But it was far from enough to stop her from moving forward. Jenna slowly slipped her hand under his boxers until she felt the tips of her fingers graze his erection. Michael tensed in anticipation. She wanted to tease him, keep him waiting a little longer, but not so much that she was willing to delay her own gratification. Never had she longed so much to feel and taste a man like she did in that moment. Jenna wrapped her hand around the base of his shaft, noting how incredibly thick he was. She drew in a quick breath with a gasp, her eyes lighting up. He must have known what her reaction was to because he had a smug look on his face, one she squashed out by stroking the length of his erection up to the tip.

He tensed and gulped, tilting his head upward to look into the night sky. She felt so much in control of his pleasure and there was something so damn satisfying about it. It was all the more thrilling because there was not a doubt in her mind Michael was a playboy, just used to having his way whenever and however he wanted. She stroked him up and down a few more times, tantalizingly slowly, before running her thumb over the sensitive tip. He let out a groan and exhaled before looking at her in the eyes again. She did not know what made her do it but right at that moment she dropped to her knees in front of him, not breaking eye contact, and pulled his erection out from his boxers.

He was oh so long and thick, making her mouth water in a way she did not know was possible in this sort of situation. Jenna stared up at him and leaned forward so her mouth was mere millimeters from the tip. She licked her lips slowly, just barely missing grazing him with her tongue. Of course it had been on purpose and, of course, it had worked. Michael slightly thrust his hips out but she only moved her head back and away, giggling softly. She gripped him from the base of the shaft and stroked up and down again, this time with a bit more speed and pressure. It did not take long for Michael to sink into it and enjoy how she was working him with just her hand so when he leaned his head back and groaned, she seized the opportunity to surprise him with the sensation of her warm, wet mouth closing over the tip.

Michael moaned somewhat loudly and looked down at her abruptly in shock. She smirked, lips still around his erection, before slowly starting on the task of taking him in her mouth right down to the hilt. It was something of a challenge, to be sure, given his size but it was not as if she did not like it. In fact, she liked it very much. There was something unique about his taste just as she’d detected from when they first kissed. Never had she been with a man or tasted a man, through a kiss or something else, where it felt like a characteristic of wildness had become part of his flavor. It was intoxicating and enthralling.

Jenna held him in her mouth and sucked, running the tip of her tong along the bottom of his shaft and thoroughly enjoying the quiet sounds of pleasure he was unable to hold back from making. She held onto his hips and pulled her head back until she was able to run the tip of her tongue in a circle over the sensitive head, tickling the ridge before letting him slide entirely back into her mouth again. She began to move her head back and forth, sucking and pressing her tongue flat against the bottom of his erection as he moved in and out of her mouth.

It did not take long for Michael to get comfortable and place his hand on the back of her head to control her pace and depth, which she did not mind. To her, there was something so very hot about a man doing this. As the pace picked up and she varied how hard she sucked, he started to thrust his hips. She placed her hand over his at the back of her head and shooed it away so she could pull her head back, his erection popping out of her mouth completely. Michael stared down at her, panting with beads of sweat forming at his temples.

Jenna ran the tip of her tong up the bottom of his shaft before taking the tip in and sucking on it, swirling her tongue around it until he was moaning louder than before. She took about half his erection in her mouth, moving her head back and forth, as she worked the lower half with her hand. When he began to vocalize a bit more with “oh” and “yes” and so on, she knew he was close. She briefly wondered if he was at least considerate enough to warn a woman when he was on the verge of blowing his load but quickly brushed the thought heavily laced with negativity from her mind. She took his entire length in her mouth and cupped his balls, working him until he let out a choked moan and warned her.

“I’m- I’m a-a-about to come,” he stammered through heavy breaths and moans.

She paused for a second to weigh her options before deciding it would be easier, and quite frankly hotter, to let him finish in her mouth. She kept on going until it felt like she was milking him and the warm load spurted from his tip and traveled straight down her throat. She took it in and gulped with her eyes shut like she was enjoying the world’s tastiest treat for the last time in her life.

Chapter Seven

The two of them walked back into the house before awkwardly realizing going in together after having disappeared would raise questions. Before any discussion could take place, Jenna darted off to the den where Tara, Harrison, and Cole sat talking.

“I hope everything’s all right,” Tara said in concern as soon as she saw Jenna.

Jenna smiled and nodded before sitting at the edge of the couch. Nothing had come of the phone call but they did not know that; she saw no reason why they had to be any wiser about what had really happened out on the back patio. She looked around nervously waiting for Michael to return but she did not even hear distant footsteps. Then it dawned on her that this was her perfect out.

“I’m sorry to spoil such a lovely evening,” Jenna suddenly said. She had interrupted the conversation of the other three without noticing but it was really of no consequence to her. “I do have to get going,” she announced before standing up and slinging her purse strap over her shoulder. Tara bustled to the kitchen for the slice of pie she’d packed, Cole politely said goodbye, and Harrison insisted on walking her out to her car.

