“Every single thing on that fucking long list of yours,” he smirked. I broke into a large smile.

“You got it all?”

“Every last item.”

“Grazie,” I smiled, feeling a warm buzz in my chest as he wrapped his free arm tightly around my back again and pulled me into him.

“Thank me properly,” he ordered with a mischievous glint in his eye. I raised my eyebrow and grabbed his jaw in my free hand aggressively causing his eyes to light up. Turning his face to the side, I leaned in slowly and gave him a very sweet and innocent kiss on the cheek. He chuckled as I released his jaw.

“Tease. Stop distracting me. I have an empire to run,” he smirked, hitting my thigh for me to stop straddling his lap. I stood up and looked around the room.

“Where am I supposed to sit?”

“Here,” he replied, pulling me back down on his muscular thighs, but facing the opposite way this time.

“You said to stop distracting you,” I argued, standing up again and attempting to pull the arm of a chair towards his desk. He stood up and did it for me, placing it right next to his. He opened his laptop and forced my arm to rest on the desk so he could type with two hands.

It felt like time moved at a snail’s pace as I huffed, sighed, hummed and doodled on a piece of paper to the sound of his frantic typing on the keypad. He did a good job of ignoring me, until I leaned my head on my arm and looked at the very detailed and complicated spreadsheets on his screen.

“What are you doing?” I asked in a sing-song voice and he closed his eyes momentarily before going back to adding big numbers in columns.

“Trying to concentrate.”

“On what?”

“On this.”

“And that is?”

“You aren’t going to stop, are you?” he huffed.

“Nope,” I smiled up at him.

“I am checking the salaries for my workers. Payday is coming up and I like to personally make sure everyone is paid correctly.”

“Don’t you have someone who can do that for you?” I asked, lifting my head.

“I don’t trust anyone else.” I rolled my eyes. “I only do it for my personal businesses. Any that are tied up with my family, go through Elio.”


“My Zio. And our consigliere.”

“So, which are your own businesses?”

“The vineyard. The local produce for markets. The clothing label. A holiday resort. The sex clubs.”

“How do you manage it all?” I sat up, staring at him in complete awe. My fratello was an ambitious man, but Alessio took it to another level.

He shrugged, “When you are at the top, it mostly runs itself. But I like to take care of the people who work for me. Starting with their paychecks.”

“Flo said you don’t make any profit off your vineyard,” I stated and he scoffed loudly, shaking his head.

“Flo has a big mouth. And yes. I do make a huge amount of profit on all my businesses. I just don’t keep it all for myself.”

“Where does it go?”

He sighed and stopped typing, leaning back in his chair to give me his attention. “You ask a lot of questions.”