“Jameson, it’s fine. I’m getting up.” I went to roll off and missed the edge. But before I could hit the ground, two strong arms caught me and gently placed me on my feet. I wrapped my arms around Jameson’s stiff body, inhaling his musky scent. “My hero,” I teased.
His hands came up to my shoulders and pushed me back. I looked up into his dark eyes that radiated with disapproval. My chest tightened, not understanding why he seemed so angry.
“Sorry, Ev-ieeee,” Luella called to me, stretching my name out like she always did when she drank and wanted me to forgive her. “I was in the bathroom and drunk and I just wanted Jack to hold me up because the room wouldn’t stop spinning,” she rambled. “Apparently all the guys were out together and came to get us. I didn’t mean to ruin the night. Forgive me. Pleeeeeaaase,” Lu whined, pressing her palms together, begging for forgiveness.
In all fairness, the night was probably done anyway. We were all reaching the point of no return. I looked at Gwen and Victoria and saw them also hanging on their husbands. And, bonus, we didn’t have to pay for a cab ride home. “Of course, babe!” I blew her kiss. She caught it and pressed it to her lips like we did when we were younger.
“Come on, Evie. I’ll take you home,” Jack volunteered.
We made our way through the crowd and out into the fresh, cool air of the night. Goose bumps broke out along my bare legs and abdomen. It was late February, but none of us had worn jackets, not wanting them to ruin our outfits. But it didn’t seem to matter to the others because their husbands had taken off their coats and draped them over their wives. Everyone was all paired off. I looked back for Jameson, so I had someone to walk with.
It was then that I noticed the tall, leggy blonde next to him, her arm threaded through his and speaking quietly as they walked behind the group. That must’ve been Jennifer. The more-than-a-couple-dates girl.
I almost tripped over the step as a heavy feeling settled into my stomach, seeing them together. I had seen Jameson with other women, but for some reason tonight—being as drunk as I was and watching everyone pair off—it hurt.
Noticing I’d stopped, they both looked at me. In that moment of shock, it was easy to fall back into our comfortable ways.
“You gonna introduce me, Jameson? Or are you worried I’ll spill all your secrets?” I teased.
The blonde laughed and it was perfect. She didn’t look like one of the dumb, fake girls Jameson was caught hanging out with before. She looked well put-together, and serious, and traditional and like she had forever written all over her. My insides churned for reasons I wouldn’t admit. I wouldn’t even have been feeling that way if I wasn’t so drunk. I didn’t know what the hell was wrong with me.
Maybe it was my month of celibacy.
That was it.
Either way, I didn’t like the feeling.
She held her hand out and shined her perfect white teeth at me. “Hi, I’m Jennifer.”
I grasped her hand in mine and took in her jacket. Gah! She even had impeccable taste! She was wearing the dark floral coat I had designed for an online shopping site. Pretending I wasn’t losing my mind inside, I smiled. “Hi, Jennifer. I’m Luella’s friend, Evie, and I’ve known this guy forever. Good luck,” I muttered from the side of my mouth.
She laughed, even getting my sense of humor. Why did she bother me so much? Why did her arm wrapped around Jameson’s so securely make me wish it was mine instead?
Fuck!I was drunker than I thought. Wanting away from the confusing situation, I turned and walked ahead of them, catching up with the other couples. Jack had Lu on his back in a piggyback ride and was working his hand up her thigh getting closer to her butt as she kissed up and down his neck.
I decided to stay back to offer them some privacy. But when I looked around, everyone was paired off. For the first time in my life, I felt uncomfortable being alone, and didn’t know where to walk as we strode through the parking garage.
When we reached the car, Jack walked Lu over to her side, but got caught up kissing into her cleavage.
“Ooooh-kay, then” I backed up from the car.
Jameson, who was stepping up to his car to get in, grimaced at seeing his sister getting mauled. “Come on. I’ll give you a ride home.”
I agreed, deciding I would give the two lovebirds some privacy to get as crazy as they wanted on the way home. Lu owed me for my sacrifice to sit in the car with Barbie.
I walked over and let myself into the back seat of Jameson’s truck, saying a quick, “Thank you.”
He nodded his head without a response and got in. Jennifer was already in front and turned to give me a smile. “You girls looked like you had a good time. I’ve been to Mynt and it’s a lot of fun.”
Relaxing back into my seat, I let out a long sigh as the exhaustion settled around me. “Yeah, it was a fun night.” Thinking about the turn of events that got me in a car with Jameson and his date, I asked, “How did you end up here with all the guys? Did you take them on your date with you?”.
“We ran into each other at the bar and I was around with Jack got the call. Thought I would come make sure Lu was okay.”
“Over-protective brother to the rescue.” I joked.
Jameson didn’t respond. He turned on the radio and we all sat in silence as we pulled out of the parking spot. I thought I was going to fall asleep when Jennifer asked, “So what do you do, Evie?”
“I’m a clothing designer.”