His lips moved for a few seconds before any sound came out. “Christina? What are you doing here?”

She shrugged. “I was having drinks with friends and suddenly remembered how much you loved pepperoni pizza and Sam Adams beer.” She held up the pizza and the six pack. “I thought to myself, hey, why don’t you grab a pizza and a six pack and go see Lucas.”

“Uh, OK,” he said, taking the six pack and stepping aside. “Come on in. Pardon the mess.”

She hadn’t been to his apartment in years, but nothing had changed. The place still looked like a college dorm with its cheap raggedy furniture and expensive high tech gadgetry. There was a worn couch in the living room, and a sixty inch flat panel on the wall with a split screen showing two simultaneous football games.

She followed him into the kitchen and set the pizza on the counter. He put the beer in the refrigerator and told her where to find plates. He popped them each a beer and they stood in the kitchen to eat.

“That smells amazing,” he said, snagging a piece of pizza and bringing in to his plate. It was warm and tangy in his mouth as he bit down. He nearly moaned. She smiled as she watched him chew.

“I appreciate this,” he said, licking his lips. He picked up the beer and toasted her with it. “Thanks, sis.”

“I’m not your sister,” she snapped.

The beer stopped halfway to his mouth. He’d meant to tease her, not piss her off. He gave her a serious look. “What’s really going on here?”

She took a moment to choose her words, then looked him in the eye and, perhaps for the first time, opened her heart to him. “I’m not seventeen anymore, Lucas. I’m not that teenage girl who loved to tease you because she knew you’d never do anything about it. We are adults. And it’s time we discussed this sexual tension between us.”

“I’m not sure what you’re talking about,” he said emphatically. “We tease each other in fun. We always have. There’s no sexual tension between us.”

“Really?” she cocked her head and stepped a little bit closer. “So your pulse doesn’t jump whenever I move close to you like this? You don’t look for an excuse to get away from me whenever things get a too hot to handle?”

He cleared his throat and backed into the counter as far as he could go. She continued to move towards him like a cat stalking its prey.

He said, “Look, I can’t deny that I find you attractive. You’ve always been attractive. And maybe, when we were younger, we went a little too far with our teasing. But things are different now.”

“They are different now, Lucas,” she repeated. Her whole demeanor changed as she stopped inches from him. She took a deep breath and looked into his eyes. “I don’t want to keep denying it. Do you?”

“Christina, we can’t do this,” he said weakly, as if wearing down. He couldn’t deny the fire that was burning low in his belly. The closer she got, the more his body reacted.

When she looked at him, it wasn’t the look of a spoiled teenager hell bent on making his life miserable. It was the look of a confident woman that knew exactly what she wanted.

“Every time I touched you when we were young,” she whispered, “It wasn’t to torment you. I just wanted to know how your skin would feel under my touch. I wore the skimpiest bikinis I could find just so you would feel like I did.”

He swallowed hard. “That was torture, but I wanted you even when you were dressed in sweats.”

“We’re not kids anymore,” she said, her breath warm against his face.

“Christina, I’m your stepbrother. I’m your boss,” he hissed. He wanted to step back, put more space between them, but he had nowhere to go. When she finally got close enough to touch him, she reached out and lightly brushed her fingers over the material of his shirt, tickling his chest. His muscles tensed, and he held as still as possible.

“In three weeks, you won’t be my boss anymore,” she reminded him softly.

He struggled to be the voice of reason. “There will always be Christmases and Thanksgivings,” he said, swallowing hard. “How will we keep the family from knowing that we did this?”

She raised her head and stared into his eyes. One by one, she slipped the buttons of his shirt undone. “I would rather live with my guilt for the rest of my life than spend it wondering what it would feel like to have your lips on me. I can’t get you out of my head, Lucas. Every man I’ve ever been with, every guy I’ve ever dated, has always had something that reminded me of you. And I have a feeling that they’ll pale to the real thing. Please. Make love to me now.”

Christina spread open his shirt and felt all resistance leave his body. With a growl, he grabbed the back of her head and brought it up for a searing kiss. As her lips touched his, all logic fled. The only thing he knew was that the woman of his dreams was standing in front of him and asking him to fuck her.

She put her arms around his neck and he embraced her silky warmth. Shivering under her touch, he drew her closer so that she practically melted on him. His hands tangled into her soft locks of hair as his mouth moved urgently on hers. Just the taste of her was enough to dissolve any resolve he might have left.

Grabbing her waist, he lifted her until she was seated at the edge of his kitchen table. She pulled the shirt off his shoulder as he gently laid her back. Even fully dressed, she was an erotic sight as he loomed over her.

Gently, he undid the pearl buttons that held her crisp black shirt in place. His breath was heavy as he finally spread the shirt and gazed at her body. Beneath, she wore a lavender lacy bra, and as her breath deepened, her chest heaved. He slid a finger over the lace and smiled.

“I’ve never forgotten that purple bikini,” he muttered.

A wicked smile crossed her face. “I knew you remembered it.”