She smiled. At me. And I could have died the happiest man in the world at that moment. They started to walk down the rose-petal aisle towards me, but we never looked away from each other the entire time. My throat tightened and my heart pounded the closer she came. It was only right in that moment that I realised what it had all been for. What every pain, every heartache, every brutality I had faced in my life had led me to. Her.

I had never been a man who believed in fate. But now, I did.

Giovanni kissed her cheek and gave me a stern nod which said all it needed to. Protect her. Love her. I nodded back as I took her hand in mine and pulled her into me tightly.

“You are beautiful,” I said with emphasis on each word as her full lips widened and her brown eyes shone with emotion. Honestly, I hadn’t even noticed how insanely sexy and gorgeous her dress was because all I had seen was her face, but now, I stepped back and forced her to twirl under my hand so I could see it all. Everyone cheered and whistled as I bit into my lower lip and groaned, dropping my head back to look up at the ceiling dramatically as she giggled with innocence.

The ceremony started and before we said our vows, Cecilia stood up to do a reading. She looked over to us both with so much love and acceptance, my heart could burst from my chest. This family was different. In the short time I had spent here, I could see it. How much love they had for each other. It was all I had ever craved. A family that loved me. I had that now in Elle but I hoped one day, they might accept me into theirs.

“Most people are always looking at the bride when she walks into the room,” Cecilia started. “But I watched the groom. And what did I see?”

Elle looked up at me as I raised my eyebrows, pretending to be terrified of her answer which made everyone laugh.

“I saw him look at his bride like a blind man who was seeing the beauty of a sunset for the very first time. I saw a man who has and would continue to move mountains just to see her smile. I saw a man, who is not perfect, but is perfect for my daughter. And as a mamma, that is all I have ever wanted for her.”

I swallowed the lump in my throat at her words. It was her way of telling me, I had done enough. I was enough for her daughter. It meant everything.

“We all know by now that love isn’t perfect. It isn’t a fairy-tale with happy-ever-afters. And it doesn’t always come easy. Love is such a simple word, yet it is so difficult to define and nearly impossible to live without. It is about overcoming obstacles, confronting every challenge and fighting together to hold onto what is important. Each other. Some people say love is never enough. And I have to agree. Love alone is not enough to make two people last. It takes work and sacrifice. It takes patience and understanding. But most of all, it is about how much you hold on and never let that person go. And that is how I know; your love will last forever. Our little bird is finally free to spread her wings and fly because I know that man right there will always catch you if you fall.”

Elle stepped forward and gave her mamma an emotional hug before she sat back down, wiping her eyes. I took Elle’s hands in mine as we faced each other once more. We didn’t have time to write our own vows but I knew what I needed to say.

“Elenora Buccini. You came into my life like one of your paintings. Colourful, enigmatic and full of light. I had only ever known darkness so I was intoxicated with you from the moment I saw you. And then I got to know the strong, feisty, loving person you are and I fell even harder. You saved me from myself. Just knowing you existed kept me alive. As long as you were in the world, I had hope and belief that the world wasn’t all bad. That goodness and purity truly existed. I’ve never felt I belonged anywhere until I looked into your eyes. Until my soul met yours. You are my home. You are my life. And I will love you. Until forever.”

I leaned forward and kissed her lips as the silent tears rolled down her cheeks. She exhaled a shaky breath as she smiled up at me.

“From the moment I met you, Alessio Barbieri, I was addicted. Your eyes. Those lips. Your effortless charm and charisma. I never stood a chance.” Everyone laughed as I smirked with smugness around the room. “But like a shooting star, you disappeared into the dead of the night and I was left waiting and wanting. Waiting for my life to start again. Wanting to feel as alive as you made me feel when you stole my first kiss. But as hard as I tried, I could never find it. Everyone knows I cannot be described as a patient person. But now I see the value in waiting. Waiting for that one true love. Anyone can say the words, I love you. But not everyone can wait for the stars to align and prove it to be true. That is what you did for me. You have shown me pure love and I will spend the rest of my life, loving you with everything I have. Because you were so worth the wait. I love you, Alessio. Until forever.”

I had never felt such intense contentment in one moment as I did right then. The vicar continued with the vows and we said those two little words that would last a lifetime. I do. When he announced us husband and wife, I dived forward, swooping her up in my arms and kissed the hell out of her as everyone stood up and clapped. It was the happiest moment of my life to-date.

Elenora Barbieri. Wife. Wow. I grabbed Alessio’s jaw, turning his head to me as we sat at the head of the wedding table and kissed him hard. My husband.

He smirked at me, that delicious twinkle in his eyes when I broke the kiss. I couldn’t keep my hands off him. He looked fucking gorgeous in his black tux, though he had now removed the jacket and rolled up his sleeves of his shirt showing those strong, muscular forearms. I grabbed his hand, rotating the gold wedding ring, which sat over my name on his finger, as he leaned into my neck and husked against my ear, “I can’t wait to fuck you in that dress later, wife.”

My toes curled in my heels and heat swelled in my belly at his promise. I bit into my lip to stifle a moan as he placed an open-mouthed kiss against my neck. I wasn’t sure I could wait until later. ‘Later’ felt so far away. At least we had all eaten now and soon everyone would be drunk enough that we could slip out for some alone time. As much as I loved my family and friends, all I wanted to do was spend as much time with him before we had to separate again. My stomach dropped and bile rose to my throat when I thought of the danger he was about to put himself in.

“Don’t think about it. Let’s enjoy today,” he whispered when he saw the look on my face, knowing immediately what was running through my mind.

Everyone was in the ground floor club, which still had all the decorations from when I was trying on wedding dresses so it made logical sense to have the small reception here. I had always imagined a grand affair with hundreds of people at my wedding, but as I looked down the table at all the people I loved the most in the world, I knew this was everything I never knew I wanted. The perfect day.

Finn and Fabi suddenly stood up, tapping their knives against champagne glasses to get all our attention as the room fell silent.

“As best men, we felt it was only right to give a little toast and embarrass the newlyweds before they end up making this an R rated event for us all by mounting each other on the wedding cake,” Fabi grinned cheekily at us as my cheeks flamed with embarrassment. “So, I guess we have roughly two minutes to get this done.”

“One,” Alessio interrupted as I hit his arm and everyone chuckled.

“Well, seeing as Alessio warned us not to talk about his faults, terrible life choices, embarrassing moments and ex-lovers, I don’t think we will even need a whole minute. There won’t be much to say,” Finn bantered back, which caused the whole table to roar with laughter, as Alessio shook his head. “Okay, I guess I should cut him a little slack and try to make you all like this man, but there is just no helping some people.”

Even Giovanni laughed at that one. Alessio rolled his eyes as he took my hand in his.

“I first met Alessio in an underground fighting ring when we were twelve years old and I beat the crap out of him.”

“Hey! It was a fucking draw!” Alessio shouted as Finn shook his head.

“Whatever helps you sleep at night,” Finn winked. “From the moment I felt his right-hook, I knew we’d be best friends. But we are more than that. We are brothers. Chosen family. I think we have all established that Alessio was whipped the moment he met Elle eleven years ago. So much so, he trusted me enough to protect this young, spirited teenage girl who really, really didn’t want a bodyguard following her around everywhere. She spent the first few days screaming that fact in my face.”

I giggled as I shook my head.

“But I agreed nevertheless and soon realised that I was the lucky one. Because I not only found acceptance in a wonderful family, but I found another best friend in Elle. You two are perfect for each other in every way and I am so proud to even be a small part of your love story. Just don’t forget about your best friend now you are disgustingly happy and in love, alright?”