I blinked against the brightness of sunlight and the sound of running water as I stretched out in the luxurious bed. I don’t think I had ever slept so well in years. I smiled in satisfaction as my body relaxed against the soft, satin sheets and then it quickly turned rigid when I realised I was completely naked. My eyes fully opened and I sat bolt upright in the bed, clutching the flimsy sheet to my breasts. Oh my god. It wasn’t a dream… Alessio really did that last night. And I let him. And it was fucking incredible.
The sound of the shower turned off and I stared at the bathroom door, frozen in indecisiveness. What should I do? Crawl under the covers and hide or face him? The door opened and there he was, all wet and tempting with a towel around his waist. He stopped when he saw me sitting upright in the bed and our eyes connected. My heart skipped a beat as he gave me that ruggedly handsome smile and padded into the room.
“Buongiorno, Principessa.”
I swallowed my shame and attempted to wrap the sheet fully around me as he stalked towards the bed.
“Have any nice dreams last night?”
I pulled the sheet over my head and fell back against the pillows hiding from sight.
“Why? Why do you always have to be such a smug asshole?” I grumbled, hearing him chuckle as he walked into the dressing room. “It didn’t mean anything! And it won’t happen again! It was a moment of weakness, Alessio! I was practically asleep!”
“Okay, Princess,” he called out, still being a smug asshole. I groaned and quickly took the chance to pull on his T-shirt from the floor. I sat on the side of the bed and my eyes landed on his phone perched on the table where we ate dinner last night. Do I dare? If I had any chance of contacting Gio or Liv—this was my opportunity—but something inside me was hesitant. No. I couldn’t let this man get under my skin and fuck with my head. I still had to get out of here. For my family.
Dashing across the room, I grabbed it and walked into the bathroom, locking the door. I turned the shower on and sat on the toilet seat, trying to open his phone. Merda, password protected. Of course. I growled in frustration and racked my brain as to what the hell his password could be. I had no idea. Maybe I should just phone the police. That was the only number it would let me call without getting into the phone. But what use was that? I knew Alessio would have corrupt police working for him in the South. That’s how men like him stayed out of prison. Suddenly, the phone vibrated and a message popped up on the screen from Fabi.
Rico’s gone. One less problem on your ever-growing list. Thank me later.
Rico? My heart started hammering with fear and panic. Surely not the Rico I know? But I already knew in my gut that it was. An aggressive knock on the door made me leap up from the toilet.
“Elenora. Open the door.”
“I’m showering!”
“I know you have my phone. Open the door!” he roared back. I stormed towards it and yanked it open, shoving it in his face. He blinked at me in surprise.
“What the fuck have you done to Rico?”
He took the phone from my hand with a sadistic smile. “Why does it matter?”
“Alessio! Tell me you haven’t hurt him! Or killed him? Oh my god, have you killed him? Is that what Fabi means by ‘gone’?” I charged out of the bathroom after him as he sat down on a chair and started to put his watch on his wrist. He was wearing a short-sleeved polo and smart trouser and if I wasn’t so furious, I would have appreciated how fucking good he smelled and looked.
“No. I haven’t killed him,” he replied calmly. “Although, I won’t lie and say I wasn’t tempted.”
My eyes grew larger as my mouth dropped open. “Why? What has he ever done to you? Did you hurt him? Is he okay?”
“You sure seem to care a lot about a sex worker, you barely know.”
“He is my friend!” I shouted, raising my arms out to the sides. He stood up, shaking his head with a chuckle.
“No. He isn’t. He gave up your name before I even had to torture him for information. He was just some guy who wanted to fuck you and you were naïve enough to think he cared about you. That’s your problem, Elle. You think too highly of everyone.”
Rage swelled to the surface and before I could contain it, my hand was pulled back ready to slap him across the face. His large hand wrapped around my wrist before he pushed me up against the wall. He held me there, his solid body pressing in on me as I glared up at him.
“I don’t think too highly of you!”
“Good. Then you won’t be disappointed,” he husked against my lips, pecking them quickly as I tried to push at his chest. “Now tell me why you care so much about him? Or did you just like his tongue, Princess? Will I get the same treatment now?”
“God, I hate you! You are the most infuriating man I have ever met! You are just jealous, aren’t you?” I hissed back at him and his face hardened, a cold glare in his eyes.
“That depends on your answer. Was he the man who wanted a relationship with you?”
“What?” I snapped, completely lost. What was he going on about now? I could barely breathe as he caged me in against the wall and I was becoming intoxicated by his vanilla and heady scent. He still had my wrist pinned above my head and all I could do was glare up at him, fighting the growing arousal between my legs.
“When you broke it off with me, you said there was another man. Was it him?” His voice was so low and raw, it caused my clit to start throbbing as I squeezed my legs together. Why did his jealousy and possessiveness turn me on so much? I hated it on any other guy, but he wore it so irresistibly.