“Grazie,” Alessio nodded at Gio and sat back down.

“But I have one condition before I sign the alliance contract, recognising you as my King and brother-in-law to be,” Gio stated, causing my breath to hitch in my throat. I had no idea what condition he would add and it put me on edge.

“Name it,” Alessio said confidently, holding his gaze.

“I want Galiz dealt with.”

My body started to shake as I swallowed my fear on hearing that man’s name again. Alessio didn’t react as Gio leaned forward in his chair, clasping his hands together.

“You caused the mess with Galiz in Greece and put Elenora’s life in danger. She never should have been there. Galiz offered me an alliance to take you down if I gave her to him. He won’t stop until he has her purely out of pride. He isn’t used to being told ‘no’ and he holds grudges. Deep ones. She may be safe in Italy as your wife, but all it takes is for Galiz to see an opening. Maybe next week, maybe in a few months, maybe in a few years when you think all is forgotten. I don’t trust that her bearing your last name will keep her as safe as you think it will. So, I am asking you to prove yourself to me and your love for my sister. I want Galiz dead. And I want you to be the man who does it. Only then will Elle be safe and we can put all of this behind us.”

“Gio, you can’t be serious?” I cried, leaning forward and placing my hand on Alessio’s knee as my heart thundered. “Galiz is untouchable! He is the most dangerous Boss in North America!”

“Which is exactly why you will never be safe unless he is dead.”

I looked to mamma for help, my eyes wide with alarm but she seemed to be on Gio’s side in this.

“You’re right,” Alessio’s deep voice caused me to spin around to face him. His stunning eyes connected with mine as I shook my head. “Giovanni is right, Elle. I don’t want you to live your life in fear. And I can’t wake up every day worrying about whether he will make his move. I want you to be free to live the life you deserve.” He glanced over at Gio, their eyes locked in understanding. “I’ll do it. I will kill Galiz.”

“Alessio, no! It is a suicide mission! How will you even get to him? No! I’ve only just got you back. Please! I can’t lose you again,” I begged, gripping his hand in mine.

“You won’t lose me, Elle. Not ever. I have to do this. Not only for the alliance, but because it is the only way to protect you.”

“I will help you come up with a plan,” Gio stated, leaning back in his chair. “This is an assassination mission, not a shootout. There can be no slip-ups.”

Alessio smirked, “Careful… anyone would think you care about me.”

For the first time, Gio let his mafia Boss mode slip in front of him and relaxed, his lips curving up into a smile. “If you die, I will have to kill him. It’s called self-preservation.”

“Better me than you, no?” Alessio chuckled as I stared between them both with disbelief. How could they be bantering right now? “I have a way to get to him. I’ve agreed to some investments, which might require me to go and check on them. It gives me the perfect excuse to get close to him. The sooner I go and take care of this—the better—before he hears about our alliance. But there is something I have to do before I go.”

Alessio stood up, turning to face me as he pulled a velvet box out of his pocket. I slammed my hand over my mouth as Cami squealed from behind Alessio. He lowered himself onto one knee, wincing against the pain in his leg. He lifted the lid, presenting the most stunning princess cut diamond ring to me as he looked into my eyes with a smile.

“Elle. Princess. Will you marry me… again?”

I laughed with tears in my eyes as I jumped forwards, wrapping my arms around his neck and completely forgetting about his injuries. “Of course!”

Everyone cheered and Gio even smiled slightly as Alessio placed the stunning ring on my finger.

“Well, you have the dress Elle, why not get married tomorrow?” Mamma exclaimed.

Alessio raised his eyebrow at me with a cheeky grin. “I'd marry you right this second, so I am game if you are?”

“Okay,” I burst, squealing with giddy happiness. “Yes. Let’s get married tomorrow!”

This. This is what it was supposed to feel like. Unbelievable euphoria.

“One problem…” Gio interrupted. “It will have to be done in secret. No one except those we trust can know, in case it gets back to Galiz. So, the wedding needs to be small and not out in the open.

“I know the perfect place,” Alessio leaned forward, pecking my lips as I stared down at the beautiful ring on my finger. I had refused to wear the one Enzo gave me except for public events, but this one… someone would have to cut me out of it for me to take it off.

“I don’t care where it is. As long as everyone in this room is there then it will be perfect,” I smiled up at him. “I know what is important.”

Alessio stood up, turning to Gio. “I only need three guests. Fabricio. My zia Flo. And Finn.”

I glanced over at Gio’s tense face as he heard Finn’s name but he nodded slowly, accepting that he was someone who was important to both Alessio and I.

“Then we have a wedding to plan! And you need to leave! You are not meant to see the bride on the night before the wedding,” mamma stood up, grabbing Alessio’s arm and attempting to pull him away from me. I raced forward, grabbing his face in my hands as I smashed my lips against his in a hard, aggressive kiss. He lifted me in his arms as everyone around us groaned, wolf-whistled or shouted to wait until the wedding night, which caused me to laugh into the kiss. I rested my forehead against his.