“You two have a weird thing going on,” Fabi muttered, “I’ll call the doctor.”

He left the room again and I looked over at Alessio. “I am sorry. I really didn’t mean to shoot you.”

“I know you didn’t,” he smirked. “But next time you shoot someone. Make sure you mean it.”

“I don’t plan on shooting anyone,” I replied.

“Too innocent,” he whispered, reaching out his hand and stroking his thumb along my lips. My heart fluttered at the affectionate action and I briefly closed my eyes.

“This can’t happen, Alessio. You want to hurt my family,” I whispered. He dropped his hand from my face and I opened my eyes to see him staring at me in a way that had my heart racing.

Fabi entered the room again and I stood up, stepping away from Alessio to gain some much needed space. My head was spinning from this entire interaction.

“You look like shit. What happened to your hair?” Fabi asked me as he helped Alessio off the floor and let him lean his body against his.

“She went for a swim in the lake,” Alessio smirked, and I rolled my eyes.

Fabi frowned deeply, looking at me as if I was straight out of a nut house and I lifted my chin higher. “Why the fuck did you do that?”

“Because she didn’t want to write a list,” Alessio answered before me and I narrowed my eyes at his cheeky expression as they started to hobble towards the door.

“Like I said, you two are fucking weird,” Fabi grumbled.

“What am I supposed to do now?” I shouted.

“Have a shower! And write the goddamn list,” Alessio ordered over his shoulder before he slammed the door shut and the lock turned. I groaned, throwing myself down in the chair at the desk and grabbed the pen and pad. He wanted a list? He would get a fucking list.



I scrolled through my latest messages to Elle and Giovanni with a deep frown. It showed Giovanni had read them but not Elle. That was very unusual for my daughter. She was glued to that phone like it was her child, especially recently.

I heard the heavy footsteps of Marco coming down the dark oak stairs of our chalet and I turned my head to peer over the sofa to greet him.

“I just checked on the children and they were completely wiped out. Those ski slopes are the best medicine for a good night’s sleep it seems,” he smiled and I nodded. “And I have done a sweep of all the rooms, locking all the windows and doors. I also put the men on night duty, so you are all set, Signo- Cecilia.”

I couldn’t help but smile at his quick change of name. He was trying, but it just wasn’t coming naturally after years of being so formal.

“Grazie, Marco. I am just wondering why I haven’t heard from Elle since we arrived. She hasn’t seen any of my messages.”

“Isn’t the signal awful up here? Maybe they haven’t gone through. Or maybe her replies just haven’t reached you yet. If you are worried, I can drive you down to the city in the morning so you can get a better signal?” he asked, walking to the side of the sofa and folding his arms over his chest. I turned off my phone with a shake of my head and looked up at him.

“I am sure you are right. I’ll try again tomorrow.” I pulled the fur blanket around my shoulders as a cold shudder ran across my skin. He immediately directed his attention to the gently burning fire in the open fireplace and bent down to add more logs, enraging it with a poker. The warmth of the huge room immediately began to increase and I hummed, leaning back into the cushion with my wine.

“Is there anything else I can do for you before I head to bed?” he asked, standing back on his feet.

“No. Please Marco, relax and enjoy your evening. You are off duty now, you don’t have to do anything for me,” I replied but immediately regretted it when he gave a curt nod and started to head for the stairs. I didn’t want to be alone. Not in this big house and romantic setting. The nights were always the worst here, where my mind could never shut off. Often, I would have to read and get lost in another world, just to stop myself from going insane.

“Would you like to join me for a drink?”

The words were out of my mouth before I could stop them. He paused at the bottom of the stairs but didn’t turn around. I watched his back, his head lowered to his chest as he seemed to be in some kind of turmoil at my question. My heart rate started to increase as the seconds ticked by and I realised how much I really wanted his company.

“Is it white?” his deep voice husked and I smiled.

“Si, only the best.”

“Then how can I say no?”