“Can I get you a drink?" she inquired. "We have coffee or water."

“Coffee would be great, thank you," he ordered.

“How do you…” she began.

“With milk and three sugars, please” He interrupted, knowing what she was going to ask him.

“I’ll be right back," Marina responded, before she turned and walked away. She went to her father’s office to let him know his appointment had arrived, then she went into the break room to get two coffees; one for Mr. Ericson and another for her father. Her dad always loved a good cup of coffee during his meetings.

When she got back to the conference room the two men were already deep in discussion. So as not to disturb them, she quickly placed each coffee in front of the two of them, along with a tray of pastries, and quietly left the room.

Joe was already hard. He could feel his erection straining within his slacks. When that woman bent over to put his coffee down; it took everything he had not to reach out and grab her delectable ass. Old Man Richardson clearing his throat brought him back to the present. Joe looked up, and found Richardson with a wide grin.

“She is very beautiful, my Marina.” Richardson stated.

“Yes, she is,” Joe coughed, clearing his throat once more.

“She is single, you know.” Richardson responded.

“I don’t date," Joe said bluntly.

He dated. Well, he took girls out to dinner and then home to their house for a good fuck; but that was it. He couldn’t even think about dating Richardson’s daughter. He was going to screw the guy out of his business, he did not need to get involved with his daughter. The situation was bad enough, given that Richardson's daughter was gorgeous and had a magnificent ass. Getting together with her would be a huge complication.

Joe was not a nice guy. He took over failing or troubled businesses. Granted he paid for those businesses, but he definitely did not pay what they were worth. He was making millions off of other peoples failures and he didn’t care. He'd do anything necessary to make a dollar, and claimed that it was for survival, instead of greed.

Old Man Richardson had a thriving business, but Joe wanted it anyway. He also wanted the territory that went along with running the most profitable business in town. Having his own territory ensured he would never go back to the place where his life began. He was not about to get involved with this guys’ daughter and complicate this mess even more.

Negotiations between the two men were still going on at noon. Marina decided to check in on them to see if her father was hungry. Yes, that was her excuse, her father. In truth, she wanted to see those deep blue eyes looking into her soul once more. As she walked into the conference room both men looked up from their heated discussion.

“Excuse me, Papa. It is lunch time and I was wondering if you wanted me to order you something to eat,” she asked.

“Please Marina. That would be greatly appreciated,” her father responded.

“Where from?” she cocked her head to the side with the question.

“Joe here can decide," Richardson stated, waving a broad hand in the direction of his guest.

With that Marina placed three take-out menus in front of Mr. Ericson, then turned to leave the room. Joe watched her walk away, his dick going hard again just from watching that ass sway. He could not stop staring. A few minutes later Marina came back in to collect their lunch orders. She reached over him to pick up the menus and see which restaurant he had chosen, bending over just enough to brush her breasts against his arm. She heard a low growl come from deep in his throat. Hearing that growl she was instantly wet. She didn’t know what came over her. She was not that girl. She was sweet, innocent even. She didn’t usually flirt with a guy so blatantly. Hearing his growl made her brave, knowing he liked what he saw. When she walked out of the room, she made sure to put a little extra sway in her hips. She didn't care what her dad thought.

Thirty minutes later Marina was in the break room putting the ordered food on trays when she felt a hand graze her behind. She turned to see Joe Ericson behind her.

“Hello gorgeous.”

She looked up into those deep blue eyes, filled with what appeared to be raw lust.

“Mr. Ericson,” she responded.

He licked his lips.

“Please call me Joe." he began. "By the time we are finished with this deal, I am sure we will be very well acquainted.”

She closely watched as his tongue glided around his lips, making her want to lick them for him.

“C-c-can I get you something?” Marina asked, trembling and aroused.

She had never before reacted to a man so forwardly. Before she knew what was happening, Joe had pulled her into his arms and was passionately kissing her. She had no other choice but to hang on for the ride. Her arms went around his neck of their own accord. Before she knew what was happening she was grabbing onto the thick hair at the nape of his neck and softly moaning, kissing him back with everything she had in her. Joe was now fully hard again after hearing those moans. He had never been so turned on before without seeing a woman naked.

Finally Marina pulled back and covered her mouth. Before they could speak, her father walked up to Joe.