“Are you sure?” I ask. “Not everyone will feel the same way. That’s what concerns me.”
“I’m sure,” Charlie says. “Are you?”
“What does that mean?” I ask.
“Usually when you love someone, you’re their biggest supporter. But you’ve been her biggest critic. Are you sure about Lisa?”
“I…shit,” I curse. “I wasn’t trying to be a critic.” I look at the book in my hands.
“I know. You were looking out for me. But I am the older brother. I can look out for myself. Look out for yourself for a change.”
“For years you’ve assumed responsibility for me and my dream, doing everything you could to help me reach it. I love you for that. But I’d hate myself if my dream got in the way of your happiness. Stop focusing on me and focus on you.”
“I am focused on me. I ignored you when you said to stay away from Lisa, remember?”
“Yeah, and look how that turned out.” Charlie smiles. “You fell in love. Don’t blow it because you’re so worried about me, you push her away. Stop treating her like a risk.”
I stare at my brother, dumbfounded. Shit. My whole career revolved around avoiding risks, or at least picking the right ones, and if Charlie is right, I’m avoiding risk right now, with the only woman who’s ever been worth taking a risk on. Am I overreacting about the books? No.
Truth be told, I don’t even know what’s in them. Not really. I only read a chapter or two before she came home the other day, and I filled in the blanks with Jason’s horror story. God, I’m an idiot. I assumed Jason’s experience was the only option and that fallout was inevitable. But maybe I’m projecting that onto Engage when really it’s my own feelings I’m worried about. I run a hand through my hair and wince.
“She knows you didn’t mean it,” Charlie volunteers.
“What?” I blink.
“She knows you didn’t mean it. That your intentions were good, even if your delivery was shit. But she probably won’t wait forever for you to figure that out, so get your head out of your ass and fix this. She’s good for you.”
“But am I good for her?” I wonder aloud. “I’m the reason she’s worried about working at Engage.”
“Yeah, you are. But you’re also the reason she’s not always glued to her computer.” Charlie turns toward the door. “Oh, by the way, she wanted me to give you this.” He fishes a thumb drive from his jacket pocket and hands it to me. “Good luck,” he calls over his shoulder as he walks out the door.
I look skeptically at the thumb drive in my hand. What could Lisa possibly have on here for me? I sit down at my desk and open my laptop then plug in drive, opening the only file on it.
The Writer
Michele Lenard
What the hell? I wonder. I scroll down a page to the dedication.
For my one true fantasy – may the story never end
I scroll down further.
Chapter 1 – He was possibly the most attractive man she’d ever seen in person. With his tousled brown hair, green eyes, and golden skin, he projected the rugged, carefree persona she had always found attractive, mainly because she believed it meant a guy didn’t take himself too seriously. Then there was that dimple on his left cheek, the one that was barely visible beneath the scruff on his face, until he smiled. And that smile, it lit up his entire face, and the dimple only magnified his youthful charm, although certainly there was nothing overly youthful about his physique. He was taller than her by a head, at least, and his broad shoulders and tapered waist signaled an active lifestyle. Or a vigorous attention to detail in the gym. The man was sex personified. He was so out of her league. Besides, he was her boss’s brother. There couldn’t be a worse scenario than having the hots for your boss’s brother.
Intrigued and confused, I read on.
I hang up the phone knowing I’ve disappointed Erik and Jason, but I don’t have the energy to feign happiness about saving Swop. I tried to excuse my lack of enthusiasm by claiming food poisoning, but I’m sure neither of them bought it. Fortunately, they didn’t press me. I’m not sure if that’s good or bad, but I can’t even summon the desire to care.
"You don't sound too happy about your great news."
I turn toward the voice on my left, getting momentarily lost in the face it belongs to since it was all over the TV a few months back when the Stallions nearly made it to the Super Bowl.