“Then now feels like a good time to have this conversation,” he started as he looked between Enzo and I. “Elle, I know you have been through a lot. And I’ve never wanted to force you into something that wouldn’t make you happy. But after recent events, your safety is priority and I truly believe that this would be good for you. That you could find happiness… with Enzo,” he spoke with caution, holding my gaze. I am sure he had been preparing for an explosion of emotion and outrage from me. But I no longer had the energy for that. Nor did I even care enough to fight him.
When I didn’t speak, Enzo cleared his throat awkwardly and Gio straightened his spine, sitting taller in his chair.
“I know you are probably already aware, but Lorenzo is going to want revenge for Isabelle’s death. And so will Alessio. But that is not our only problem. I received a phone call from Anthony Galiz this morning.”
My eyes widened and fear crippled my chest at that name. “What?!”
“He confirmed that you were supposed to be given to him in alliance with the Barbieri’s a few days ago and he is pissed that they didn’t keep to their end of the bargain. He offered me the alliance instead. He said he would support me in a war against Alessio and ensure I won back the North. He wanted you in exchange.” My stomach somersaulted and bile rose to my throat. My hands started trembling as I shook my head. “Of course, I refused him.”
I dropped my face into my hands as I tried to keep control of my emotions and both the men gave me a minute to pull myself together.
“But if you refused him, then what?”
“I don’t know,” he replied honestly, worry swirling in his brown eyes. “He may leave it alone or he might not. And I am not willing to take any risks.”
“Elle,” Enzo turned to me as my eyes cast over his gorgeous face. “I know I am not your first choice for a husband, but I will protect you with my life. I have the safest estate in the North as all my weaponry business is kept on the premises. With your family and mine bonded, our defences are strong enough to protect you from Galiz. And from anyone else that might want to cause you harm. And I will be good to you. I won’t expect anything from you other than to keep yourself safe. We get on well and I think we could be happy together eventually. But this is always your choice. Gio and I both want you to be okay with this. We won’t force you to do this if you don’t want to.”
I stared into his soft blue eyes, feeling only pain. Pain that they weren’t as bright or as beautiful as Alessio’s. But Alessio wasn’t here. He never would be. How the fuck did my brain take me there in the midst of this conversation? I moved my gaze back to Gio, who was watching me with interest. I realised I still hadn’t spoken as the men suddenly looked at each other with apprehension.
As I considered their words, I realised, where I once would have felt so much rage or annoyance or unfairness at my situation, now all I felt was numb to it. The thought of marrying Enzo didn’t fill me with dread or make me want to scream and run like it used to. I no longer felt anything at all.
“Okay,” I replied, taking them both by surprise.
“Okay?” Gio frowned.
“I’ll marry Enzo.”
“You’re sure?” Enzo asked suddenly, looking extremely baffled and a little alarmed.
Gio smiled widely and clapped his hands together in triumph. I could physically see the weight lifting off his shoulders. I wasn’t just going to be his responsibility anymore.
I turned to Enzo, who was still gawking at me in shock.
“Are you sure you want to marry me? I come with baggage and lots of enemies.”
His face morphed into amusement as he smiled brightly, “So do I!”
“I think this wedding needs to happen as soon as possible,” Gio interrupted us as we both turned our attention back to him. He was beaming from ear to ear and I felt glad that this was making him happy. That I was doing something that would make up for some of the stress I had caused him. “This weekend?”
“That’s in three days’ time?” Enzo frowned as I sat motionless like a statue. I may as well be made of stone at this point because even that news didn’t affect me.
“There doesn’t seem any point in waiting. The sooner Elle is married and news spreads, the better. Galiz might even think it’s not worth his trouble to try and take someone’s wife,” Gio explained.
I shrugged my shoulders, “It makes sense.”
“Okay,” he smiled. “Best tell mamma. She will lose her mind when she hears she only has three days to plan a wedding!”
The men chuckled as I stood up, still feeling impartial to it all. Enzo held out his hand to me and I stared down at it. “Shall we go and tell everyone the good news together?”
I placed my hand gingerly in his as he entwined our fingers, giving me that charming smile. The three of us walked out of Gio’s office on the top floor and made our way downstairs. Enzo and I were still hand in hand. It felt surreal. Like I wasn’t really in my own body. I was just going with the motions. Letting whatever happened happen. It was the only way I was surviving.
Within five minutes, Max, Cami, Liv, Mamma, Sani, Raya, Marco and Finn were all huddled in front of us in the living room. Enzo announced that we were getting married and the room erupted with a mixture of reactions. Max and Cami jumped up excitedly, diving at us and hugging us tightly. Mamma stared wide-eyed from her position on the sofa and then burst into tears of happiness when I told her I wanted this. Liv looked concerned, staring between Enzo and me before coming over to congratulate us timidly. Marco smiled at me and nodded from his position by the door, an eye-patch covering his damaged eye before my eyes locked with Finn’s. He hadn’t moved and was rooted to the spot by the door. My fake smile fell when I saw the look on his face. He looked upset, hurt and angry. He inhaled a sharp breath before he turned abruptly and stalked out of the room without saying a word.
No one else noticed as they all became manic with excitement and surprise on hearing the wedding would be in three days’ time and I forced my lips to curve up at the edges in an attempt to fool my family into thinking I was just as excited as them. I didn’t want them to worry about me anymore. And this would help. And maybe, in time, I could even fool myself.
It’s Official