Page 39 of Deny Me


Our walkback to my room was made hand-in-hand. We didn’t speak, but the space between us was screaming from our conversation at dinner. It was overflowing with the knowledge that it was our last night together in Jamaica. We hadn’t talked about what it would be like when we got home. He didn’t ask, so I didn’t think about it. Remain in the moment was my mantra for this trip.

Slipping the card into the lock of my door, Jameson pressed behind me and brushed the hair off my neck, laying kisses down to my shoulder. Goose bumps broke out across my skin as the door clicked to green. He reached past me and pulled the knob. While he pushed me into the room, his lips stayed planted on my neck.

I was expecting him to press me into the door and rip my panties from under my long skirt. Instead, he laid his hands on my hips and slowly walked me to the bed.

“Have I mentioned how beautiful you look tonight?” he murmured into my hair, hands sliding to graze past my bottom. “The bare skin of your back has been taunting me all night. I know you’re not wearing a bra and all I’ve thought of doing is untying these two knots holding your top in place.” His hands moved up to my waist, tugging at the bow at the small of my back. When it came loose, his hands moved up my stomach and cupped each of my breasts.

“You should have just taken my top off. We were alone on the beach. I would have let you,” I gasped out as he softly pinched my nipples between his fingers. “I’d let you do anything to me.”

A growl was his only response as he used his teeth to latch on to the end of the bow by my neck, pulling until it came untied and fell from my body.

The room was dark, as we hadn’t bothered to turn on the lights when we walked in. Our hands distracted. But when he turned me in his arms, the low-lit lamp from the outside porch shined in enough for me to see his eyes locked on mine, and it filled me with heat and desire.

Returning the favor, I stood on my toes and softly pressed my lips to his, sliding my hands up his chest to begin undoing the buttons on his white linen shirt. I kept the kisses light and teasing until I eased the last button from its slot and pushed his shirt from his broad shoulders.

I pressed my bare chest into his, feeling the heat pouring off his skin and wrapping around me. His hands moved to my ass and he lifted me, walking me back to the mattress where he gently laid me down, and stared at me in awe.

The mood filling the room—swirling around us—was different. There was a reverence in every move, every touch, every kiss. Rather than fast, heated couplings, we watched our hands skim each other’s skin. Our kisses were slow, tasting every part of each other’s lips. We removed our clothing like it was the last gift we would ever get to open, taking our time, cherishing the moment the prize was revealed.

I scooted back on the bed, keeping my eyes glued to his naked body that was crawling over mine. His hands dragged up my thighs, spreading them to make room for himself. Leaning down, he kissed and tasted the skin up my stomach, stopping to flick my hard nipples, before continuing to my mouth.

I swallowed hard when he pulled back to stare in my eyes, his hand pushing the damp hair back from my face. He moved his hips and placed himself at my opening and lazily pushed inside me inch by inch, making sure I felt all of it. His eyes bored into mine, as though searching for any hidden emotions I kept to myself.

Pulling out and pushing back in with long, languid strokes, he kept his eyes glued to mine. My breathing increased from the intensity of the moment, not from the pace, but from the way his eyes shined with something I had never seen before. I tried to decipher the way he was looking at me, but the more I thought about it, the more I felt my chest tighten in fear of what I would find.

His thrusts increased and the pressure built in my core, matching the tightness in my chest. My body felt like it was being pulled in all directions to its breaking point, waiting to snap. Lifting my knees, I dug my heels into the bed, trying to get him deeper, closer, anything to ease the ache consuming my body from the inside out.

One hand dug into his back, holding on for dear life, while the other pressed against the headboard to prevent my head from hitting it. He pushed in harder, making my tits bounce with the force with which he was fucking me.

No, this wasn’t fucking. He was making love to me. He was digging into my soul and not giving me a place to hide. I couldn’t catch my breath, the weight squeezing my heart was too much. I tried to close my eyes against his probing stare.

“No,” he said as he kissed my lips. “Open your eyes. Give me this. Give me you.”

“Jameson,” I whispered, breathing his name like a plea against his mouth. He kissed me again, harder this time. He pushed harder and rolled his hips against my clit on every thrust. One arm supported himself on his elbow and the other searched my body like he was trying to remember it forever. Like it was a treasure he was scared he would lose. Who had touched me with such admiration?

No one.

His fingers trailed past my nipples, down my abdomen, and between the lips of my pussy to find my clit, where he circled, faster and faster.

“Evelyn, Evelyn…” He repeated it over and over, asking me for more than my orgasm. But I didn’t know what. My orgasm was all I had to give.

“Please, Jameson.” He tortured me. I needed him to go faster. Rub my clit faster, fuck me faster. “Please.”

His response was to say my name against my lips. With a hard bite to my lush bottom lip, he stopped the circling and rubbed back and forth, directly where I needed. He thrust faster, giving me what I needed to come. A hot flush spread from my core, followed by a sharp tingle and I knew I was going to snap. Incoherent cries poured from my lips, echoing around the room, mixing with his deep grunts.

I begged and pleaded, moaning his name as he watched me lose all control of myself. The pressure swelled and wrapped around me too tightly before bursting. I knew he’d told me to keep my eyes open, but it was too much. I arched back hard, contracting every muscle as I came, crashing hard like the waves in the background.

His head dropped to my chest and bit into my skin, moaning out his orgasm. It was almost too much as he wrapped his hands under my arms and held my shoulders in place while he fucked me harder than ever before, trying to reach a deeper place inside me. All while chanting my name like it would be his guide through the storm raging through him.

Eventually, his hips slowed to a leisurely pace, easing in and out. My legs finally relaxed against his body and I dragged one foot up and down his calf, soothing him any way I could. He kissed his way up from my chest and to my lips. Stopping, he rolled to his side, leaving me feeling empty, making me miss him being a part of me more than ever before.

My chest still heaved from my labored breathing. Shifting my head, I turned to see him lying back the same as me. Sensing my gaze, he turned to look at me and stared, saying nothing. My mind flew with the possibilities of what he could say after what he’d just done to me.

Instead, he reached for me and pulled me tightly to his chest where he kissed the top of my head, muttering a quiet, “Evelyn,” into my hair.

I think he was just as blown away at what had just happened as I was. I didn’t know what to say, so instead, I focused on the strength of his heartbeat. This was Jameson. Always the solid one. Always the calm one who held it together. I relied on that then to get me through the moments before sleep.

I relied on his heartbeat to distract me from the lone tear trailing down my cheek. The feelings were too much. Sex had always been to scratch an itch. Yet, there I was overflowing with emotions and unable to hold them back, letting it bubble out and slip down my cheeks. Wrapping my arms tighter around me, I leaned on him to support me while I crumbled in the overwhelming storm coming from inside me.