“You sent the video to Giovanni?” I snapped, unable to contain my rage any longer.

“Yes,” he replied, without any sign of remorse. “If I didn’t, Dante would have. And it would have been a worse outcome.”

“That’s why my brother killed that man? You blackmailed him to do it, didn’t you? What did you say? That you would let Dante try and fuck me again if he didn’t?”

“Don’t act like your brother has never killed anyone before, Princess,” he gritted through his teeth, still looking straight ahead.

“Did you know Dante was going to do that to me? Was it all set up? Just so you could torture my brother?” I screamed at him and he turned to face me for the first time, his aqua eyes blazing with ferocity. Alessio reached forward and pulled up the divide between the driver and us.

“You really think that lowly of me? You really think I would let my disgusting cousin put his hands on you just to gain an upper hand against your brother? Did you not see me just try and kill him for even speaking to you like that? God, Elle. When are you going to fucking see it?” he shouted back.

I blinked at him. “See what?”

“See that all I have ever done and all I ever do is try to protect you! Yet you still keep doing these fucking stupid things that put you in harm’s way! And you look at me like I am some monster! What sane person goes to a fucking sex club disguised as a worker? Or get themselves kidnapped, on purpose? Or give men who would love to see you dead, a reason to do it?” He huffed back into his chair, rubbing his chin as he stared out the window.

“I never asked for any of it, Alessio. I never asked to be kidnapped and brought to the South to ruin your perfect life! I never asked for you to handcuff me to that bed and leave me there for hours! And I sure as hell never asked for you to nearly get yourself killed to fight in my honour. So don’t put that on me. That is all on you, stronzo!”

We ignored each other for the remainder of the journey back to his estate, both seething with frustration and rage. I didn’t dare look at him again. And I never felt the warmth or tingle of those hypnotising eyes on me. What was even the point? Look at us. This was doomed from the very start and we keep getting pulled into each other like magnets. We both know this is never going to work, there is no future for us, but we can’t stay away.

When we finally arrived back at his house, we both stalked up the stairs in silence. The tension between us was so thick and aggressive that I felt like I was about to combust. When we reached the top floor, he stormed away from me down the landing.

"I want to speak to my brother. Or Liv. They have to know I am okay."

“Later. Stay in my room. Call down to Zia if you get hungry,” he shouted over his shoulder.

“Where are you going?” I asked with annoyance, folding my arms over my chest.

“To do some fucking work,” he snapped, before entering his office and slamming the door behind him. Dramatic much?

If he expected me to just sit in his bedroom, bored out my freaking mind and waiting for him all night, he had another thing coming. I turned and made my way back down the stairs.

All Mine

It was past midnight before I decided I couldn’t hide in my office any longer. Slamming my laptop shut, I leaned back in my leather chair and rubbed my face aggressively. Throwing myself into work was the only thing I could do to try and feel some control again. Losing control did not sit well with me. And from the moment Elenora Buccini stormed into my life, it had become a hurricane of disorder. I could feel myself slipping. Emotionally and mentally. It took everything in me to remain composed in my papi’s office today, but when Dante dared open his vulgar mouth, I lost it. Again.

From the moment I was old enough to hold a gun and raise my fists, Diego had taught me self-discipline and control. Never give your hand away. Never show emotion. The moment you do, you are as good as dead. I had lived by that all my life. It was how I gained my ruthless reputation and respect in this world. And it was good fucking advice because I was still alive, despite the amount of deadly situations I had faced over the years. But when it came to her, I forgot it all.

Taking over the North was never meant to be complicated. It had been planned strategically and carefully by papi, Elio and me for years. It was meant to be a fucking breeze. Build Leone up. Knock Buccini down. Present our proposal to the commission. Gain the respect of the Northern families. They all sign allegiance to us. Simple.

And now it was fucked. All because of her.

I turned and stared at the painting of hers on my wall. I was such an idiot to think I could bring her here, have some fun with her and then hand her back after a good time. The world had never been that straightforward. And I had never been able to detach myself from her. Eleven fucking years. If I had never walked into that rickety art studio; if I had never kissed the young Elenora, none of this would have ever happened. I could have taken the North without guilt. I could have done what needed to be done. There was no doubt, I would be a very different man today.

That wasn’t our first fight earlier and I am sure it wouldn’t be the last, but it was the first one that really got to me. Because it felt impossible. What was the point? Why were we torturing ourselves like this? I should just give her back to Giovanni and find another way to take the North. Even as I thought about letting her go, my chest tightened and I felt instantly breathless. There I was, pretending again. Pretending that I could ever give her up. But what was the alternative? Keep her captive forever?

I scoffed, shaking my head. I could never do that to her. Her greatest fear is never being free. I knew, one day, the time would come when I would have to give her the choice. Leave or stay. And I would have to accept whatever she decided.

Pushing myself up from my chair, I opened the office door to a dark landing. I could see two of my men standing diligently outside when I peered out the window and made my way towards my bedroom. She would probably be asleep by now. I wondered just how mad she would be that I hadn’t come back yet. Maybe, she would be sitting up in bed waiting to throw a vase at my head. I smirked at the thought. Even though that feisty spirit was the biggest pain in my ass, I loved it.

I opened the door to a black room. Stepping in quietly, I grabbed the back of my shirt and pulled it over my head in a silent action and threw it in the laundry basket in the corner of the room. Turning around, I peered over at the bed, expecting to see the outline of her body under the covers, but even through the darkness, I could tell it was still perfectly made up. I switched the light on and stared. She hadn’t come to bed. My eyes scanned the entire room for any sign that she had been in here at all, but there was none. My heart started hammering in my chest as I raced to the dressing room and the bathroom to find them both empty.

Was she that mad that she decided to stay in the guest room again? I highly doubted it after what had happened there, but I ran down the landing to check anyway. Empty.

Fuck. Had she escaped? Had she fucking left?

I raged down the stairs, taking three at a time, jumping the last few steps and looked in every room on the ground floor. I knocked loudly on Zia’s door. She opened it in her dressing gown with sleepy eyes and her hair in rollers.

“Alessio! What—”