I chuckled, shaking my head.

“YOU WILL HAVE TO KILL ME TO EVER EVEN SEE HER AGAIN!” I roared, stepping closer to the gate.

His nostrils flared. “That is your choice? To fight to the death?”


We both continued to stare at each other, looking deep into our dark souls. We knew what this meant. Only one of us would survive. And the other would win it all.

Alessio pulled out his gun from the back of his trousers and threw it aggressively across the ground, sliding it back to the cars behind. He then did the same with a knife. I copied him, carelessly throwing my own weapons away before I nodded to my men to open the gate. No one spoke as both sides watched on. No sound could be heard except the creaking of the gates opening and the pounding of the rain on the ground.

As soon as the gate was open enough to fit our bodies through, we were both charging forward. Alessio jumped in the air, his fist raised before he smashed it into my face at the same time my own fist connected with his ribs. Neither one of us let up. Neither one of us was willing to back down. Our fists were flying with explosive rage. Our bodies collided with constant impact. His blows were brutal. I had never felt physical pain like the strength of his punches. I knew I was bleeding from somewhere. But I couldn’t tell where. Only causing him just as much suffering as possible was on my mind. My need to survive was pushing me on.

I tackled him to the floor by his waist, lifting his body before slamming it down into the concrete. He had his arms locked around my body and managed to flip us over, before climbing up and wrapping his hands around my throat. My eyes were swelling and I could barely see through the rain, but his bloody face was lowered over me as he choked the air from my lungs. I gripped his arms, trying to pry him off and flipping my body in panic. He was so fucking strong. My life flashed before my eyes. And all the moments I would never get to have. The baby I would never meet. Olivia’s stunning face peering down at our baby in her arms.

“STOP!” I heard a terrified voice through the pounding of blood in my ears. “ALESSIO! PLEASE! IT WASN’T HIM!”

His grip on my throat loosened and I gasped for a breath as my vision returned. I blinked up against the downpour at the side of his bloody face. I moved my head to see who he was staring at. Elle was standing a few feet away, her black hair slick to her skin from the rain as they locked eyes, hers silently begging him.

I took my chance. I clasped my hands together and punched him as hard as I could into his stomach. He fell off me and onto the floor, winded. Standing over him, grabbing him by his shirt, I pummelled my fist into his face brutally, again and again. I roared with fury on every punch as his head rolled back.

“GIO! NO! STOP!” Elle cried, trying to race forwards, but Enzo grabbed her by the waist and held her back. “THIS IS MY FAULT! I KILLED ISABELLE! IT WAS ME!”

I froze, my fist raised in the air as I looked over at her with wide eyes. No. Elle, what have you done! Movement behind me made me drop Alessio’s body. I noticed Lorenzo stepping forward to the gates with fury etched into his features.

Alessio was panting heavily from his position on the ground, staring at Elle with disbelief and I knew at that moment, I had to get her out of here. I had to shut the gates.

“Elle?” Alessio grumbled as he tried to stand on his feet. I grabbed his body as he wrestled against me, tugging him towards the gates. My men stepped forward aiming their guns at Lorenzo and his men, who were now preparing to attack as well.

“Wait!” Elle escaped Enzo’s arms and ran up to us. Alessio shoved me off him as I stood there, staring between them.

“You killed Isabelle?” Alessio whispered, his blue eyes wide.

Elle’s face had turned cold as she glared at him. I held up my hand to pause my men in opening fire. The damage was fucking done now. They had all heard it. Now I had to wait and see how this played out. I was more than ready to let my men kill them all, but I couldn't put Elle in the middle of gunfire.

“I did! And I’d do it again! I know, Alessio. I know everything,” she spat as his face tensed. “I know about you and her. About what you’ve been doing. You're sick! I know about Galiz. About all your fucking lies!” she roared, shoving his chest as he stepped back from the impact. The look on his face was of pure fear and I frowned. What the fuck was going on?

“Elle, listen to me. It is not what you think. Come with me. Let me explain,” he pleaded, trying to grab her arms, but she shoved him off, pushing at his chest again. Her small hands attacked his wet, bloody shirt in anger.

“NO! I hate you, Alessio Barbieri. I never want to see you again! Leave me the fuck alone. Leave my family alone! Get the fuck away from me!” she cried, tears running down her cheeks as he stared at her with pain in his eyes. I grabbed his shirt while he was distracted and shoved him out of the gates. He fell back onto the floor as the gates started to close, but he didn’t move. He just stared at her.

“Get her inside now,” I ordered as Finn and Max rushed forward and grabbed Elle, pulling her back as she broke down against Finn’s chest. Lorenzo stormed forward, glaring at me and pointing through the now closed gates.

“What the fuck is happening? Fucking kill her! She murdered Isabelle. She killed your sister!” He roared, staring down at Alessio who was still watching Elle walk away.

“No one is going to touch my sister!” I roared so every witness here would hear it.

Alessio suddenly looked up at me and pulled himself to his feet. We held each other’s gazes for a few moments before he wiped blood from his mouth and turned abruptly, storming towards the cars.

“Everyone leave! Fucking now!” he boomed.

Lorenzo glared between us in disbelief as all the men started to climb back into their cars.

“LEONE!” Alessio bellowed, waiting for him to move before he got into his own car.

“I will get revenge for this, Buccini. Mark my words. That sister of yours will pay for what she has done,” Lorenzo snarled at me before he turned and they all climbed in. I stared, panting hard as they drove away, leaving only my men and me standing in the rain.

Enzo stepped next to me, staring at the empty road. “Now what do we do?”