It wasn’t that I assumed that I had to be better than the Melanie chick he was currently banging, but it got my grate that he thought it was okay to keep our relationship on the down-low because I didn’t fit the mould for the type of woman he thought he should be seen with. That was some bullshit right there. I was smart, funny, and confident, and if he didn’t want me then I would have no trouble finding someone who did.

Of course, there was a twinge of sadness buried in there too. Even if I didn’t want to be at that stage with Frank (God forbid) or anyone like him, I would have really liked to be in a relationship that made me sound the same kind of blissfully giddy that Frank had. It didn’t seem fair that Frank had been so quick to cheat on me, chuck me, and move on without looking back while I had to hold back on dating because of my STI situation. Just because I wanted to be responsible and make sure I didn’t infect anyone with whatever crap he might have given me, it didn’t mean that I didn’t want someone to snuggle up with at night, to hug me while I was falling asleep.

I think, in retrospect, more than anything, that moment was one of my mojo’s lowest points. Despite the experience I’d had in this very building earlier this month, I had still been cheated on and made to feel unwanted by someone I’d at least had a modicum of feelings for. Sure, Frank might not have been the undying love of my life or whatever, but he was there, and he was constant, and it felt good to have him around. With no-one on my dating horizon, it sucked to know that Frank had acted like such a class-A dick but was still getting what he wanted out of life while I was stuck ogling receptionists and exchanging meaningful glances with elderly women in waiting rooms.

I felt a tap on my arm, and turned around to see someone sitting a couple of seats over from me. He was tall, much taller than me, with broad shoulders than tapered down into a slim waist. But what I noticed first was his shy smile- a smile that was directed straight at me.

“I’m sorry to hear you were cheated on. It sucks.” He said, pulling a face at me to express his sympathy.

“Sure does,” I nodded.

“I got cheated on recently too. I’m in the same position you are; getting my STI checks before I can date again.” I couldn’t help but notice the stubble on his jaw, and had to fight the urge to reach out and run my fingers all along it. He shrugged, smiling at me broadly.

“The worst part is not being able to date, while I know that he’s running about with this woman he was cheating on me with.” I blurted out before I had a chance to work out if I really wanted to spill my guts to a stranger like this.

“Yeah, I’m looking forward to getting back to dating too,” he nodded, looking a little wistful. And then his eyes darted to me, and I could practically read his mind as his brain ticked over for a moment. I said it before he could.

“You want to go out on a date when all of this is done?” I asked. “Once we both know we’re clean? Just so we can get back in the game.” I cocked my head, eager to hear his response.

He raised an eyebrow at me. “I don’t see why not.” Reaching into his pocket, he pulled out his phone and handed it to me. “Stick your number in here, maybe we can get together at some point soon?”

I took his phone and quickly tapped my number into the screen, aware that he still hadn’t taken his eyes off me. Then I handed it back to him, extending my hand towards him as I did so.

“Andy, by the way.”

“Paul,” he replied, placing his hand in mine and squeezing lightly. I felt a flutter in my stomach- maybe things were looking up?

I was snapped from my hot-guy trance by the sound of my name being called by a familiar male voice.

“Andrea Johnson?”

I looked up, and nodded at Dr. Black.

Chapter Four

Casting one last flirtatious look over my shoulder at Paul, I followed Dr. Black out of the room and allowed him to lead me down the corridor, back into the examination room that had held so much allure for me a few weeks ago.

I sat down in the chair opposite his, and he turned to me with a serious expression on his face. My heart dropped. Oh, no. Did he have bad news? He’d said everything was okay when I’d talked to him on the phone.

“Andy, we’ve got your test results back…” he said, rustling in his desk drawer as he spoke. “And you’re clear for everything. Rachel filled me in on your situation, and I’m pleased to say that, while you’re cheating boyfriend might well have come down with something, you are most certainly disease-free.”

I let out a sigh of relief. “Thanks. You had me worried there!” I paused, wondering if it was alright for me to ask this question, and then carried on. “Can I ask why you called me in here today? I’d have been quite happy to just receive these results over the phone.”

“I do prefer the personal touch, Andy, you know that.” He smiled at me. Then that serious expression returned again. “That, and my stand-in nurse, Rachel, talked to me about your last appointment and I think I owe you an apology.”

My heart was beating quickly in my chest. Did he somehow know about how turned on I’d been during my examination with Rachel? I prayed not. “What do you owe me an apology for?”

“When I taught Rachel how to give exams, I showed her how to satisfy a woman like you. And she failed to do her job.”

Huh? My brain was spinning. Was he actually acknowledging what had happened in this examination room? He scanned my face for a reaction, then continued.

“I watched the camera footage, Andy. It’s clear that she failed to satisfy you, and for that I need to apologize.”

“W-what camera footage?” I asked, my voice trembling. I wasn’t sure if I was mortified or turned-on or horrified, but there was a crazy mix of emotions going on in my brain and I couldn’t quite figure them out. Dr. Black reached to his computer and flicked it on, clicking on a few icons before some grainy camera footage was sitting on the screen in front of me. I squinted at it for a moment, trying to figure out what it as, before it suddenly dawned on me.

I was watching myself! I was watching myself, my legs lifted high in those stirrups, stark naked, furiously playing with myself moments after Rachel left me alone in the examination booth. I felt a flush cross my entire face, and I forced myself to look at Dr. Black.

“Andy, I want to make it clear that when we perform examinations, this isn’t how they should end. We’ve got a rather…modern policy. We want our patients satisfied, comfortable, and sated after their appointment is done, and we didn’t give that to you. I’m Sorry.” His tone was serious, and I wondered where this was going.