, so there’s really no reason to be this flustered, but I can’t seem to get myself under control.

Crap, he’s staring. Does that mean he’s waiting for me to say something or that I said something stupid? I’m drawing a blank. It’s those eyes. So bright and intense. He’s got me all sorts of disoriented. True, I’m not supremely confident talking to gorgeous men, but it's usually not this bad. It shouldn’t be now considering this is basically a version of my boss, albeit a less polished, more ruggedly handsome one. What is happening?

“What are you here for again?” I brace myself for his answer.

“Oh, uh, right.” He runs his hand through his hair and picks an envelope off the file cabinet. “I just need to give this to Charlie. Do you know when he’ll be back?”

“Um, no, actually.” I hold out a shaky hand, hoping he doesn’t notice my tremors. “I can give it to him for you, though.”

He passes it over, and I’m careful to take it without touching his hand because my heart is already beating fast enough.

“How long are you planning to stay here?” he asks.

“In the office? Tonight? I’m not sure.” I glance around, acutely aware it’s just the two of us here, and that scares me as much as it excites me. “What time is it?”

“Almost six. When did the others leave?”

“Oh, about an hour ago? I wasn’t really paying attention.” I chew on my lip.

“I get the impression that happens pretty often.” He grins.

“That I don’t pay attention?” I blink.

“That you get so absorbed in your work you miss what’s happening around you.” He says that like he finds it admirable, not strange.