“I came by to tell you that I’m sorry.” Ginger cut to the chase and Emily nearly buckled at the knees. How could this be happening? Why? Emily felt stunned, like the wind had just been knocked out of her sails. She walked out of the living room and then ran up the steps into her room. She flung herself on the bed, pounded the sheets with her fist, and then cried.

“I cannot believe this.” Emily talked to herself as she stood in the bedroom. “His ex-wife? Coming to apologize? What if they get back together? That woman is gorgeous.” Emily shook her head, unable to decide if she should cry or scream. After a few minutes of deliberation, she decided to go back downstairs and at least make her presence known. Ginger was now sitting on the couch and Dylan was sitting in a chair across from her.

“Emily, why don’t you come sit down?” Dylan acknowledged her as soon as she stepped into the room. It took all of her class and character to force out a polite smile.

“I’m actually going to work on making a treat for the girls to eat when they get home from school.” Emily thought it would be the perfect way to both remove herself from being in the same room as Ginger, and to allow herself to hear what was being said during their conversation. This time, she told herself, she didn’t care how much eavesdropping took place.

“It’s taken me a long time to realize that I was wrong back when the girls first came to live with us, you know?” Ginger leaned forward in her seat, her mysterious green eyes fixed on Dylan’s face. Emily could smell Ginger’s perfume all the way out in the kitchen. She wanted to march out there and tell Dylan that his ex-wife smelled like a cheap whore, but she kept her composure and pulled out the rolled oats and brown sugar, instead.

“I appreciate your telling me all this, Ginger, but I’m not sure what your intentions are.” Dylan at back, his arms folded across his chest. The dogs had started barking about something outside, so Emily stepped out back to shush them. Once there, she took a deep breath. What was she getting so worked up, anyway? She had just met Dylan, and even though she was now his wife, he was a man with a past. What could she really do to change that? What point was there in getting mad?

She walked into the backyard for a few minutes in an attempt to clear her mind. She tried to imagine what Leila would tell her, and she decided that as always, Leila would recommend something prudent and wise. Emily imagined that Leila would tell her to go for a walk and calm down, or to go sit down and have a beer to see if that soothed her nerves at all. The sun was bright and in the distance, a herd of cows grazed beyond Dylan’s fence line. She wondered if she’d be on this property long enough to see them live out their lives.

After a few long, deep breaths, Emily turned around to go back inside. When she did, Dylan was standing at the door to meet her. “I thought you might have disappeared.” He took her by the arm as soon as she got to the top of the steps. Emily gave him a wry smile and then walked into the kitchen, back to her oats and brown sugar.

“How did your talk go?” Emily tucked one of her long strands of hair behind her ear and then pulled out some measuring cups from the cabinet. She thought back to when she was a little girl and her mother used to make her oatmeal raisin cookies as an afternoon treat. It was peculiar how some memories had such a powerful sticking power.

“The talk went fine. I didn’t see that one coming, though.” Dylan shook his head and then chuckled. “Leave it to Ginger to show up at the least opportune moment.” He looked at Emily and could tell that she was bothered. He wanted to tell her that Ginger’s visit was inconsequential, that she had no hold on him any longer, but he knew Emily wouldn’t believe him. He realized that only time would prove where his commitments stood, and how he truly felt about Emily.

“I’m popping these cookies in the oven. Can you pull them out in ten minutes?” Emily untied the apron she was wearing and then tried to make a graceful exit from the kitchen. Dylan grabbed her gently by the arm.

“Hey. I can tell that you’re upset. Emily, you have to believe me when I tell you that Ginger is not going to disrupt what we have going on here. Please.” He stammered and then ran his hands through his thick, dark hair. “I know that there’s nothing I can say to convince you, but I will tell you that my word is golden. I love you.” Dylan let go of her arm and she took off down the hall, not sure of where she was going, or what she was going to do next.

Chapter 10

She stormed up the steps and then opened the door to her room. What was she doing? Why was she acting like a child? She tried to remind herself that only a month ago, she was worried about ending up homeless on the street. She needed to get her thought sin perspective and be thankful that she now had a job- and not just any job, but a relationship that brought her purpose and fulfillment.

She stepped off the bed and reached for her suitcase. Then she chuckled. She knew that as soon as she pulled Leila’s letter out of her suitcase she’d be interrupted, either by Eisley, Anna, Dylan, or the dogs. It made her smile, but it also made her frustrated. She really wanted to get her message out to Leila. She needed to know if she was okay, and how her job at the bakery was going.

She reached inside the pocket and pulled out the letter, then unfolded it and set it down on the bed. She lifted up her pen and started to write a letter, just as Dylan called to her from down the hallway. “Emily. I need to see you.” He came to the door and she attempted to stuff the letter back into her suitcase. “What are you doing?” He gave her a quizzical expression.

