The air hostess handed me a glass of Alessio’s wine as I sank back against the luxurious chair of his private plane. We had been in the air for about an hour now and I couldn’t ignore the excitement and happiness inside me. But it was still tainted with guilt. Guilt that I was exactly where I wanted to be. Guilt that I was happy and excited to be going to Greece with Alessio while my family were worried sick about me and a war was raging. I felt like a traitor to my own blood. I had lived my entire life wanting this. Yearning for it. I wanted to experience passion in life and see the world. Meet an incredible man who I had an insane connection, amazing sex and could fall madly in love with. Not that I was in love with Alessio or anything…

I glanced over at him as he spoke to his men at the other end of the plane, giving them orders for their role during this trip no doubt. The effortless authority he oozed was pussy-tingling. Just the way he held himself. Not aggressive or domineering, although I was in no denial that he could be those things. But every time I had seen him interact with someone who was below his station, he did so with respect. Acknowledgement. It was clear to see that everyone around him loved him. Worshipped him. His sister was something else.

I clicked my tongue and moved my gaze out of the window. There weren’t many people who I had come across that I generally loathed without good reason, but Isabelle Barbieri was definitely one of them. There was just something about her that seemed so off. She was clearly very protective of Alessio like an older sibling in the mafia always was, but that wasn’t the reason she bothered me so much. There was something that I just couldn’t put my finger on. Something sinister about her. I couldn’t work their relationship out. They seemed close in some respects but other times, Alessio seemed so on edge around her. Like he was almost nervous to be around her or something. And I didn’t like it.

When I felt him walking towards me, I looked up and smiled. Those blue eyes glistened with his own excitement and that cheeky lopsided grin had my heart racing. He was so fucking gorgeous it hurt. He leaned down, wrapped his arm around my waist and gripped one of my thighs with the other, hoisting me up effortlessly. I squealed as he turned around and took my place in the chair and made me straddle his lap.

“That was my seat!”

“And now it’s mine,” he smirked, leaning forward to kiss my lips.

“There are so many other seats on this plane for you to choose from!”

“But this is the best. And now you are exactly where I want you,” he flirted as I rolled my eyes.

“Aren’t you worried about your men seeing us?” I glanced over his shoulder at the burly bodyguards at the other end of the plane.

“They are my most trusted men. They are loyal to me. So no, I’m not worried. I hope you realise what you have just signed up for, Princess.”

“What’s that?”

“I am not going to leave you alone. I want to be touching you constantly. If I am sitting, you are on my lap. If I am standing, you are in my arms. If I am lying down, you are on my dick.”

I hit his shoulder as he chuckled, running his hand up my back to my neck then pushing me forward to kiss him again. I surrendered because how could I not? I didn’t even think men like him existed. But I wasn’t in love with him. This was just lust talking. Undeniable lust and sexual compatibility.

When we finally stopped kissing, he groaned, flicking his hips up to indicate what that kiss had done to him. I giggled and ran my hand over his hair.

“Why was Isabelle in the South?” I asked and he frowned, dropping his head back against the chair.

“Because she thinks she is at risk of being hurt or kidnapped by your brother.” I scoffed loudly and his lip twitched into a small smile. “What?”

“Gio won’t be interested in her. Plus, Liv would never let him kidnap another woman. I get the impression Isabelle thinks the whole world revolves around her.”

“You are not wrong there,” he muttered, running his fingers down my chest and over my exposed cleavage in my skater dress. “Have I told you how fucking sexy you look in this outfit? Those knee-high boots are doing naughty things to me.”

I squinted my eyes at him. He was changing the subject. I was right, talking about Isabelle made him nervous. Why?

“Are you two close?” I asked, not willing to drop the topic. I needed to know more about him. About his family and his life.

“Huh?” he quizzed; his eyes still glued to my boobs as he bit his bottom lip seductively.

“You and your sister?”

“I guess,” he replied with a shrug. He moved his attention to my thighs either side of his waist, running his hands up them and under the flowy skirt of my flowery dress.

“Alessio!” I groaned, grabbing his wrist to halt him. I wasn’t going to let him distract me from having deep and meaningful conversations. “If you really want to see if this is real between us. If we have… a future. You need to talk to me. We can’t just keep fucking.”

“But it’s so much fun,” he groaned, looking up to my face. I chuckled, shaking my head until he gave in. “Fine. Isabelle and I have a complicated relationship. We grew up hating each other mostly. But then we got closer. And now, I don’t know. It’s complicated.”

“So you keep saying,” I smirked, wrapping my hands around the back of his neck as he held my gaze. “Sibling relationships are complicated. I get that. Gio and I have always had a love/hate relationship too. I love him to death. I would die for him. But he also drives me insane with his macho overprotectiveness. Sometimes he feels more like a papi than my brother. But he sees that as his role. To protect us all.”

Alessio listened with a look on his face that I couldn’t quite understand. “You are lucky, Elle. You have a family that truly cares about you.”

“Don’t you?” I raised one eyebrow and he scoffed, moving his gaze somewhere over my shoulder to avoid looking me in the eye.

’“In some ways, they care. Yes. But it’s not the same as what you have experienced. My family is nothing like yours.”

I tilted my head to the side as I studied his tense jaw and the fleeting sadness that seemed to pass over his features before it disappeared just as quickly.