“What kind of a man is he?” Ashley asked, but Laura drew her fingers across her lips, turned the imaginary key at the corner of her mouth and then tossed it behind her. Ashley knew this was all fun for her and she was not about to let on even the slightest bit of information, she was enjoying the mystery of it all a little too much.

Two hours later and twelve minutes late, Ashley pulled up outside the famed Cirque du Soleil grounds in the parking spot that had been reserved for her. As she stepped out she felt a pair of eyes on her from across the parking lot and she turned her eyes to the entrance and had her breath stolen away.

In front of her stood a face she was vaguely familiar with, not because she had met him before, but because she had seen him on TV several times. Her second thought was to hightail it out of there because he was a man that came with the media as a package and she much preferred a discrete lifestyle. But as much as her common sense told her to do that she could no sooner walk away from the gorgeous man with the lean and define arms that waved at her, than she could have walked away from a plate of garlic shrimp, her favorite meal. It was not until then that she realized that she knew him, or at least his face. He was that doctor who wrote some award-winning book about the ecosystem of a woman’s vagina, tips and tricks to get your girl going. She hadn’t yet read the book, but Laura had, and she had been raving about it for days. She pushed that aside for later conversation and instead focused on what she needed to be doing.

She slowly strode over to him, reminding herself to breath and as he smiled at her, his lips curling away from his teeth in a relaxing warm welcome, she lost herself in the smoky blue eyes that whisked her away from reality. She was already hooked.

“Hi, I am Ryan. You look gorgeous,” he said as he offered her his hand and they stepped beneath the opening of the tent without need for another word. Laura had spared none of her connections to make this night memorable for them both, and up ahead an escort waited to seat them in the VIP gallery with prime viewing of the action beneath them. Ryan’s walked behind her up the stairs, and when they made it to the landing he splayed a protective five fingers across her back. She could feel the heat of his palm beneath the thin summer shirt she wore and the electricity that sent butterflies flittering in her stomach was undeniable. She knew then and there that there was no way this night was going to end without a follow up.

“I have never been to something like this before,” she said in awe moments later as they were served glasses of chilled wine while men and women did blood curdling stunts on thin wires in the air.

“Me either, so it’s a first for us both,” as he spoke he kept his eye on the show and one pant clad leg lightly rested against hers. It was a nice subtle way of telling her he had his attention on her presence but he also wanted to watch the show. A refreshing difference to the other blind dates she had had, who thought they always needed to be talking.

The only comments they exchanged throughout the show were of mutual admiration or awe for something being show cased and Ashley was smitten. For the first time in a long time she felt like she was having a conversation of great depth without needing to say a single word. The chemistry and clarity of the couple hours was intense an as the show came to an end she felt completely satisfied.

He took her hand hesitantly as he walked her to her car a few minutes later and opened her door for her before walking around to the passenger side and sliding in.

“Thanks for actually coming,” he said. “I actually thought that when I hadn’t heard from you all week that you might have changed your mind.”

Her response was delayed as she was swept up and distracted by his lips, they were pink and perky begging to be kissed. “No, I just didn’t want to seem like I was the clingy type and I know we are both busy people. Thanks for not being a total tool,” she added.

“Yeah, well that is my Wednesday night persona so Laura picked the perfect day, seeing as she has insider info and all.”

She chuckled. “How did you meet Laura?”

“She was covering an award I won a year ago and after calling me a buffoon for not taking the guy down earlier, she did an excellent write up and remained in touch.”

Yes, Ashley did remember the article come to think of it. It was a feature opinion piece that had won her the ire of his opponent’s management team and a hefty bonus for the attention it had brought. Ashley remember being very happy for her, but whereas Laura’s interest was in sports, politics and all other things controversial. Hers was more along the fashion and travel lines. It was a niche she had carved out for herself at Shimmer and she did well in it.

“Yes, Laura’s mouth often fires faster than the filter that goes with it,” she finally admitted.

Ryan laughed, a melodious deep vibration that made her heart palpitate. “Well, at least we know she is honest and that matters most.”

He did have a very good point, but even as the word left his lips the truth of them faded from her reality. A gust of wind blew in through her window and her unruly curl blew into her eyes. His hand shot up the same time her did to move the worrisome strands back in place, and as their fingers collide she looked at him in surprise. It was an expression he mirrored as if finding it hard to believe that he had done what he had just done. It was a small action, but one that spoke to deeper sentiments not yet expressed.

His palm rested gently on her cheek and she again felt the heat of him. His presence was a strong masculine eroticism that beckoned her to the darker side of pleasure. He was firm yet not bulky and strong but soft- a mix of perfection. The question written on his face was answered as she couldn’t help but to move her lips towards his as his long fingers slipped hind her head and wound their way through the strands at the nape of her neck.

Stop! You just met him! Her common sense tried to get her to think straight, but there was absolutely nothing sensible about this moment. She moved towards him as their eyes closed in anticipation of the sweet release, but it was not to be.

Bright lights flashed on both sides of her car, breaking the reverie. Those darn tabloid photographers and their high-speed cameras! By the time she got her car started and the windows up, she knew she would be the subject of a celebrity news cycle come morning.

“I am so sorry,” Ryan said as the photographers continued to snap pictures on the outside of her dark tinted car. “I should have seen that one coming.”

“Comes with the turf. They will get tired of it soon, just be prepared for the media storm come morning,” she said. She was annoyed but more over the fact that they had interrupted what was to be a really sensual kiss, and not the pictures they took. She worked for a high profile magazine; she knew exactly how this would be worded for the public.

They sat in silence for a while longer, fingers interlaced and playing with each other. No words were needed and she felt the kind of ease that was unnatural on a first blind date. She felt like they had known each other all their lives and this was a regular hang out for them. Amazing, she couldn’t wait to tell Laura about it.

It was a few minutes later before the annoying paparazzi got bored or ran out of film roll and left, when they did she was a tad bit sorry the night was about to end.

“I should probably let you go now,” he said and it was a statement laced with regret.

“Dinner tomorrow?” she asked unable to stop herself.

“Sure, I will cook at my place.” It was an offer she would not refuse and when he kissed her on the cheek and hopped out of her car moment later, she felt a could sweep in at his absence. She ignored it as he made her promise to tell him when she had gotten home. She couldn’t wait to tell Laura how it had gone, and less than an hour later when Laura picked up her call on the first ring, she burst open with joy.

“He is awesome!” she said.

“Told you that you would like him,” came Laura’s pleased reply.