“I’m trying to write my cousin a letter, but so far, I’ve been interrupted consistently every time I lift up a pen.” Emily gave Dylan a playful look, but there was an underlying honesty to her frustration. Dylan frowned.

“I’m sorry. Want me to leave you alone?” He started to walk out of the room but Emily grabbed him by the shirt-tail.

“No. I don’t want you to leave me alone. I want you to tell me that you’ll always be here for me, and that we’ll be able to get through this confusing and tumultuous time in your life. We have so much more to talk about, Dylan. I mean, I still don’t even know what that meeting with Felix Rose resulted in. Are you going to lose this place? Are the girls going to have their livelihood threatened? We need to talk about this.” Emily felt a tear come to her eye.

“I know we have a lot to talk about. It will happen. And to answer your question about the house… I really don’t know what will happen. I have a few leads for banking positions outside of Laredo, but it’s all speculation right now.” Dylan didn’t want Emily to know that he was scared of losing everything. He really didn’t know what was going to happen, and there was nothing he could do to make the uncertainty go away. So, he decided he’d just have to embrace it.

“You know, I’m not sure what you think about this, and I know I’ve only been here for a short time, but my cousin, Leila, is a great person. She bakes, she cooks, she sews and she gardens.” Emily wasn’t sure where she was going with her information, but she was counting on Dylan to fill in the blanks. “Maybe she could help out somehow. Maybe if she came out here, we could all pool our resources and make something great happen.” Emily shrugged. It was the optimist in her coming out again.

Dylan liked the sounds of it, even though he had no idea what Leila was like. “Let’s invite her to come visit. Why not?” He smiled and then took Emily by the arm. “In the meantime, let me make love to you. Right here. Right now.” He grinned and started to lift Emily’s sweater over her head. She couldn’t resist him, as usual, so she helped him get it off, and then she unzipped her pants and let them drop to the floor.

Dylan unzipped his jeans and shook then to his ankles. Then he lifted off his own shirt and clasped his arms around Emily’s waist. He drew her close to his body and breathed in all of her womanly scents and energies. She unfastened her bra and let it fall to the floor, and then she pressed her breasts against his strong, muscular chest and shuddered as her nipples grew hard against his body.

Dylan ran his hands over her shoulders, down her arms, and around her waist. He kissed her neck and her breasts, then eased his mouth down her body until it landed on her sweet, feminine bounty. He kissed her womanly mound with his lips and then knelt down on the floor, eager to take in more of her delicate charms. Emily moaned with ecstasy.

He guided her gently to the floor, and they embraced on the rug that lied at the foot of her bed. With his strong and measured hands, he felt the gentle slope of her hips, the tight formation of her thighs. Then he allowed his fingers to travel along her hairy treasure, until they found their way inside. Once there, he played with her until she cried out with intense pleasure. Then he climbed on top of her, as he’d done before, but this time with more conviction and dominance.

“I’m never going to leave you, Emily. And I’m sorry about my embellished advertisement. I really was a successful business man years ago. I used to work as a financial advisor for fifty percent of the ranchers in Lubbock. But that’s another story, sweetheart. I’ll tell you everything as long as you don’t leave me.” He buried his face in her breasts and then licked her nipples with his tongue.

Emily closed her eyes, absorbing all of his manly desires and trying hard not to let her worries about the future taint the present moment. She wrapped her hands around Dylan’s waist and pulled him close, but this time she gave him an extra, affirmative squeeze. For the first time in her life, she felt content, despite all of the uncertainties surrounding Dylan’s life. She knew that deep down he was a good man, and so she was willing to stand by and weather the storm.

Dylan looked in Emily’s eyes. In them he could see both a young child and a mature woman. He was intrigued with her essence, and he desired her with a passion that was unmatched with any woman that had come before her. He spread her legs wide and then caressed the sweet spot that graced his palm. She moaned, and then arched her back in ripe anticipation.

Dylan inserted his manhood deep inside Emily’s thirsty tunnel. She craved his thick, hard manhood and she knew that he could bring her to dimensions beyond her wildest dreams. He penetrated her with a strong and guided deliberation. She cried out with sweet, short noises and Dylan continued like this until the moon came out and cast its light across the bedroom floor.

He could see her body now, bathed in the moonlight, and it sent a pulsation of intense desire through his core. Dylan pleasured her until the sun rose, at which point he climaxed, in one long, heavy motion, and then collapsed with exhaustion on top of her silky body. Emily ran her hands down his back and sighed. It felt like this was what she had been waiting for all of her life.