“I’m so sorry, Amber.” Leila wanted to offer a solution but she didn’t have one. She thought about Emily’s prediction about the post office not being a viable option. “Maybe you can try to sell some of your knitting work.” Leila tried to offer a helpful suggestion. She had seen many of Amber’s pieces and she thought that there must be someone, somewhere, who would like to buy some of them. Amber shook her head.

“I don’t even have the money to buy new supplies right now, Leila. I need something where I can get paid on the spot, and I need something soon. It’s not just me, you know. Many of the girls from our company are out here now looking for employment and none of them are finding anything.” Amber tried to look hopeful, but she couldn’t even muster up a smile.

“If I hear of anything, I’ll let you know. Emily and I are in the same boat.” Leila nodded her head, hoping that amber realized she wasn’t alone in her troubles. She gave Amber’s son a pat on the head and then they parted ways. Leila entered the post office, bought her envelope and her stamp, and then made her way back to Griffin’s Café where Emily awaited her return.

“Here you go. Let’s get busy.” Leila placed the stamped envelope on the table and then sat down. Emily had already written her letter, and she handed it over to Leila. “Wow. You already finished it. Why don’t you read it out loud?” Leila looked enthusiastically at Emily and then leaned forward in her seat. Emily smiled and then cleared her throat.

“Okay. Here you go.” Emily took a quick sip of her coffee and then read the letter. “Dear Mister McBride, my name is Emily Fawn and I live in a small town in England called Lancaster. I am writing in response to the ad you placed in the Lancaster Times a few days ago, and I wanted to tell you that I think I’d be the perfect fit for your needs. I’m great with children, and I have lots of experience as a care-taker. My cousin, Leila, is also interested in the position, and she has equal experience. We hope to hear back from you soon.” Emily paused and then took a deep breath. Leila looked on with admiration.

“Well, you sure can write a clear, concise letter, and I think it’s off to a good start. But…” Leila paused and furrowed her brow. “You know, it kind of sounds like I’m not really included in the offer as much as you.” She didn’t want Emily to take offense, but she didn’t think that this man in Texas was going to be interested in meeting two women, and then having to decide which to marry. She thought for a few seconds and then tilted her head in contemplation.

“That’s really what you think?” Emily looked hurt and confused.

“Well, kind of. I mean, think about it, Em. What man wants to have to decide between two women that respond to the same ad? I think you should do it. Even though I’m the one that found the ad, I think you’re a stronger person and I honestly think you’d do a better job. You send it yourself.” Leila sat back with a satisfied look on her face. She really meant what she had just said, and Emily knew it.

“Okay. I’ll send it as the sole requester. But I’m going to ask him to consider having you come along with me. And if he won’t agree to that, then I’m going to find out what kind of work there might be near his ranch so that you can come out later.” Emily nodded her head, already visualizing a life on a ranch out in Texas.

“You know, there could be a lot of other women sending letters to this man.” Leila leaned forward and scrunched her nose. She didn’t want Emily to get her hopes up. “But, I guess you have as much a chance as any of the others.” She shrugged and then got up to reach for her coat.

“Hey, where are you going?” Emily wondered why Leila was leaving so abruptly.

“I’m off to look for work.” She smiled and then buttoned up her coat, waved to Martha, and walked outside. Emily sat alone at the table, feeling somewhat confused by Leila’s behavior, but also a little bit optimistic that the man in Texas would choose her as his bride. What did she have to lose? She reviewed the letter once more, then added a few sentences and made a few edits. When she was pleased with the final result, she folded it neatly in half and then slid it inside the envelope.

Back at home Leila was busy scouring the other local papers for any leads. She didn’t turn up with much, and by the time Emily came home, she was ready to make dinner and resume her search until the next day. “Get the letter mailed?” Leila called out to Emily from the kitchen. Emily nodded with satisfaction.

“I dropped it in the mailbox so it should be there in about a week.” Emily shrugged and then looked at Leila. “You know, I made sure to include you in the letter, Ley.” Emily didn’t think it would be fair to take the position if it were offered unless she knew that Leila would somehow benefit, as well.

“I appreciate it, Emily. But seriously- I’ll find work, eventually. I wouldn’t want to travel out to Texas as a third wheel. I’m not mad, so don’t worry.” Leila smiled and then went about chopping vegetables for a soup that she had decided to prepare. “I’m sure that whatever happens, it will all be for the best.” Leila meant what she said. She set her carrots and her peppers into a large pot, and then started to make the broth. Emily sat down at the kitchen table.

