“It’s OK, I know you’re excited… I mean… Shit, you know what I mean.”

She knew exactly what he meant… and he was right. She was excited in more ways than one. She could feel the wet spot in her panties as she sat back down.

He blew out his breath and stepped around the desk to put some space between them. If she kept pulling tricks like this, this internship wouldn’t last long at all. Reaching into his desk, he pulled out his envelope.

“Okay, unfortunately, most interns just get coffee and run errands. But if you keep your eyes peeled, you’ll probably learn a few things. Impress me, and I’ll make sure you get to do a bit more than just dull gopher work.”

“Thank you, Mr. Powers… Sir.”

She gave him the look that always brought a twinge to his groin.

He handed the packet to her. “This is a new employee packet. It includes the employee handbook. Read it over tonight; particularly the part about employee fraternization.”

“Okay.” She reached out and grabbed it. “Now what?”

He nodded to the empty white coffee cup with the Pearl logo on the side. “Now, you get me some coffee.”

He waited for her to argue, but she got to her feet with a smile and gave him a mock salute. “I’m going to be the best intern you’ve ever had, Lucas. I promise. I’ve grown up. I won’t let you down.”

“You need to call me Mr. Powers while we’re at work,” he said, picking up a pen and scribbling it on the desk pad. “And I’m sure you’re going to do great.”

She picked up the cup from the desk and moved toward the door, then paused. “Mr. Powers, can I ask one more question?”

He leaned back in the chair and held out his hands, exasperated. “Yes?”

She wiggled the cup and her nose at him. “Where is the coffee pot?”


Christina found herself daydreaming about the day she’d met Lucas Powers. It was at his father’s lake house, the summer before high school graduation.

“Christina. I want you to meet Lucas, Doug’s youngest son. He’s a graduate of Washington-Graves University. He just started working for Martin Marketing in the city.”

Christina looked up from her cellphone and gawked at the young man standing next to her mother. The phone slipped from her hand, and it was all she could do not to drool.

She was used to high school boys, who were nothing like the man smiling back at her. Dressed in jeans and a t-shirt, she could tell from the muscles of his arms and the way the shirt stretched over his chest that he was solidly built. His face was beyond gorgeous with just a hint of stubble that her boyfriend tried so valiantly to grow.

“Shit,” she muttered as she reached down for her phone.

“Language,” her mother snapped.

Christina rolled her eyes and looked up. “Nice to meet you,” she said flippantly, trying to act cool. She saw a flicker of interest in his eyes as they openly roamed her scantily clad body. She was dressed in a tight fitting tube dress that stopped high up in her thighs. For a moment, she considered bending over to give him a show.

“Nice to meet you too, sis,” he said with a grin.

For some reason, the word sis sounded dirty on his tongue. “We’re not family yet,” she said coldly. She brushed past him and moved back to her room.

“I’m so sorry,” she heard her mother apologize. “I don’t think she’s taking this engagement well. I’ll go to talk to her.”

“Don’t worry about it. She’s just a kid,” Lucas said, sounding much older than his twenty-two years. “Sullen is what they do best.”

Christine didn’t let on that she’d heard him call her a kid. She wasn’t a kid. And Lucas Powers certainly wasn’t looking at her like she was a kid. At seventeen, she was on cusp of womanhood and she was determined to plow her way through.

Still, if Lucas was going to be hanging around to get to know his new family that would make the summer go by much more quickly. An evil grin spread across her face. Maybe she’d have a little fun with him to help alleviate her boredom.

If Lucas enjoyed what he saw today, wait until he saw what she would wear tomorrow.