When the rooster crowed outside, Dylan slid out of Emily’s room and silently checked in on the girls as they slept. Emily wrapped herself in a robe and then followed behind him, stopping to smile as she watched the two sisters sleeping peacefully in their beds. She wrapped her arms around Dylan’s waist and gave him a kiss on the cheek. “I’m so happy you left England, Emily. You were meant to be with me.” He smiled and squeezed her hand.

“But Dylan. Remember- this is just a marriage of convenience.” Emily raised her eyebrows, reminding him that only a month earlier, he had expressed no intentions of ever letting love into the equation. He nodded his head and chuckled.

“I know, I know. Those really were my words. But Emily…” He pressed against her and then kissed her again on the lips. “How could I ever have predicted that you would have been so perfect for me? What were the odds of me actually falling in love with a perfect stranger?” He shook his head in disbelief.

Emily’s mind wandered for a moment. She thought back to the Lancaster Textile Company, to Finn Dillmore, and to the disastrous fire that changed her life. She thought about the odd snowfall that graced England in the middle of November, and the perfect afternoon spent at Griffin café drinking peppermint mochas and eating warm cinnamon rolls. She realized that nobody, not Leila, not Martha, not even herself, could have predicted what lied in store for the rest of her life.

She took one more look at Eisley and Anna, and then clutched Dylan’s hand in hers. He gave it a squeeze and then held it up to his face. He knew that he had finally found the peace that he wanted in his life. Even if his life was in shambles, at least he had one precious gem that couldn’t be snatched from under him. The two walked hand-in-hand down the hallway and stopped at the foot of the stairs.

As the sun rose over Lubbock, Dylan and Emily shared a good morning kiss, one filled with hope and wonder. They kissed as the rooster crowed, as the dogs barked, and even as Eisley and Anan made their way into the hall. Anna covered her moth wither hand when she saw them.

“Look, Eisley! Uncle Dylan and Miss Emily are kissing! They’re in love!” She grabbed her sister by the arm and they both stood in awe as Dylan and Emily expressed their love for the entire world to see.

“Yes, girls. We are definitely in love.” Dylan gave Emily’s hand another squeeze, and then the four of them glided down the steps and into the kitchen for breakfast. Just as she was about to let the dogs outside, Emily thought she heard Leila’s voice. She paused, wondering what her cousin was doing at that moment. Then she made a pot of coffee and smiled, hopeful that she’d see her soon.

7. The Alpha Lion's Playmate

By: Donna Myers

The Alpha Lion's Playmate

© Donna Myers, 2016 – All rights reserved

Published by Steamy Reads4U

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This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events are purely coincidental. This book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only.

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Chapter One

“Catie, how’s the story coming?” producer Michael Winry asked as he came into Catherine Ziles’ office. Catie sighed and leaned back in her chair. She’d been given a story to show the community the dangers of shapeshifters, stories that she had personal experiences with, but not one single incident happened within the past several weeks that she could cover.

“It’s not going as well as I’d like. Those monsters have been acting humane lately.” Catie said standing up from her chair. The BBW golden bronze woman was an absolute knockout in her peach chiffon suit. The suit hugged her impressive curves beautifully while still maintaining a professional look. Catie ran her hands through her curly hair and looked at her French tip nails as she bit her lip in frustration.

“I know how you feel, Catie. To have a story that you’re passionate about, but don’t have any recent evidence to support it… it can be a nightmare.” Michael looked the woman up and down and slightly licked his lips. He’s been into this goddess of a woman for quite some time now, but Catie didn’t even hint that she might be interested in the producer. He didn’t understand why though. Michael was good looking standing at six feet tall. He wasn’t the most muscular man in the world, but he kept his body fit and lean. His hair was always neatly groomed and many women told him that his strong jaw made him look dark, mysterious, and handsome, but Catie wouldn’t bite.

“I’ll find something soon, I swear.” Catie said more to herself than to Michael. Shapeshifters were the plague of the world, but everybody refused to see them that way. Ever since a shapeshifter killed her sister Abbey directly in front of her, Catie vowed that she would be the end of them all. Catie was no fool, though. She knew that she couldn’t beat a shapeshifter in combat, so that’s why she became a news reporter. Catie’s main goal was to find incriminating evidence that shapeshifters would be the end of mankind, but they hadn’t done anything as of recent that humans didn’t already do.

“Come on Catie,” Michael said as he watched the many expressions that flashed across her beautiful face. “You know I hate it when you look like that and don’t tell me what’s on your mind.” Michael wanted to be closer to the woman, even if that meant listening to her nag about her problems.

“Sorry Mike,” Catie said and gave him a small smile. “I need to go to the ladies’ room and freshen up.” Catie said and made her way towards the door. “Keep up the good work,” Catie commented and walked quickly down the hall. Catie’s heels tapped quickly against the granite floors, but she couldn’t hear the sounds because she was so deep in thought about her current situation.

“See you later, Catie!” A part-timer said as Catie quickly walked passed the new hire.

“Enjoy the rest of your day, Joyce.” Catie called out without looking over her shoulder. She was sure that she looked a hot mess and she needed to do something about that. When Catie arrived in the bathroom, she made a b-line straight to the mirror. “I knew it,” Catie sighed and opened her purse to grab her makeup. The air conditioning had been broken ever since that morning and facilities hadn’t gotten around to fixing it yet. ‘Sorry, we have so many more urgent orders to complete at the moment’ they told everyone and Catie grimaced. There was nothing more important than fixing the ac when the temperature outside was almost one hundred degrees!

Catie wiped off the makeup that was slightly starting to run down her face. It wasn’t noticeable so she was sure that nobody else saw it, but she refused to let it continue. She would not look like a clown. Catie put on smoky shadow that emphasized her big midnight eyes and relined her eyelids. She left her lips bare, only including slightly colored lip-gloss.

“It’s kind of pointless for me to go through all of this trouble considering that the ac is still broke.” Catie said to herself once she fixed herself up. She sighed as she looked in the mirror and saw that her eyes were red. She loved what she does, but the whole news reporter gig was tiring. Especially when you’re not making any progress, Catie thought to herself. All of the murders and high level crimes these past few weeks had been perpetrated by humans. The only things the shapeshifters did was stolen some food from outside vendors. Those crimes weren’t enough to try to incite fear in the public about cohabiting with these fiends. The most that would do is show people that shapeshifters were equally as petty as humans.