“I guess it doesn’t help for me to get my hopes up, anyway.” She knew that it was always like her to think the best and to assume that she’d get whatever she set her hopes on. She really hadn’t suffered too many big let-downs yet in life, so it made sense for her to think that life would always tilt in her favor.

“I think that you have a good chance.” Leila didn’t look up from making her soup, but Emily could tell that she was sincere. “Who knows, Emily. Maybe you’ll be the first one in the family to finally see another part of the world.” Leila smiled and then scraped some onions into her pot. Emily sat quietly in thought. Then she nodded her head. She hoped that Leila was right.

Chapter 4

About a week after Emily had sent her letter there was an ad that ran in the paper for a baker. Leila responded immediately, and was called in for an interview. She was hired on the spot. Emily was thrilled for her cousin, but at the same time she also felt an uneasiness in her bones. What would happen to her if she didn’t hear from Dylan McBride? What if he already decided on marrying somebody else? Emily worried, but told herself not to get too worked up just yet.

On the morning of Leila’s first day at the bakery, a letter came in the mail for Emily. It was postmarked from the United States, and the return address was 3532 Running River Road in Lubbock, Texas. Leila was so excited for Emily that she almost made herself late for work. “Hurry! Open it and see what it says.” Leila ran her hands through her hair and watched as Emily carefully tore open the edge of the envelope.

In what felt like an eternity of silence, Emily carefully unfolded the letter and held it in front of her face. Leila leaned in next to her to try and see what it said. Emily giggled with excitement and then read the letter out loud. “Dear Emily, I wanted you to know that after reading through more than fifty letters, I’ve decided to choose you for my marriage. I will tell you more about how I came to my decision after you have made the trip out to Texas. I look forward to meeting you. Please let your cousin know that I will likely have some work for her in the spring when the weather gets warmer. I will arrange for your flight and would like you to come out as soon as possible. Thank you. Dylan McBride.”

Emily dropped the letter and it drifted across the floor. Even with her optimistic attitude, she was still surprised that he had actually selected her. What would she do now? How could she just pack up and leave Leila? What if the spring work he mentioned didn’t actually pan out? Her mind whirled with questions and anxieties. Before she could even process a reaction, Leila threw her arms around her cousin and gave her a kiss on the cheek.

“See?” She jumped up and down. “I knew that he would pick you! I’m telling you, Emily. I just had a feeling that this was meant to be. And look at the timing. I just found work, and I think I’m going to like this job. We’re both going to make it, after all.” Leila beamed with happiness. To her, this was the best sequence of events that could have occurred since the fire.

“Texas, here I come.” Emily threw her arms around Leila and the two embraced until Emily backed away with a questionable expression on her face. “Leila, I sure hope this works out. I mean, I’ve never left Lancaster, and now I’m going to be traveling to another part of the world, to a ranch…” Her voice trailed off and she started to worry. “I don’t want to leave you. What if the bakery work doesn’t suit you? Then you’ll be here all alone, with no job.”

The thought of Leila being alone, with no work, and very little family made Emily’s stomach churn. She couldn’t let it happen. She wouldn’t. She would make sure that Dylan McBride knew where she stood with her cousin’s wellbeing, and she would insist that she come out to Texas if her work at the bakery didn’t last.


There is no sense in worrying about the unknown. You have to just go out there and give it a try. Who knows? You might even end up liking the guy.” Leila shrugged and then walked toward the hallway. “Come on. Let’s get you packed up while that soup simmers.” With that, she headed into their bedroom and started to rifle through the closet. “You might as well pack all of your nice clothes. What if wants to take you out to dinner? He’s a successful business man. He’ll probably want you to wear fancy dresses and wear expensive jewelry.” Leila smiled, trying to imagine how her cousin’s life might abruptly change. Emily frowned.

“I don’t own any fancy dresses or expensive jewelry, so I hope he plans on buying whatever he needs.” She frowned and then looked at the clothes as Leila pulled them out of the closet. She was already nervous about not fitting in with his Texas lifestyle, but there was nothing she could do now except get on the plane and go.

Emily’s flight was on the following Saturday. With a mind filled with trepidation, she made her way to the ticket counter and checked in. Leila stood by and waited for them to call her flight, then watched as she got in line to board. “I love you, Emily!” Leila called out as Emily got in line to board. Emily didn’t turn around because she didn’t want her cousin to see her crying.

She found her way to her seat, then stowed her carry-on bag. She sat down and buckled her seat belt, then closed her eyes as the pilot announced their take-off. In a matter of minutes, she was up in the air, flying over the clouds and away from England. When her flight landed safely in Texas, she sat in her seat and then took a deep breath. She had arrived, and now she had to meet Dylan.