Page 5 of Deny Me

“Evelyn…” he warned again.

“What makes you hot?” The tick in his jaw let me know I was getting to him. “Does having a stripper named Diamond, covered in glitter, get you hot?”

Luella snorted behind me and Jameson glared at her in warning. Looking over my shoulder, I saw her wink at him. When his eyes made it back to mine, the blue had shifted to almost black. What was he thinking? I always wondered. Even more over the past two years, after all the things he admitted to me when we got heated in the storage closet. Regardless of how much time had passed, I could never forget the words he said and the way he made me feel before we were interrupted, never to return to that moment.

Leaning forward, I placed my hands on the back of his chair, caging him in. The V of my dress gaped and I hoped he would take a peek. He was in a losing battle, but he wasn’t going down without a fight. I liked it; it made the victory so much sweeter.

My hair dropped around us like a chocolate curtain. “Maybe you like when the stripper leaves behind some glitter just for you as a memento.” I shook my head, causing the glitter to rain down on him.

“Dammit, Evelyn,” he jerked up, but I refused to move and—rather than get closer to me—he sat back in his chair again, pouting about the glitter all over him.

Tough shit. I was only getting started.

“What, Jamie-Boy? You don’t like an obscene amount of glitter raining down all over you?” I asked. Moving in closer, I felt the heavy burst of air he blew out of his nose across my cheek. Placing one leg on each side of him, I let my lips brush his ear when I whispered, “What if Diamond rubs it all over you? Would you like it better then?”

His response was a grunt as I situated myself on his lap, wrapping my arms around his neck. He could have easily stood and pushed me off, but he was trying to hold out. It was cute. “You’re in a dress,” he said, his voice tight.

Laughing, I pressed my chest close to his and rubbed against him, putting as much glitter on him as possible. His crossed arms dropped to his sides to avoid having my breasts brush against them. “I have tights on. No need to be a prude.”

Clapping and cheers from Lu behind me encouraged me further. Tipping my head back, I arched my spine and laughed as my hair fell back and swished, dropping more glitter on his legs. I turned to grin at Lu and saw Jack pulling out a couple one dollar bills, handing them to my partner in crime. She balled them up and tossed them my way.

“Here, Jameson! Stuff some ones in her cleavage. I bet you both would love that!” she chimed in. I shimmied my chest, shaking more glitter off onto him. Lu catcalled.

I rolled my hips to the slow rhythm of the song and grazed against an erection I wasn’t expecting. Shock made me jerk my head up. Biting my lip, I barely contained the smile taking over my face.

Just when I opened my mouth to let everyone know how excited Jameson was about my dance, his eyes expanded with realization and he placed a firm hand on my ass, jerking me straight into contact with his hard dick, halting my announcement. But I wouldn’t be diverted. I parted my lips again. Before I could get any words out, he moved his hand up my back to support me and placed his other hand over my lips, tipping me back and slamming his mouth over the top his hand, faking the most passionate kiss I could imagine coming from him, effectively shutting me up.

It was fake. Even though my body still responded, igniting when he pressed his chest into mine. His fingers burned my cheeks where they gripped me almost punishingly. Even if he was winning at silencing me, victory roared through my body as I ground my hips into him and felt the muscles in his back clench. I had made the great Jameson reach the edge of his control again and, damn, it felt good. Our surroundings ceased to exist as I thought of ways to pry his hand off my mouth so I could feel his lips moving over mine.

His hips jerked into mine when I flicked my tongue out in between his fingers and tasted the salt on his skin. My core throbbed and my imagination went wild with thoughts about what would happen next, if he would go further. I hadn’t realized just how much I had missed his touch until his strong hands held me more tightly than any other man had.

A balled up napkin hit my head and brought me back to reality.

“Oh my god! Stop!” Lu whined. “I’m all for making Jameson squirm, but you’re grossing me out by making me watch my brother rub all on you.” Jameson pulled back, removing his hand and allowing me to suck air into my deprived lungs. The excitement of the moment tingled through my fingers clinging to him as he pulled us upright.

Still a little shocked, I slid off his lap when he gripped me around the waist and shifted me to the abandoned seat next to him, winking in victory as he sat back in his chair. I couldn’t remember what I had wanted to say moments before and wasn’t even sure it mattered.

“Get a room,” Luella laughed with a hint of seriousness.

Jameson scoffed. “I don’t think so.”

“That’s okay.” I shrugged. “You don’t have to join me later,” I turned to him and returned his wink. “I’ll save this moment for my spank bank.”

Jack choked on his water. Lu laughed, giving me a high-five as Jameson shook his head beside me and subtly adjusted his pants.

“Anywho, how is everyone doing this week? Jameson?” Lu asked, changing the topic to our usual conversation.

He cleared his throat, running a hand through his dark hair before scratching the scruff on his cheek. “Fine. Not much to say. It’s the same as last week. Bar is busy.”

“Bor-ing! You should get out more,” Lu complained, rolling her eyes. “Live a little. Find a woman,” she encouraged.

He hesitated. “I have a date with a girl, Jennifer, on Wednesday.”

She bounced in her seat clapping her hands and squealing. “Tell me more! Is this the first date? Where are you taking her? Can I meet her?”

Jameson scratched his cheek. “Well … I guess we’ve been on a couple dates. Nothing too serious.”

“Whatever, you never see a girl for more than one or two dates. Let alone tell me about them!” Her excitement vibrated around the whole table. Meanwhile, my stomach churned. I didn’t understand why him having a date bothered me, but it did. It was irrational since we both dated all the time. Especially me. “What makes this one so special that I get to hear about her?”