“He’ll never come near you again,” Luke said quietly. That was all that she needed to hear. A shapeshifter killed someone, this would’ve been the story that she was waiting for if it didn’t involve the murder of a deranged shapeshifter. “Catie,” Luke whispered and grabbed her hand gently so that her eyes were looking into his golden ones. He was just as beautiful as the last time that she saw him, but this time Catie saw him differently. This time she couldn’t see the man who captured her heart in only a week. She saw a heroic shapeshifter that made her feel hate and love at the same time.

Catie didn’t say anything as she looked into Luke’s eyes, but she could tell what he was thinking. She could feel the heat emanating from his body. Catie turned her head slightly as his lips came in closer to hers.

“Wait, I haven’t been feeling well lately. Every so often I feel nauseous and I’m afraid that I might get sick on you.” That wasn’t a lie. For the last few days she woke up with an odd stomach ache. She felt nauseated in the mornings and she thought it was probably due to stress. If that was the case, she didn’t want to risk the chance of getting sick when Luke was so close to her. Then again, why did she care if she threw up on the monster?

“Catie…” Luke said again and turned her face back towards him. “Shut up,” Luke pressed his mouth hard and firm against Catie’s.

Chapter Eleven

Catie pushed at Luke’s muscular arms trying to get him to pull his head away, but he remained pressed against her lips. She saw what he did - she saw the blood dripping from his true form- a lion, face. Catie didn’t want his tongue probing around in her mouth after witnessing what he did, but her body said something completely different. The tongue caressing over the insides of her mouth felt passionate, free of brutality, and loving. Catie was so confused because she didn’t know if she wanted him to stop or to keep going on. Catie could admit that she had missed the man. Missed seeing his face and hearing his voice. Time didn’t matter to her and neither did it matter to Luke. Luke was miserable when Catie pushed him away, but he was going to fix his mistake.

“Where am I?” Catie asked once they pulled away from each other. Luke pulled off the t-shirt he was wearing revealing impressive abs and looked at Catie with lust in his eyes.

“I brought you to one of my penthouses. I told you that I travel a lot, so instead of being in hotels, I just purchase penthouses in the cities I frequent often.” Luke reached his hands over to Catie and took off an oversized t-shirt that she was wearing. Where are my clothes? Did Luke take them? Catie could not remember coming to Luke’s place. The last thing that she remembered was that horrific scene. Luke didn’t allow Catie to finish her line of thought before bringing his lips back to Catie’s and palming Catie’s breasts.

“Mmh!” Catie moaned and started trembling. She already knew what was about to go down, but this time didn’t feel like the last time they had sex. Catie didn’t feel crazed and overwhelmed with desire. She lusted after Luke, but it felt like how it was supposed to feel.

“I’ll make you forgive me,” Luke whispered and pushed Catie back onto the bed. He lied on top of her, making sure not to crush her, and ran his hands up and down her body. Catie squirmed when Luke’s hands gripped her underwear and pulled them off of her with quick hands. “I’ll make you feel better than anyone has ever made you feel. I want you Catherine Ziles and I will have you.” Catie didn’t understand how Luke could make obsessive words sound so romantic. Catie didn’t have it in her to fight Luke anymore, so she decided not to even try.

Luke traced his tongue down Catie’s body in a similar way that he did when he was tracing her with his hands, and buried his mouth in between Catie’s wet thighs. Surprised by Luke’s actions, Catie’s manicured nails scratched at Luke’s sandy strands and she pulled her head back hard and cried out in pleasure. Luke liked the sounds that Catie was making and lapped at Catie’s desire with more bravado. Catie tasted sweet and Luke couldn’t help but to reach down to his pants, unzip them, and rub his large hand up and down his engorged length.

“No more…” Catie whimpered as her body started to quake violently. “I can’t take it anymore. I need you… inside,” Catie moaned and Luke contemplated obliging Catie’s request. Catie was close to her orgasm and she didn’t want to finish by herself. She wanted to give Luke some pleasure as well, that was the least she could do after what he’s done for her. “Luke,” Catie called out again when she was mere seconds from orgasming. Luke quickly pulled his mouth away and waited till Catie’s body stopped thrashing around.

Catie opened her eyes when she finally calmed down and watched as Luke’s long tongue licked her juices from around his mouth. That turned her on. Luke took off his pants completely and Catie’s eyes went straight to his erection. She couldn’t believe she was able to take him the other week considering how massive he was. Catie hesitated for a moment before leaning up on her elbows and wrapping her long and delicate fingers around Luke’s hot member. She stroked his from his base to his tip slowly and sped up as he started to react more to the stimulation.

“That feels good… I bet those sexy lips would feel even better wrapped around me.” Luke was afraid to tell a woman what he wanted and Catie pouted when Luke asked her to suck him off. She was going to return the favor anyways, now that he brought it up it was like she was doing it because he asked. Catie tightened her grip around him to show him her irritation before placing her mouth over his throbbing heat. Catie didn’t stop moving her head until all of Luke was in her mouth. Luke gasped and clenched his mouth shut as Catie started bobbing her head on him.

