Daniel started shaking his head furiously at once, “Of course not! After I realized you were gone, I left her and came after you immediately. But you were already gone,” he explained.

“I have no reason to believe you,” Blair said, focusing on a small dot of chipped paint on her wall rather than having to look at his face.

“You’re right,” he sighed, “you don’t. But you know me – this is who I am. It is to secret that I have had my fair share of experiences with women and you know that too – you knew that before you started this thing with me. But the thing is, I haven’t been with anyone since meeting you and as far as I recall, the whole thing with Kate was your idea, was it not?”

When Blair showed no signs to reply to his question, he continued, “Come on, Blair. It’s not like we made anything official. We never even had that conversation so how come you’re so mad at me now?” he said and hearing it from his perspective, it started to make a little sense.

Blair finally looked up at him to meet him in the eye, “Okay,” she started slowly, “let’s have that conversation now.”

Daniel did not break eye-contact, “I’m not one for serious relationships, Blair-,” but she quickly cut him off mid-sentence before he had the chance to complete his words.

“Yes, you’ve made that abundantly clear as it is. Is that what you came to say here?”

Daniel shook his head, “You did not let me finish.”

Blair narrowed her eyes at him but he continued none-the-less.

“Blair, I’ve never been one for relationship but with you – it’s different. You actually make me want to keep you for myself – you’re so young but you’re so smart for your age and you always keep me guessing – I’m in love with the feeling, Blair,” he said to her, his eyes locked onto her sincerely.

Blair only gulped and looked back at him, at a loss of words, “And I don’t want to lose it. So, let’s have that conversation. I’m willing to be exclusive with you, if that’s what you want. The ball is in your court.”

“Daniel,” she breathed out as she realized he had begun to walk closer to her, “of course that’s what I want.”

And that was all the validation Daniel needed as he swooped her up in his arms to capture her lips with his – he felt her smile through the kiss.

“I love you.”

But before Blair had a chance to respond, suddenly she was hit by a wave of nausea, similar to the one she was feeling when she was at the party earlier but at a much higher intensity.

“Whoa,” she breathed out, “Shit, I think I’m going to be sick.”

And then she was off running to the bathroom. Daniel found her bent over the porcelain bowl, retching out the content of her stomach.

“Hey, are you okay?”

Blair wiped the edge of her mouth, “Yeah – I don’t know what happened. I don’t usually get sick.”

Daniel took one finger and removed the stray hair that had gotten stuck to her face, “when did you last get your period?” he asked.

Blair blinked at him once and then again, “What? You don’t think its-.”

“I’m only making sure.”

“Wait, I think my mother has some spare tests lying around. I’ll go grab one.” Blair nearly bolted out of that room, adrenaline pumping through her veins.

It couldn’t be, right?

But twenty minutes and a large pink plus sign later, Blair’s and Daniel’s suspicions were confirmed.

Blair threw her head in her hands as she looked at the positive stick for the hundredth time, “How could this happen? How the hell did I end up pregnant?”

Daniel rubbed her back comfortingly, “I think that first night at the clinic – that’s when.”

Blair gulped, “What now?” she sounded scared, “We’ve only just laid the boundaries of our relationship and now this?”

Daniel was quiet for a moment. “We can work it out, Blair. I’m willing to settle down with you.”

Blair was taken aback by his words, “But I have college.”