“I am going to arrange a meeting between you and an old friend from America. Anthony Galiz. He is the Don of the Galiz family in Chicago. I want you to form an alliance with him.”

“An American mafia?” I asked in disbelief. The name Anthony Galiz was well-known in our circles, but not for good reason. Us Italians had always stayed away from getting involved with the dirty mafia as we called them.

“Si. Just as back-up. It is good to have someone powerful on your side when you need them, Alessio. And news will spread of our friendship very quickly, adding more fear to our name. It is one thing for the North to go to war with the South, but they will think twice if it means war with America too. Galiz has been pestering me to invest in some of his underground businesses. I think it may be time to hear him out.”

“And if the deal is no good for us?” I asked.

“Then we say no. The ball is in our court and Galiz knows it. But just the news that you are in talks with him will cause havoc across the North. When you are back, we will talk about what to do with the girl. She will stay here for now.”

“Back from where?” My heart was thundering now.


My brain tried to frantically think as fast as possible. “I’ll take her with me.”

His brows tensed and he started coughing, shaking his head. “This is a serious business meeting, Alessio.”

“You said she was valuable. I don’t trust leaving her here. She has already tried to escape a few times. And if Giovanni hears I have left the country, what is to stop him from coming to the South for her himself?”

My papi may still be sharp minded, but we both knew his body was failing him. The last thing he wanted was to bring the war to his doorstep.

He narrowed his gaze at me and smacked his lips together. “You have a point. On that topic, we need to discuss Isabelle.”


“After what happened to Riccardo, she is concerned for her safety in the North. She has asked to come home so you can protect her until this is all dealt with,” he spoke slowly, reaching for a glass of water on his desk. I was surprised to see it wasn’t whiskey. That was a real indicator as to how ill he now was.

“Doesn’t she have a husband to protect her?” I gritted through my teeth as my hands gripped the chair arms. The last thing I needed was Isabelle in the South right now. Anywhere near me or Elle.

“She is your sister, Alessio. I thought you would show more compassion,” he smirked, knowing what a handful his daughter was. Though, he really had no idea to what extent.

I sighed, dropping my head back. “Why marry her to a mafia Boss if he cannot protect her himself? I am starting to wonder exactly what Lorenzo’s purpose in life is,” I muttered and my papi chuckled.

A small smile curved my lips at hearing him laugh. It was a sound I had aimed to be the cause of most of my life. It made me feel an ounce of warmth from him, which I had always craved as a boy.

“He has purpose,” Diego laughed. “Though it is limited, I will admit. I will allow Isabelle to stay here with me until you are back from your trip. I can only handle her for a few days so don’t take the piss.”

I nodded once, knowing that was the best compromise I was going to get.

“Now. Let’s meet Elenora Buccini. I have been looking forward to putting a face to the name,” he smirked, leaning back in his chair. My body tensed, but I tried to hide it as Elio walked past me and out into the hallway to summon her. I stayed rooted to my chair, my eyes on my papi, trying to contain the anxiety within.

The sound of her heels on the marble floor echoed down the hall, louder with each step. I wanted to jump up and slam the door shut to stop her from entering. To save her from this. This could go pleasantly or this could quickly become a disaster. And it was completely out of my control. The man in front of me and the woman who was now standing close to my chair, her hands folded in front of her, were the only ones who could decide.

Diego Barbieri was nothing like how I envisioned him in my head. He was clearly a very ill man by his pale skin, puffy eyes and skinny frame, but it was still clear that once upon a time, not very long ago, he had been a man in his prime. With his dark hair, deep chestnut eyes and ruggedly handsome features, he was clearly a good-looking man. Though, there was hardly any resemblance between him and Alessio. Alessio was in a league of his own when it came to his looks. His mother must have been a beautiful woman.

“Welcome to my home, Elenora,” he smiled from his chair, not standing to greet me, either because he didn’t feel I deserved his respect or because he physically couldn’t.

What do I say to that? Thanks for inviting me? I held his curious stare instead.

“Sorry we are meeting under such tricky circumstances,” he added when I didn’t respond.

“Did you hope to meet me under better circumstances, Don Barbieri?” I replied with a cocky smile and felt Alessio hold his breath. He was so tense and nervous about this meeting, but if he thought I was going to stay silent the entire time, he didn’t know me very well.

“Oh, you have the same spirit as your mamma,” he chuckled as he looked at me with intrigue. “But it’s incredible. You are the image of Vincenzo.”

“Are you saying I look like a man?” I teased, giving him my most dazzling smile. I had grown up around men like him. Yes, he was dangerous, but what was the best way to make them forget how much they hate me? Charm the living daylights out of them.

He roared with laughter, slamming his hand on his desk. “Oh no, my dear. You definitely do not look like a man. You are quite a stunning thing, but I would expect nothing less from your parents’ genes.”