Without pulling his lips away, he reached behind me and urged me to rise higher on my knees so he could lift his dick and place it at my opening. I slowly lowered myself down onto him and swallowed his groan when he was fully inside me. Pulling back so I could catch my breath, I rested my forehead on his and began rocking back and forth. The pace started out slow and he let me take the lead, but as my clit kept brushing against the base of his dick, I began losing my rhythm.
He gripped my hips and lifted me up and pulled me back down in slow, measured thrusts. He bit his way down my neck and to my breasts. Swirling his tongue around my nipple, he began moving harder, timing a bite and flick to my tip with each forceful push in.
My pants turned to cries as the pace picked up and I worked with him, rocking my hips as he pulled me down faster and faster, pushing up harder and harder.
The entire morning was swirling around inside me and mixing with the pressure building in my clit, waiting to explode out into my limbs. His arms wrapped around my back, holding me tighter to him, not leaving an inch of space between us. My nails scratched frantically across his shoulders and I tightened every muscle in my body, flexing my toes, holding my breath, racing to the euphoria I knew I could only find in his arms. My head fell back when he bit my breast and I came apart.
Tears streamed down my cheeks, cries poured from my lips. Under it all, his fingers flexed into my shoulders as he groaned out his own orgasm. “I love you. I love you.” He moaned over and over into my chest. I didn’t know if he was even aware of saying it, but he chanted it like it was a light guiding him through the storm raging around us. And my heart exploded with my body, knowing that I could be that for him. Pride like I had never felt before washed over me that a man as amazing as Jameson could love me.
Our muscles finally relaxed, and I collapsed around him, holding his head to my breast. The room was silent except for our panting breaths like we had just run a marathon. Swallowing hard, I wiped my cheeks on the side of my arms before I pulled back and got comfortable in the nook of his arms. I had a couple more hours until I had to meet my mom.
While I hadn’t said the words back to him, it didn’t mean I hadn’t admitted the truth with my body. This room was my confessional, and I wasn’t ready to leave just yet.