“I don’t want to upset your mamma, so I’ll see you at the altar Princess. Don’t be late,” he smirked, lowering me to the floor, placing one more kiss on my lips before he and Gio walked out together.

I turned as Liv and Cami huddled around me and at the same time, all three of us released a scream of excitement as they pulled me into a hug. Was this really happening? Was it possible to be this happy? Yes. Yes, it finally was.


I tapped my fingers impatiently against the steering wheel of the car as my eyes darted up the road towards the Buccini gates. It had been hours since I spoke to Elle and still there was no word. I trusted that she would save him from Gio’s wrath. I knew deep down he would survive this, but that didn’t stop the guilt and helplessness rendering me useless as I could do nothing but wait to find out if my best friend was okay.

“You are driving me insane, Rosetti!” Fabi groaned, dropping his head into his hand against the window. “At least tap out a different rhythm. Change it up a bit.”

I ignored him, diving for my phone when it started to ring once again. I growled with frustration when I saw Enzo’s secret identity of ‘EA’ flashing on the screen for the third time. He had been worried about me apparently. He obviously knew Giovanni was on his way to meet with us earlier. I had answered his first call just to find out where Gio had Alessio, but he refused to tell me anything. His loyalty was always to Giovanni above all else. I hung up in anger. Since then, he hasn’t stopped ringing, but I have nothing to say to him.

“Will you just answer the damn phone,” Fabi snatched it from the compartment between us and shoved it into my chest. “It’s clearly important.”

“Trust me, it’s not,” I snapped, pressing the end call button. Finally, a text came through from Alessio.

Being electrocuted is a barrel of laughs, you owe me! I’m joking. You know I love a good torture experience.

I dropped my head back against the headrest in relief.

Are you at the house? Was it bad? Shit man, I’m so sorry.

Fuck, of course it was bad. I had witnessed Giovanni dishing out numerous torture sessions and I knew just how bad it could get.

Piece of piss. Don’t sweat it. You assholes fancy coming to my wedding tomorrow?

I burst out laughing, running my hand down my face as Fabi stared at me in pure confusion.

“He’s fucking done it. The son of a bitch has fucking done it,” I chuckled, shaking my head.

“Alessio? He’s got Buccini to sign allegiance?” Fabi asked with a look of shock.

“Si. And he is marrying Elle tomorrow.”

“Fucking yes!” Fabi punched the air, causing the whole car to shake as I laughed at his reaction. How he had pulled this off, I had no idea and to be honest, I didn’t care to know. I was just so incredibly happy that my two best friends were finally back together.

I looked up and saw Enzo’s car coming out of the driveway of the Buccini residence. The sudden feeling that I just needed some closure to this mess so I could move forward with my life overpowered my logic and I opened the car door, exposing myself completely.

“Finn! What the fuck are you doing?” Fabi hissed, grabbing the sleeve of my shirt to pull me back in before I was seen. But it was too late. Enzo clocked me immediately. His car drove to the same side of the road as us, a good distance in front, and he pulled over, flashing his lights at me.

“I just need to deal with something,” I answered Fabi, slamming the door closed and walking over to Enzo’s car. I climbed into the passenger seat and turned to face the man who had completely ripped my heart into pieces over the last few weeks, but I no longer felt all the anger and betrayal I once had towards him. I just wanted to let go of it all. Have a fresh start. A new life.

“I’ve been trying to call you. You shouldn’t be here,” Enzo said with aggravation, turning to face me in his car, but his eyes were darting all around us to check we weren’t being watched. He was still so jumpy. So terrified of what this would look like if we were caught by anyone.

“Why were you calling me, Enzo?”

He finally looked at me and his face softened. “I’m not marrying her. I couldn’t go through with it. I was so worried about you when Gio drove off to meet you and Alessio. All day I was beside myself worrying about you getting hurt. I was preparing to have to defend you if Gio brought you back to be tortured. As soon as he returned, I told him I couldn’t marry Elle.”

“Why?” I asked, hope swelling in my chest, but when he couldn’t hold my gaze, it evaporated.

“Because it wasn’t right. I couldn’t do that to her or to you. I’ve been a fucking idiot, Finn.”

“Did you tell him you are gay? Or that you were in love with someone else? Or did you just try to look like a decent man in this situation, not wanting to stand in the way of Elle’s happiness?” I couldn’t help the volume of my voice increasing as I spoke with anger. He could pretend he did this for me, but really, he didn’t.

“Finn. Please. You know why I can’t tell him. Why I can’t tell anyone! I’ve only been Boss for two years! I am still learning and earning the respect of my men as well as proving myself to everyone to take me seriously instead of living in Giovanni’s shadow! I’m not ready to come out. But I am also not ready to give up what we had, Finn. And I knew by marrying Elle, that was what I was sacrificing.”

He grabbed my face in his hands aggressively, forcing me to look into those eyes that always used to have an unfair power over me. The power to give him what he wanted or needed.

“I love you, Finn. I want us to be together again. We were so good before all of this shit. Give me another chance?” he pleaded. My heart tightened as I lifted my hand to his and removed them slowly.