“Woman, you are going to be the death of me.” His words were strained when she slid off his body and onto her knees before him. Dale didn't think he'd seen anything as breathtaking as Sarah on her knees before him. His eyes closed while her soft nimble fingers made quick work of his belt, pants and boxer briefs. “Sarah,” he moaned.

Instead of responding, Sarah puckered her lips around the wet tip cock bobbing in front of her face. She sucked hard and made a popping noise that sent his eyes flying open, focusing on hers. But that wasn't her style, she closed her eyes so she could savor his flavor, his scent. His essence. She bobbed up and down, tongue swirling around the length of them before taking him so deep her tongue darted out and swiped his balls.

“Sarah. Fuck.” He wasn’t able to form a complete thought. His body was a tight ball of nerves and synapses only capable of feeling and responding to what wicked delight she was performing on him. Then her throat clenched around him and he was lost to his own orgasm, jerking him throbbing in her mouth. “Sarah I am---,”

“You're going to fuck my mouth right now?” She smiled at his growl and gasped when he fisted her hair in one hand. She felt her juices running down her leg at the caveman tactics. His hips began to piston, forcing more of him in her mouth and down her throat and she worked him over as he pounded into her mouth. Her hand found his balls and squeezed lightly and before he could issue a warning she swallowed him down, still sucking until she wrung every drop out.

“Oh Sarah. Damn. Fuck.” He knew he sounded like an idiot but at the moment he couldn't bring himself to care.

She stood up with a saucy grin on her face. “Dale let me tell you, that is one fine piece of machinery you got there.”

Chapter 4

It was a very risky and complicated operation. The type of surgery that requires all hands on deck. Both Laura and Dale were going to be teaming up with a whole flock of the nurses to perform the surgery which would last for hours. The patient was a young woman in her 20s and the surgery had to be done right away otherwise she was going to die.

The first part of the operation went fine and everything seemed to be going as scheduled. Then, all of a sudden, it happened. Everyone in the operating room was horrified when they heard the beep…beep…beep sound of the alarm going off signaling that they were losing the patient. Something had to be done…and something had to be done fast. Dale immediately took charge and said “we’re going to have to just speed things up before she codes.” “Everybody move, stat!” Dale said as he pointed in the air.

“No, we've done enough, we need a close her up, the operation is finished, we've done as much as we can do” Laura said to Dale in a stern voice.

“You heard me people, let's move it,” said Dale as he pretended not to hear Laura.

“Wait a minute everybody,” said Laura as she waved her hands in the air “stop, hold everything.”

“We have to keep going. We have no choice.” said Dale very sternly and a matter of fact tone of voice.

“Listen to me Dale, I know what I'm talking about, she will die if we don't get her out of her now,” replied Laura.

All the nurses just stood there in complete stillness and silence wondering what they should do next. “This is no time for your theatrics Laura, this operation is not complete and we've already come this far.” Dale said as the alarm continued in the background.

“Listen to me Dale, you may be some big shot golden boy with a new wing named after you but this is my patient and this is my call!” Said Laura with a look in her eye that said that she meant it.

Dale looked around in astonishment and into the eyes of the fleets of nurses that stood there in silence. He wasn't used to being showed up in front of his nurses who all admired him. It was new territory, somebody stood up to Dale and nobody could believe it. “Laura…I know you think that you have seniority but I think my expertise is a little bit more developed of this certain area.” Dale said as he tried to save face with his followers as well as save life of the woman as he honestly believed that they needed to finish the operation right here and now.

“Close her up and that’s final!” said Laura “and I do not want to hear another word of dissent out of your mouth Dale.” It felt like mutiny. All the nurses had been so used to hanging on every word of Dale's like he was unquestionable and here was Laura who was basically, in their eyes, doing what was it felt like a mutiny.

“Once again Dale, I am the senior surgeon here and if you don't like it leave or close her up now.”

Dale, at this point, knew the game was up and he could not argue with Laura about this. “Let's go…close her up.” Dale said the nurses as he clapped his hands.

Dale, Laura, and all of the nurses hurriedly finished the operation. After they finished washing up Laura followed Dale out of the surgery room and stopped him in the hallway. “What the hell we did you think you're doing back there?” Laura said forcefully to Dale. Laura was livid that Dale did not immediately follow her order.

“Sorry, good job out there…you made the right call,” said Dale.

“If you ever question my authority in the surgery room again we could lose a patient. You better not do that again.” Said Laura

“Whoa…whoa…whoa, I didn't mean any disrespect I honestly thought it was the right thing to do,” said Dale as he put his hands up in a defensive motion.

Just then the nurses were coming out of the surgery room as they walked by Dale and overheard the arguing. “Listen to me now Dale, you follow my orders when were in surgery together or we do not do surgery together again, I am the head surgeon here…not you!” Laura said in a very loud voice as the nurses walked by.

“All right, all right, sorry.” Dale said with his hands in a please don’t shoot position as he honestly felt on the defensive.

Laura went back to her office and she could hardly believe what just happened. But, she felt magnificent. Not only did she finally put that hot shot in his place but she saved a life when he would have done the wrong thing. She could hardly believe how great she felt as she smiled and basked in the glow of victory. Not only had she shown up that hot shot but she did it in front of all the nurses who followed around and worshipped the ground he walked on. Now they knew that he was fallible and he wasn't some superstar and now everybody knows who the lead surgeon is she thought.

Dale went back to his office and he couldn't believe it as well. Was he slipping? No, she would've lived if they continued the operation as he ordered thought Dale. And he could've pushed the point but he did respect Laura as a surgeon and she was, after all, the senior surgeon at the hospital. Still, Laura showed a new side of herself that Dale was unaware of and would have to account for the future. Luckily, Dale was not one to back down from challenges and smiled as he knows that Laura will be one heck of a challenge.

Chapter 5

“Dale, could you please come to my office?” said Denise Banks, the hospital administrator. A large corner office had opened up when Dr. Harry Jones, Fairbanks' Chief of Staff had retired, and Denise decided to give the office to Dale.