The crashof the waves and sun pouring in through the open doors of the veranda greeted me first thing the next morning. It only took the stretch of my overused muscles to be reminded of the night before and fill my chest with the hope of what the morning would hold. I didn’t want to waste any more time and moved my arm out to reach for Jameson only to find an empty pillow.
My eyes flung open and my heart jumped so hard in my chest I was sure I would choke on it. Holding the sheet to my chest, I sat up and scanned the room. I listened more closely to see if I could hear any noise coming from the bathroom. Maybe he had decided to take a shower. We had taken one last night, but a girl could hope that he was there and not gone.
A heavy feeling settled on my chest and made it hard to breathe. I felt like I was choking on the air getting caught up in my throat. Why was I so sad that he had left before I had woken? That was the norm for my relationships. If I didn’t leave before they woke up, it was only a quick kiss goodbye and a thank you for the orgasms.
But this was Jameson. And him not being there when I woke up felt wrong. Tears pricked the backs of my eyes and it made me angry that he made me feel so hurt. Smelling him and the scent of our sex all over the bed urged me to move. Wrapping the sheet around my body, I grabbed a complimentary water and headed to the veranda that walked right out to the beach.
Staring at the early morning runners and walkers along the shore, thoughts of the previous night traipsed through my mind.
As soon as we opened the door to my room, he slammed it shut and pinned me against it. Lifting my leg on his hip, he’d shoved my dress up and rubbed his fingers through my folds. “Fuck,” he’d grunted into my neck, nibbling his way up to my ear. “Feeling my cum all over you does it for me.” His fingers had swirled around before pushing two roughly inside me. “We’re going to shower first, so I can see those sweet tits with water running down them. Then I’m going to bend you over and put my cum in you all over again.”
I tried to reason with myself that last night was no different than any other night I’d spent with any other guy. But the way Jameson held me and made me orgasm over and over again had felt like nothing I’d ever felt with anyone else. In the shadows of the night, my chest tightened and felt like it would explode when he’d woken me and laid on top of me.
I was halfway to making myself believe it was for the best that he had left when I heard the door slam shut. I jerked to look inside, clutching the sheet tighter, prepared to kick room service out, when Jameson came sauntering outside with a tray full of fruits and breads and two cups of steaming coffee.
“Hey Sleepy-head.” He leaned down, kissing my parted lips before setting everything up on the table in front of us. “I know you love strawberries and I had to fight this mean old broad for them, but I got the last bunch. I was for sure she was going to –.” He stopped when he looked up to see me just staring at him with wide eyes. “What? I didn’t actually fight her.”
I blinked and shook my head a few times to clear the shock of him being there and me being wrong about him leaving. My mind was having a hard time catching up to the new reality where Jameson stood before me with my favorite fruit and coffee, babbling about how he would have taken down an old lady to get them. “Nothing.” I wanted to say more to explain away my weird actions, but I couldn’t come up with anything. So I did my best to change the subject. “Thanks for breakfast,” I muttered, looking down to hide my emotions.
He stood to his full height and cocked his head, assessing me. I kept casting sideways glances as I added cream and sugar to my coffee. “You thought I left.”
I stuffed a large strawberry in my mouth to avoid answering. Instead I scoffed at his comment and shook my head, mumbling, “No,” around my full mouth.
He stood for a little bit longer and I swear I could feel his eyes running over me like a set of hands. It made me uncomfortable, like my skin was too tight. I wasn’t used to being in this position, and I had to admit that I didn’t like it. Having the feelings about him being gone before I woke was bad enough, but to have him call me out on them was mortifying. I was Evelyn Valero. I used men and left them in the dust, not a single emotion in the mix.
Sitting down, he grabbed my cheeks and made me look at him. I did my best to give a bored stare, but he had known me my whole adult life. He could see through my act and it annoyed the shit out of me. “Evie. I’m sorry I stole your thunder by leaving before you woke up. I know that’s usually what you like to do after sex.” His wink let me know he was joking and I could have collapsed in his arms for making light of the situation. It was weird, but nice, having these moments with someone who knew you so well.
“I do leave the men always wanting more.” I popped another strawberry in my mouth.
“Oh, I definitely want more.”
I paused mid-chew, wondering what he meant. I knew Jameson wanted a serious relationship, but surely he knew better than to ask that of me.
“More of your lips,” he softly spoke against my skin, kissing the corner of my mouth. “More of these perfect breasts.” Tugging the sheet from under my arms, he made his way down, dragging his tongue across my collarbone and down and around my nipple. Parting the sheet further, he dropped down in front of me and pushed my knees out to make room for his shoulders. “More of this sweet pussy.”
“There are people on the beach.” We were secluded behind the trees, but if anyone happened to look over hard enough, they would easily be able to see the giant currently pushing his shoulders between my thighs and kissing down my stomach.
“So what,” he spoke into my right thigh, kissing higher to my core. Looking up at me he finished, “Let them watch.” With a flick of his tongue right over my clit, all of the outer world and fears from this morning disappeared.
* * *
Gettingus breakfast wasn’t the only thing Jameson had done in the morning. He joked that my muscles were so thoroughly worked over the previous night that he’d booked us a couple’s spa day. My heart stopped over the word couple, but I told myself to stop being so dramatic and relax. It was just the name of the spa package.
By the time we finally got dressed again and were ready to leave the hotel, we had just enough time to grab some lunch at one of the restaurants outside. Surprisingly, everything felt easy and natural. Despite the fact that we’d changed a huge part of our relationship, we still were playful with each other. Jameson poured salt in my water when I went to the restroom and I still made him blush by turning him on in public when I pretended to give a piece of celery oral sex.
We almost missed our appointment because he had to take extra time to get his hard-on under control before standing up to leave.
Walking into the spa made me feel like a queen. They escorted me to a bamboo locker room and wrapped me in the most luxurious robe that was thick, yet still light enough to not make it feel hot. We made our way down a stone path on bare feet and up onto an elevated pergola located on a private section of beach. The thatched roof blocked all the sun and the decorative white curtains hanging around the poles blew in the wind, surrounding us in our own oasis where the only music was the crash of the waves and some reggae coming from hidden speakers, playing quietly.
The two female masseuses pulled the curtains and left us to get under the blankets. I dropped my robe and leisurely climbed onto the table. I watched Jameson, waiting for him to do the same. When his robe hit the floor, my eyes couldn’t look away from the thick erection standing straight out. Holding his junk close to his body, he laid on the table and rolled his eyes at my laughter.
Once the ladies came in and rolled the towel down to my waist, the world around me ceased to exist. Jameson had splurged on the ninety-minute massage and I swear, my mind melted away to another plane of pleasure for the entire time. I didn’t even know why they bothered with the romanticism of a couple’s massage. I could have been in the middle of Grand Central Station and I would have been oblivious.
The next thing I knew, my name was being called in a deep voice right by my ear. “Evelyn.” Then a tongue dragged along the shell of my ear. “Wake up, sleeping beauty,” Jameson whispered.
I opened one eye against the late sun dropping in the sky and eased my head to look up into his smiling eyes. When the sun shone on them, the midnight blue softened to a lighter shade. “Hey.”