“He’ll be back directly,” she said. “I will explain the situation. If you’re still here. This thing may just blow over.”

The cowboy smiled a slow wry smile.

“What is your husband’s name? I might know him?” he asked. “For I thought this was Sam Bishop’s place.”

“Sam Bishop,” she replied hesitantly. Suddenly she felt very vulnerable. “That’s his name. I am Shauna Bishop.”

A gust of wind slammed against the barn. The cowboy raised his brows.

“Really?” he pushed his hat up off his head and ran his fingers through his thick, wavy hair.

He continued, “I heard tell he was gone these past few months over in Deadwood. Had a claim that proved out. Imagine that. Didn’t know he was a married fellow. Leaving wife and a home. Man ought to be horsewhipped, if you don’t mind my saying.”

She didn’t mind his saying. Shauna would like to see him horsewhipped too. And there was a tremendous relief in having another person share the same sentiment.

“You’re telling me he struck it rich?” she nearly collapsed.

The news took the sap right out of her. Shauna staggered. She grappled with the reality of the incredible struggle. The making ends meet. While her husband was off in a God forsaken town no doubt drinking and gambling. Oh she had heard of Deadwood.

Sam reached out for her. He caught her in his big strong arms before she fell to the barn floor.

“You okay?” he asked her. “What were you doing out here when I wandered in? Why are you sleeping in the barn with a house close by?”

“I finished my chores,” she began.

“You got no hired hand?” he inquired. “Shauna, look at me.”

He took her chin in his long fingers. “Your husband isn’t coming back directly.”

Tears welled in her eyes. It felt so good to let go even some she wasn’t sure could hold back. He had been let go of her face, his touch felt way too good.

“Do not hurt me,” she managed.

“Shauna no one is going to hurt you. I am concerned. Who left you out here to tend to this place all by your lonesome?” he demanded.

“Sam Bishop, my husband,” she replied.

“No darlin’, that just couldn’t be. I am Sam Bishop. And this here is my house.”

Chapter Two

Shauna ran for the door. His words fueled strength in her and she had the clarity to bolt.

“Wow there,” he said. “I mean you no harm. And if you want to go back to the house, I’ll get you there. But I think we should stay in here for the duration. Till the storm hits.”

“I am not staying out here with you and I –,” Shauna stopped cold.

She was not about to reveal she had a baby in the house. Not when this man, as welcomed in ways she should be ashamed of for, was obviously dangerous.

“I can prove who I say I am. I can prove this is my house, my barn, my land. I left like I said to Deadwood on a lark and I left this place in the hands of my foreman,” said Sam.

Shauna trembled when she asked. “A fellow, height somewhere between yours and mine, black curly hair, kind of a wide-set eyes?”

“That would be him, ma’am,” he said softly, touching her arm so gently. “I got news for you too. He turned up dead in a ditch, strung out on dope. When I learned he was in Deadwood with me, I turned back to check on my place.”

Shauna touched her forehead to the barn door unable to move as she tried so hard to make sense of everything that had transpired. She had money left. Not much but enough. She would go back home. To Annapolis. To her awful father.

“How long have you been managing my farm?” he asked.