“Ngh… mmh!” It was hard taking all of Luke into her mouth, but she gave it everything she had. Soon Luke was unable to suppress his moans as they started escaping from his lips frequently. Catie was good, too good in fact Luke wasn’t expecting it to feel that good. In all honesty, he didn’t like the fact that it was this incredible. If he wasn’t careful, he’d explode in her mouth and he wouldn’t be able to show Catie a good time for at least a few minutes. Growling, Luke shoved Catie’s head away from him, wincing slightly when Catie skimmed over his flesh with her teeth, and then grabbed her legs.

“I’ll show you just how much I’ve thought about you these few days.” Luke said and brought her legs over her head with her back and front door completely exposed. Catie was a bigger and bustier woman, so there was discomfort with her breasts pressed hard against her throat.

“Luke!” Catie called out a little terrified by what Luke had planned. Luke looked at her expression when he positioned himself over Catie in a push up position. Luke could see the questions, wonder, and fright in her eyes and he grinned when her eyes rolled back when he pressed inside of her. He slowly pushed all the way inside of her loving every moment of her love tightening around him and he breathed a sigh of relief when he was finally all the way inside of her.

“So tight… you’re going to make me explode.” Luke bit out as he started to move his hips. Catie twitched and flinched as Luke’s length pressed against her sweet spot. He did it slow at first, but immediately picked up the pace as he was overtaken with pleasure.

“Ah!” Catie called out and brought Luke’s head down and stuck her tongue into his mouth. She was trying to muffle her loud moans, but it didn’t help her too much, it felt so good.

“I’ve been going crazy these past few days,” Luke admitted in between groans. When Catie’s gasps started sounding like they were being forced out, Luke took Catie’s legs and wrapped it around his waist. Catie’s heart clenched at Luke’s words, but she couldn’t concentrate on responding because she was so close to release. Luke was close as well, but he knew that he was closer than she was. Luke bent his head down towards an erect nipple and bit it slightly as he ran his tongue over it. Luke wanted Catie to finish first, so he reached his hand between their frantic and wet bodies and played with Catie’s sensitive pearl. That was all Catie needed. Catie’s loud cry bounced off the walls of the room as she called out in ecstasy.

“Ngh!” Luke groaned a little louder and bit down a little too hard on Catie’s nipple as he pulsed inside of her. Warm jets of Luke’s love spurted out of him as he rode out every second of his orgasm. Soon both of their bodies went still.


“When my sister was killed by that shapeshifter… I convinced myself that all shapeshifters were bad and I made it my mission to destroy them.” Catie said as she lied in Luke’s arms in his oversized bed. Luke asked Catie to tell him why she hated shifters so much, and she told him. It was truly a tragic tale, but Luke felt that Catie shouldn’t discriminate on all shapeshifters because of a few bad seeds.

“I’m so sorry about your sister, Catie. That was terrible and she absolutely didn’t deserve it.” Luke shook his head. Luke considered him and his pride the more humane shapeshifters, they’d never abuse their abilities. Since Catie told him what was lurking in her heart, he’ll tell her one of the biggest regrets of his life. “I have something else to tell you Catie, and I don’t want you to push me away or get angry with me.” Catie looked up at Luke then. She was too tired to storm out of Luke’s place, she didn’t even know where she was anyways.

“Go ahead.” Luke took in a deep breath and went for it. He decided to tell Catie of his past and that he was the reason that she lost out on the interview. Catie was a bit surprised by what Luke had told her, but she could tell how horrible he felt. Catie knew that she treated Luke unfairly when he told her that he was a shapeshifter. With everything going on in the world, Catie should have known better to judge all shapeshifters based on the actions of the one that killed her sister. “So that’s why Timothy cancelled on me,” Catie said more to herself than to Luke. Luke was terrified that Catie was going to storm out of the house then, so when she pulled the thin sheet up to cover her exposed breasts and snuggled more into Luke’s arms, Luke was definitely more than a little surprise.

“What are you thinking?” Luke asked hating the awkward silence that grew between them. Catie yawned then and closed her eyes. She was upset by what Luke told her, but it couldn’t change what happened in Luke’s past. She was happy that she heard Luke out, and she was happy that she was there with Luke now. Catie was surprised by how quickly she changed her mind about things when it came to Luke.

“I was just thinking that I’m happy that you told me this. I’m sorry about before… for getting violent with you. You didn’t deserve that. I was just in shock,” Catie yawned again. She was feeling exhausted and a little crumby as well. She was hoping that now that the stress between Catie and Luke was gone, maybe she’d start feeling better. “I’m not feeling too good, Luke. Mind if I sleep for a while?” Catie asked but she had already decided that she’d spend the night.

“Of course, sweetheart. Can I ask you one more thing?” Catie nodded her head. “Did the wolf say anything to you when he attacked you?” Luke asked. Was this just a random act of violence, or was Catie actually targeted?

“Something about me making an enemy out of the wrong person.” Luke frowned at that. That was really vague. Considering that the BBW goddess was a news reporter, she could have pissed off anyone. Luke thought long and hard about if he noticed anything peculiar about Catie’s attacker and nothing immediately came to mind. After lying in the darkness with Catie’s soft breathing resonating through the air, Luke did smell the scent of something that was quite familiar to him on the wolf. Where had he smelled the scent before? As soon as that question came to his mind, he had already answered his own question. Donna.

Chapter Twelve