I tried to ignore the way his muscles bulged against the fabric of his clothes as he crouched down and rested his hands on my knees, the tie stretched between them.
“Hands out,” he ordered and I frowned.
“I’m not going to run, so there is no need to tie me up.”
Lies. The first opportunity I saw, I would take it.
His gorgeous lips pulled up in a sideways smirk, causing a little dimple in his cheek that would have made me swoon if it wasn’t for my current predicament.
“Maybe, I just have a thing for seeing you tied up,” he flirted, grabbing my wrists together and tying the smooth fabric extremely tight around them.
“Pervert,” I mumbled under my breath and his eyes darted up to mine as he tugged the last knot in place.
“Oh, you have no idea, Princess. But you will,” he winked, yanking the tie as he stood up so I had no choice but to rise to my feet. My body slammed straight into his, my tied hands wedged between our chests. My skin prickled as he wrapped one arm around my waist to hold me to him and I could feel every rippling muscle cocooning me in his embrace. “Now be a good girl and walk to my car without causing a scene.”
He spun me in his arms and then pushed me forwards. I stumbled in my heels as my legs felt like jelly from the aftereffects of sedation, but also because of the strength he had been using to keep me upright a moment ago. I followed one of his soldiers down the aisle towards the open door of the plane when a man appeared from another room at the back. I frowned as I took in his face properly for the first time. I recognised him. He was the man who had been at the club with Alessio.
“Oh, goody! She’s awake. More drama to unfold,” he winked, leaning his athletic frame against the door. “Fabricio but you can call me Fabi, Princess.”
“Don’t call her that,” Alessio growled from behind me. I glanced over my shoulder at his menacing glare towards this man. Something shifted inside me and my core tingled at the possessiveness in his tone. Oh, so only he was allowed to call me ‘Princess’. Seeing an opportunity to rile him up some more, I peered back at Fabricio and gave him a flirtatious smile.
“You can call me whatever you like, Fabi.”
His eyes widened in surprise as I breezed past him and down the stairs towards the parked black SUVs waiting for us to take me to my new prison. I didn’t dare look at Alessio, but I could almost imagine his face. When I reached the bottom of the steps, I stole a glance back and saw Fabi and Alessio having an intense conversation. Alessio was raging at the top of the steps. He was distracted. I looked around as I slowly kept up the pretence that I was obediently following his man to the car and saw two figures who were wearing high-vis jackets. Workers at the airport. It was worth a shot.
Suddenly, darting to my right, I sprinted towards them shouting in Italian, “HELP! HELP, PLEASE. I HAVE BEEN KIDNAPPED. MY BROTHER IS G-”
Before I could finish my sentence, I felt strong arms around my waist hoisting me off the ground and slamming me into a rock-hard chest.
“Apologies! My wife loves to take our roleplay a little too far! The whole ‘damsel in distress’ thing is her fetish!” Alessio’s laughter rocketed out from behind me as the two workers went from looking concerned and confused to entertained.
“No! Don’t listen, I am being kidnapped!” I screamed, struggling against his strong grip.
“Si, Si! And you didn’t just ask me to bind your hands with my tie and spank your ass raw if you managed to run from me,” he chuckled, rolling his eyes at the men as they laughed. “Have a good day gentleman. I know I will.”
He carried me back to the car, my legs kicking and wrestling against him the entire way. Fabi opened the door, fighting his own laughter as Alessio threw me in the back seat aggressively and dived in after me. My back was pressed to the cool, black leather as the weight of his body covered mine, knocking the air from my lungs. I could feel how hard he was as he strained against my pubic bone and my eyes widened in equal parts alarm and desire.
“That was cute, Princess. But running from me is never going to be that easy,” he husked, those ocean blue eyes glaring into mine. “And flirt with my cousin again and I really will spank that ass red raw.”
He pushed himself off of me and sat up just as the front doors opened before Fabi and the driver climbed in. I forced myself to the furthest corner of the car away from him and tried to calm my laboured breaths. Fabi turned in his chair and looked between us with a cheeky grin.
“Oh, this is going to be fun,” he chuckled as the car roared to life.
As the car sped through the stunning scenery of Sicily, I was surprised by the stark difference it presented in contrast to the North. It wasn’t dense with magnificent, massive high-rise buildings, but so vibrant with greenery and palm trees. Picturesque towns were lined with narrow, crowded cobbled streets full of life and colour. Everything felt more traditional here, from the architecture to the people sipping coffee outside little cafes to the fishermen hauling in their nets as we passed the harbour.
Alessio had been on his phone through most of the journey, which gave my mind the opportunity to drive me insane with terrifying thoughts. What was I doing here? What did they want from me? Were they going to kill me? If that was the plan, then I am surprised they went through the hassle of bringing me all the way to the South… unless that is exactly why. The Barbieris rule the South. There is no commission here to keep them in line. They are the commission. They can do whatever the hell they want on Southern soil and the North can’t do a thing about it. Oh my god, I am going to die. Fear gripped my heart as I felt Alessio shove his phone in his trouser pocket, causing his enormous thigh to brush against mine. There it was again. Even though I feared for my life, I couldn’t ignore the buzz that zapped down my spine to my core and made my toes curl just from the contact.
Ignoring the feeling and the insanely sexy man next to me, who would most likely be the one to send me to meet my maker, I turned my attention back out the window and tried to remember everything Finn had taught me about self-defence. Oh shit, Finn! My head snapped to Alessio and I gulped when those brilliant blue eyes bore into mine.
“Did you kill my bodyguard? Did you kill Finn?” I asked, my voice shaking with terror at the thought. A small smile reached the corners of his lips, but not enough to cause that delicious dimple to appear again as he shook his head.
“Nearly. But he enjoyed quite a beating before I sent him back to your brother as my message boy,” he responded before chuckling, as if the memory amused him. He was twisted.
“What the fuck is wrong with you?” I snapped, pointing my bound wrists at him to give him a pointed finger. His eyes looked down at it and then back up to my face with a sadistic grin.
“Do you mean today or just in general?”