“Seems like you and Michael finally got on,” Harrison commented after he’d closed the front door. Jenna coughed but did not reply. He had no idea just how well they had ended up getting on a few short minutes ago. She felt her cheeks burning again and was thankful Harrison was unlikely to notice her face turning red due to how dark out it was. He then made a noise that sounded like laughter and disapproval in one. “He got the car,” Harrison remarked.

Jenna looked over at the car she’d seen Michael step out of earlier and rolled her eyes. It was a very nice car, to be sure, but it was just so flashy and really spoke to the image of Michael she’d built up in her head. Suddenly what had happened out on the patio felt like it had happened with a completely different person. Her stomach clenched. What the heck had she been thinking? It was bad enough she’d actually gone for it with someone who had turned her off so much due to arrogance, but she had given him pleasure without strings. He had not even had to do anything in return for her. It was like she had just told him he was enough to fulfill her by tasting him. She groaned in disappointment and Harrison turned to look at her.

“What was that about,” he muttered. He was inquisitive and she knew he meant no harm but there was a prickling sensation at the back of her neck she could not shake. Jenna was not particularly keen on discussing Michael any further. She was also not thrilled about the idea of him walking out of the house and making the already awkward situation even worse for her.

“I should really get going,” Jenna said hastily, jingling her keys before unlocking her car. She turned to face Harrison and, with a small smile, she told him, “Thanks for a lovely evening.” Before he could say anything more, she got into her car and closed the door. There was no delay in her turning the car on and pulling out of the driveway but when she was about one block down, she did pull over to catch her breath.

Jenna gripped the steering wheel tightly and took deep breaths, eventually shutting her eyes. There was no way Michael had the control. Although there was a chance she had unnecessarily boosted his already too-large ego, it had not been her intention at all. Jenna reminded herself she had wanted to go there with him. She had desired to feel and taste him and while she was doing it, every moment of it had been enjoyable. The truth was she had derived a lot of her own pleasure from the situation so that was what she had to focus on. Jenna blasted her favorite songs as she sped home. When she arrived, she plunked down on her couch and happily at the pecan pie Tara had thoughtfully packed for her. It was just as delicious as she’d remembered it– and, well, it was important to savor everything she could.

She stood leaning against the cool refrigerator door, lost in thought. She could not quite figure out what had come over her when she’d been on the back patio with Michael. Through the course of the evening Jenna had discovered he could be interesting and even charming. There was no denying he was insanely physically attractive, with his hazel eyes, dark brown hair, and golden skin all in a tall and muscular package. He was just the right amount of muscular, too. Jenna bit her lower lip and shut her eyes, remembering how it was to be on her knees in front of him earlier that night.

She felt something drop to the pit of her stomach. Jenna did not want to regret what had happened but her need to stay in control was strong. “That’s it,” she muttered, standing up straight. Standing in her kitchen and pushing away the memory of Michael in her mouth, the sounds of his pleasure invading her ears, she decided nothing more would happen. She would not allow it. It had been a one-time thing and, sure, it had been enjoyable but that was all. There was no way she would allow him to play her like he probably had countless other women. In fact, she would not allow him to even think about it.

The following morning Jenna woke up about thirty minutes earlier than the time she’d set her alarm. She sighed and turned to look out the window noting it was an overcast day. After stretching in bed, she climbed out and pulled together a quick outfit before hopping in the shower and allowing her mind to wander for a bit as she lathered her hair. It was just for a few moments but she pictured Michael pushing her up against the wall, his hand running up her leg under the hem of her skirt. It was not until she felt her own hand running over her center that she snapped her eyes wide open and gasped. “No,” she told herself firmly. Even if it was only in fantasy she did not want to give into her inexplicable desires. Whatever it was that had happened with Michael was a one-time deal.

That did not, however, keep her from talking about it to Kelly once she got off work. The one thing she was careful to avoid was telling Kelly about dropping to her knees and taking Michael’s erection in her mouth until he came and she swallowed every last drop. No doubt Kelly would have made a field day out of it.

“So you’re not going see him again,” Kelly concluded.

“Well, I’m going to see him again. We have mutual friends,” she said.

Kelly gave her a reproving look, holding back from rolling her eyes. “You know what I meant,” she said dryly.

Jenna flashed a fake grin and shrugged before muttering something about having to run an important errand. She regretted bringing it up now; what she’d hoped would give her some peace only made things worse.

“You can run away from this conversation,” Kelly warned, “But if there’s something more you don’t want to admit, it will rear its ugly head at some point.”

Jenna sighed and waved goodbye, heading home to get some rest.

The following morning, she walked out to the seating area of the restaurant only to find Michael, Harrison, and a woman in her 50s seated at one of her tables. Jenna froze. There was no way to avoid them but judging from the looks of things they were having a business meal and that offered her the small consolation she might not have to socialize with them much. Taking a deep breath, Jenna walked over to them with her signature work-friendly smile. “Good morning,” she greeted.