Clad in a plain ensemble – a gray shirt with some acid washed jeans - she made squinted her eyes to read the writing on the paper and then scoped her head around to see if the bus had dropped her off to the right location. The clinic was just across the street from the bus stop – a single story small building, eggshell white – plain and boring; just what you would expect a doctor’s office to be.

Blair walked in. Instantly, she was hit with that strong medicinal smell associated with hospital. She wrinkled her nose as she walked up the front desk.

“Hey,” she said to the lady on the reception. At once, Blair could see that she was very attractive for a receptionist. With her hair pinned up to the side and dark pink lipstick on, she could may as well be a prop for a medical boon in Hollywood. “I’m here for my appointment.”

The pretty lady smiled back, “Oh, yes. Miss Blair…Carter?” she asked and received a nod from her side. “Good. You have your 5 P.M with Dr. William. Come with me,” she said and gestured her to follow her.

They entered a small room that had the doctor’s name on the door and the receptionist went to a corner, to put on some plastic gloves and a nurse hat. Seeing the look of confusion on Blair’s face, she chuckled.

“Oh don’t worry,” she said while chuckling, “I am the head nurse here. I was just filling in for our receptionist – he’s gone on a coffee break. My name is Kate.”

Blair nodded. Oh so that made a lot of sense.

“The doctor will see you in a few moments,” the nurse Kate said, “but until then, can you please change into a robe and lay back down on that table when you’re done?” she instructed, pointing to a flat white table on the corner of the room.

Blair nodded. She took off her jeans and shirt and slipped on the mint colored robe. Even that had that distinct medicinal smell, Blair noticed with a grimace on her face. Still, she changed quickly and went to go lie down on the table - the fluorescent lights straight overhead her, blinding her almost.

There was some shuffling and the sound a door opening followed by footsteps.

“Good evening, Miss Kate,” the voice was deep and throaty. Blair felt her enjoying the sound – she loved deep masculine voices. Well, at least there was one perk of coming to this checkup today.

“Good evening, doctor. The patient is here to see you now.”

“Very well,” he replied, “Hello, Miss Blair? You may sit up to talk to me,” he instructed. Blair straightened up her back and hoisted herself up to look at the doctor. Instantly, she was taken aback.

She could not help but notice how the man in front of her was so well kept and dare she say it, handsome even. He did not look too old – possibly in his late thirties, perhaps forty at most. But even so, he had maintained himself very well. What a refreshing change from Mrs. Gertrude – who was in her sixties and spoke with a speech impediment.

Blair suddenly realized she was staring and corrected herself. “Um – right,” she uttered out, half embarrassed as she realized the doctor had caught her staring. He just flashed her a smile though, which nearly knocked her out. God dammit.

“I take this is your first appointment with me, Miss Blair?” he asked her in that deep throaty voice of his and Blair found herself struggling to concentrate.

“Yes – well, my mom – she sort of forced me to come, really,” Blair replied shyly, her right hand flying upwards to rub her neck.

“Smart that you listened,” he replied, “Regular checkups are pivotal to maintain health – a young lady like you should be aware of that.”

Blair just nodded. “Now, I want you to get comfortable. Let go of those nerves, okay?” he told her, “I am your doctor and only have what’s best for you at heart.”

“Yes, Doctor Williams,” she found herself answering.

“Now tell me, Blair,” he said, with a purple file in his hands. Blair could not help but notice how firm and strong those hands of his looked. Quickly catching herself in mid thought though, she shook it off and concentrated on what the doctor was saying to her.

“It says in your file this is your first time getting a major exam done,” he said to her, “tell me, have you ever visited a gynecologist before?” he asked, eyes still on that file.

“Well, yes – once or twice,” she replied, “but with my mother when I was younger. To get on birth control – you know? That’s all,” she said.

“Good, okay, so I trust this is your first time having a major examination done? And that, too on your own?” he prodded.

She nodded and then uttered a small, “yeah.”

“How old are you, Miss Blair?”

Blair shot him a quizzical look. Surely, he could tell that by just looking at her file. Still, she answered anyway. “Well – I turned eighteen in February. So, eighteen years and-“but she was cut off mid-sentence.

“And four months. Yes that is what is says on the file – very well, then,” he replied back, flashing her one of those smiles yet again, “I trust you are off to college soon?”

Blair was surprised that he was going off track now but then she thought it was probably his way of making her feel more comfortable. She gulped and replied back, “Yes, actually. I got in my top choice of school - very excited for that.”

“Brilliant. You do strike me as a smart girl,” Dr. William praised and then, at the end of his, flashed her a hint of a smirk. Blair gulped loudly – suddenly the room was getting much warmer.