“Does your friend have these people contact information? I’d love to speak with them regarding this. This is definitely information the world need to be aware of.” Alexa frowned at that.

“I just can’t give you his contact information.” Alexa said going straight on the defense. Catie figured that the woman would say as much. She hated to resort to these types of tricks, but this was for work. Catie turned off the tape recorder then because her next steps she did not want recorded. Reaching into her purse, Catie pulled something out of it and discreetly placed it on the table. Alexa’s eyes widened in surprise as she saw several hundred dollar bills spreading across the table.

“I understand this type of information is difficult to give out. But the world needs this information. It could possibly stop events like this from happening again.” Catie smiled slyly and Alexa looked around before taking the money.

“Alright… I’ll tell you.” Alexa said and gave Catie the information that she wanted. “It was a pleasure meeting with you, Catherine.” Alexa quickly stood up then and made her way out of the small café before Catie had enough time to change her mind. Catie didn’t care though, she was going to pay for Alexa’s meal regardless so it wasn’t like she just left her with the check. Catie ate her food in silence with many thoughts running through her head.


Catie walked down the streets of San Francisco and stopped a few people to ask them of their opinions of shapeshifters and if they had any negative experiences with them. Their opinions were mixed and nobody said anything about them being dangerous when they transformed. Catie was starting to think that maybe Alexa’s story was exaggerated. A few hours ago Catie gave this friend of Alexa’s, Timothy White, a call and left a voicemail. Since he lived in San Francisco, Catie didn’t want to make that trick back to Santa Cruz in case he called her. Catie knew the area well so she just parked her car and decided to walk around.

Luckily for her, people were nice enough to stop and hear her out. Majority of everybody she stopped knew her, and didn’t have a problem with providing her information. Too bad none of the information was good. Catie grew tired of walking then and decided to take refuge in an overly decorated Tim Hortons. After making and receiving her order, she sat down and busied herself on her phone. Catie saw that Michael called her a few times, but she honestly didn’t feel like talking to him right now. She didn’t want to start dialing his number and accidently reject Timothy’s call. She knew it was unlikely, but she wasn’t going to take any chances.

“Sorry that I couldn’t meet with you after my meeting, I had to come meet with a client in San Francisco unexpectedly.” Catie looked up at the man that walked passed her quickly with his back turned towards her way. She heard a lot of people talking to each other, but the mystery man’s voice was so deep and smooth that she couldn’t help but to look up at him. Catie immediately fell in love with his sandy brown hair and broad shoulders. She couldn’t see his face, but she was sure that he was a knockout.

The man ran his hand through his hair as he responded to the person’s question on the other end of the phone.

“No…. I’m not seeing anyone,” the man said slowly. Oh, someone’s trying to ask him out? Catie asked herself. Considering the man’s back stiffened a little, it was apparent that he wasn’t fond of the woman… or man. He was definitely not interested in this person. “Oh… I’m not trying to be a jerk or anything like that, but I’ve made a rule to not date anyone that I work with… I wouldn’t mind hanging out with you as a co-worker and friend, though.” Ouch… this man is brutally honest. I would have died if I asked out a man and got turned down like that. “I see… well, enjoy the rest of your evening.” He said and hung up with a sigh.

Catie knew that she should mind her own business, but she had to see what this man looked like. Catie picked up her empty cup and pulled down her shirt that had risen a bit up her back. She slowly walked passed the man, threw her garbage away, and casually turned back around. Catie froze in her spot as her eyes landed on the man’s face. He was drop dead gorgeous! She didn’t mean to stand there and stare, but she wasn’t expecting that image that was displayed in front of her. The man apparently felt Catie’s eyes burning a hole in his face and his golden eyes met with hers.

Chapter Three

Catie knew that she looked like an absolute idiot staring at that man so intensely, but it wasn’t like he averted his eyes away from her. No, those golden eyes stared so deeply into Catie’s eyes that she was almost positive that he could see straight into her soul.

“Well, hello beautiful,” the man said finally breaking the awkward silence. Catie didn’t respond back to him though. She wasn’t trying to be rude or anything like that, she honestly just did not hear him. “Is everything alright?” the man asked then when Catie didn’t respond. She blinked rapidly and immediately her cheeks burned up.

