“Is this something that you want to do?” Nolan asked as he clambered onto the bed on top of Lucrecia.

Rather than giving him a verbalized answer, Lucrecia unhooked the clips that held up her stockings, and then pushed down the thin panties that she was wearing. Nolan’s eyes widened as he watched her, and soon enough, one of his hands found the warmth that was lurking between her legs. He pressed his fingers between the lips that he felt there, and Lucrecia threw her head back against the pillows. Her spine arched in the most beautiful way from the mattress, and Nolan took in every curve that was displayed to him.

He steadied his other hand by Lucrecia’s head as he lined himself up. The woman had propped up her knees, resting them at Nolan’s sides to allow him a better angle. She was self-conscious of the way her stomach folded, but if Nolan noticed, he either didn’t want to say anything or didn’t care. Lucrecia knew that it was the latter. He had eyes only for her, and he would never judge her for the slightest thing.

“Yes, this is something that I want,” she whispered, leaning her head back against the pillows. “I’ve never wanted anything more in my life.”

“What about Fausto’s inheritance?” Nolan asked. He didn’t want to offer the option to Lucrecia, but it was a real fear that he had about what they were doing. “You’re going to miss out on so much. I’m not going to be given a cent of the money, it’ll all go to him. I’ll never be able to give you what he has to offer.”

Lucrecia shook her head, and put a hand on Nolan’s cheek. “That’s not true,” she whispered. “You have so much more to offer than you would ever believe. You’re everything that he isn’t, and you’re nothing that he is. You’re better than him, Nolan.”

Nolan smiled at that, and with a gentle push of his hips, he was sliding inside of Lucrecia. Her bodily accepted him readily, and the two were hit with the immediate heat of being connected with someone in the most intimate of ways. Lucrecia moaned and closed her eyes, her chest already heaving with the effort it took to keep herself calm.

Nolan pulled his hips back, nearly leaving her body entirely aside from the swollen head of his cock. With gentle thrusts, he pushed back into her. That was the way it stayed for a long time, slow and gentle, taking the time to learn the other person’s body and to explore all of the things that they had to offer for each other.

Wrapped up in the feeling of it all, and unable to silence the noises that were pouring from parted lips, Lucrecia hardly noticed when Nolan’s grip on her hips turned savage. She had been teetering towards orgasm the entire time, but now it was consuming her entire body as Nolan changed the pace all at once.

What had once been tender and quiet was loud and rough. From passionate lovemaking to fucking in the best of senses. Nolan’s hips were fast and sharp, pulling Lucrecia against him with every single thrust and forcing her to take in every inch of him every single time.

It consumed Lucrecia’s body like fire, making her feel like a boneless puddle that could hardly speak, let alone think or do anything aside from repeat Nolan’s name over and over in a babbling tone. He was grinning widely, adoring the sounds that Lucrecia couldn’t stop making. It was the best thing that he had ever heard, and he was more than happy to think about how she was saying Nolan rather than Fausto.

The glee was shared by Lucrecia, whose breasts were bouncing almost painfully with every sharp push into her body from Fausto. She could never imagine Fausto being able to deliver the same heat throughout her body, as warm as a hearth and burning her alive like lava. She praised Nolan and his actions, her hands going to his face to pull him down for a sloppy kiss.

It was all teeth and tongue, rough and biting, seeking that release more than anything else. Urged on by the kiss, Nolan seemed to thrust into Lucrecia even faster than before. It was beginning to consume his body, and it wasn’t long before his pattern that had been so carefully established became erratic and like wildfire.

With a scream that was certainly heard by the house staff, Lucrecia came, her orgasm lifting her spine from the bed and making her hips jut and stutter closer to Nolan as he milked out the last of his own orgasm. Nolan was bent forward over Lucrecia, his arms bracketed around her head, as if he was preventing her from even daring to think of leaving him. He was groaning deep in his throat, a sound that seemed purely animalistic, coming from the base of his chest.

As they regained their breath, Nolan pulled out of Lucrecia. It left her feeling empty and weak, and without the same rush of emotion that she had been pumped full of during the experience. Nolan seemed to be feeling the same thing, as he held Lucrecia close, unable to get enough of the feeling of their bodies pressed together.

He stayed quiet for a long time, wondering exactly how he could phrase his question without coming on too strongly. He chuckled at the thought. He’d already come on too strong. There was no way to avoid it now.

“Will you marry me instead of Fausto?” he asked, his voice no more than a whisper.

At first, Lucrecia didn’t respond and it chilled his body with fear.

And then she nodded.

5. Michaela and Raya,

an MOB Romance

By: Emily Sharpe

Michaela and Raya, an MOB Romance

©Emily Sharpe, 2015 – All rights reserved

Published by Steamy Reads4U

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