“Oh! Yes, everything is fine. Sorry… I was deep in thought.” Catie knew that her lie wasn’t believable especially when she was staring wide eyed and mouth into this man’s face. The man grinned and waved his hand towards the empty seat in front of him.

“Care to join me? I had a long day and a nice woman like yourself might bring a smile back to my face.” Normally Catie would have brushed off a stranger’s advances to get her to join them, but she couldn’t with this man. He looked too intriguing and plus her feet had a mind of their own. Catie was sitting down in the seat directly in front of him by the time her brain registered what she was doing. “This is a pretty nice neighborhood. Do you live around here, Miss?” The man emphasized ‘miss’ and Catie knew right away that the incredibly attractive man was asking for her name.

“My name is Catherine, but please call me Catie. Also, no I do not live around here,” Catie responded quickly. This whole scenario she was in was so unlike Catie. She should be walking around asking more questions about shifters, not in Tim Hortons sitting down with an attractive man that she just gawked out.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Catie. I’m Lucas but please call me Luke.” Luke said with a dazzling smile sweeping over his face. Lord have mercy…. what am I getting myself into? Catie thought. The BBW news reporter never had a problem when it came to catching a man’s eye, but she never came across someone as fine as Luke. The stubble on his face made him look a bit mysterious and those golden eyes narrowed as he looked at her…it was something about the look in his eyes that made the word ‘predator’ come to Catie’s mind.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you too,” Catie said quietly as Luke brought his hand over the small table and took hers in his. His powerful hand brought Catie’s hand to his mouth and placed a gentle kiss on it, all the while those eyes remained fixated on her. Catie crossed her legs when she felt an ache growing in between her thighs. Calm down ... calm down, Catie thought over and over again to no avail. “Are you from around here?” Catie asked once her breath returned to her. Luke had it going on but there was something about him that also rubbed her the wrong way. That phone call for one. Did Luke always get phone calls like that and did he typically turn them down? What made Catie so special that he’d be willing to ask a complete stranger to join him?

“No… I’m here for business. I’m from Los Angeles, but I spend a lot of time in here, Santa Cruz, Hollywood, and Santa Barbara.” Luke responded and Catie’s heart did a little leap.

“Really? I’m here on business as well, but I live in Santa Cruz.” After the initial shock and confusion left Catie, she actually couldn’t believe how comfortable she became as she spoke to Luke.

“And does your boyfriend or husband let you come all the way to San Francisco by your lonesome?” Luke asked baiting her. There was something about Catie that stood out to Luke. The way that she was staring at him was the same way the women at work and in his pride stared at him. But it was different with Catie. When she looked Luke up and down, he acted in kind. Having great instincts was a benefit for Luke. He could smell it on Catie’s skin that she was the type of women that he needed in his life.

“I’m not married and I don’t have a boyfriend. I’m single.”

“I find it hard to believe that a beautiful woman like you is single.” Luke said staring her deeply in the eyes and Catie shook her head.

“No it’s true. I’m not dating anyone.” Luke grinned at that. He didn’t smell another man’s scent on Catie, but he still needed to make sure. It didn’t matter though either way. If he wanted something, he’d try his hardest until he’s acquired it.

“Men these days can be such fools,” Luke said mainly to himself, but he said it loud enough for Catie to hear him. “I’d like to speak with you a while longer if you don’t mind?” Luke asked. Catie wasn’t going to turn down Luke’s offer, even if she wanted to she couldn’t. Those eyes had her trapped and she felt in her heart if Catie would have refused and got up and left, somehow Luke would find her.

“I’d love to,” Catie said and Luke grinned.


“Do you need a ride home?” Luke asked as soon as they emerged from the Tim Hortons. They had spoken for hours and when Luke asked if Catie was hungry for a more ‘filling’ meal, she quickly said that she had a big lunch. The truth was she just didn’t feel comfortable eating around him. Catie wasn’t ashamed of her appearance, she was curvy but she was curvy in all the right places, it just would have felt weird to eat around Luke for some reason. Talk about feeling self-conscious at the wrong time, Catie thought and shook her head.

“No thank you… I actually drove here. My car is a few streets away though” Catie said as they stood on the sidewalk facing each other. Catie couldn’t help but to notice how massive Luke was compared to herself. Luke frowned at this.