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Exposed by the Doctor & Her Nurse

April sat in the doctor’s office, far more nervous than she had even dreamed of being. The nurse had already been in to take her blood pressure and ask her questions about medications, any concerns, and if she was sexually active. The nurse, a beautiful woman with dark brown hair pulled back into a loose but tidy bun, had put April to ease with her smile and warmth.

“There’s no past history of exams,” she had said. “Are you coming to us from a different clinic?”

April blushed. She was far too old to be having her first feminine exam at nearly 30, but she had always been far too squeamish to go, and, hearing her friends talk about the cold metal, the poking, the invasion, she had avoided it.

“It’s my first one,” she admitted, giving the “I know I’m a terrible patient” look as best she could.

“Ah, well, that’s okay. You’re here now, right?” Her kind smile warmed April and April could have kissed her for not yelling at her or trying to make her feel guilty. Frankly, she could have kissed her anyway. Tricia’s lips were full and soft looking. She wore pale make up and her lipstick was a very natural pink with a touch of gloss that made April suspect that she licked her lips often enough that wearing darker, thicker lipstick wasn’t an option. Perhaps it was a hospital policy, though, as well. It wouldn’t do to have the nurses in the office running around looking like prostitutes, or little girls playing dress up with mommy’s make up. When Tricia talked, April found her eyes returning over and over again to those beautiful lips.

“I’m here now. And thank you for being so nice about it.”

“We’re not the kind of clinic that will belittle you, Ms. West, so don’t ever worry about that. We just want you to be healthy.” The nurse, her nametag said Tricia, reached out her hand and set it on top of April’s and gave a gentle squeeze. It was surprisingly comforting, especially because the rest of the room seemed so cold and sterile. A small shock of attraction flowed through April, but, before she could give it any thought, Tricia began speaking again.

“So,” Tricia said, “here’s the drill. There’s a gown on the exam table. Put that on, but leave it untied in the back. Take off your bra and panties. You can just sit at the end of the exam table to start. Dr. Goodfreid will talk to you first, then do your breast exam, and then do the pelvic exam. I’ll be in the room when he’s touching you, but not at the start when he’s talking to you. If you have anything you want to bring up to him privately, you can do it then.” She smiled reassuringly. “And, don’t worry; Dr. Goodfreid is the best there is. He does my exams and it’s practically a pleasure. She winked at April and stood up. “Go ahead and change; Dr. Goodfreid will come in when you’re ready. Do you have any questions?”

“Is it going to hurt?” April asked. She felt stupid asking, felt like a child. But, Nurse Tricia had asked if she had any questions, and April was wondering more than anything else if it was going to hurt.

Tricia sat back down. “Are you a virgin?” she asked directly.

“No,” April said. “Thank God.”

“Then you’ll be fine,” Tricia said. “A penis goes way deeper than the speculum. He’s going to insert it, open it, then do the swab. There aren’t a lot of nerve endings on your cervix, so you probably won’t even feel the swab. It’ll be over in two seconds, and then you’ll be out of here.”

“You’re so sweet to answer my silly questions,” Alice said, blushing. She felt a draw to Tricia she couldn’t quite explain, and she thought that, perhaps, Tricia liked her, too. Why else would she take the time to answer questions with such detail?

“Not at all,” Tricia said. “Like I said, I’m really glad you came in for the exam. It’s scary, but after your first one you won’t believe that you waited so long. You’ll probably be laughing a little bit, actually.” She winked. “I promise, we’ll take very good care of you.” She squeezed April’s hand again, and April felt that same jolt of energy, electricity, and attraction? Then she stood up and walked to the door.

After Nurse Tricia left the room, April sighed and stood, walking to the exam table and picking up the flimsy gown. She quickly removed her clothes, getting out of breath as she did so because the last thing on earth she needed was for the doctor to walk in while she was half-naked. How do they know how much time to give, she wondered? She slid her arms through the gown’s sleeves and sighed again; the back was wide open and she felt the breeze on her bare ass as she sat on the exam table. She looked down and noticed she was wearing her socks. She wondered if she should remove them, then decided against it. She looked around the room for the stirrups; they weren’t attached to the end of the exam table like she thought they’d be. She hoped that they actually existed; what if stirrups were something only invented for the movies?

While she was pondering the stirrups, there was a quiet, quick knock at the door. It opened and Dr. Goodfreid walked in.

“Good afternoon, Ms. West,” he said, and shook her hand. April’s eyes widened; Dr. Goodfreid was gorgeous. His dark, curly hair stood out against the top of his collar, indicating that it was time for a haircut. He had bright hazel eyes, and a perfect, straight nose. His teeth were white, but not unnaturally so; they were the teeth of someone who knew he was only given one set and he respected them.

“Hi, Dr. Goodfreid, thank you for seeing me.”

“No problem!” Dr. Goodfreid said brightly. “With Dr. Baker on vacation, I’ve been seeing quite a few of his patients.”

Dr. Baker needed to go on vacation more often, April thought, as she felt herself flush and hoped that it was only internal; she couldn’t see the mirror in the exam room to know if she was blushing. She felt a light wetness between her legs and stiffened; while being a little wet would probably make the exam easier, she was sitting on tissue paper. Anything that happened in that department, the good doctor would see it right away.

Think about Dr. Baker; that should take care of it, she thought, and smiled.

“Do you have any concerns today?” Dr. Goodfreid was asking her. He had seated himself at the computer in the room and was scanning her records.

“Nope, just… well, this is my first pelvic exam.” Regardless of what Nurse Tricia had said, April braced herself for the lecture she feared was coming.

“Ah, a virgin, huh?” Dr. Goodfreid didn’t even look away from the computer.

“No!” April said, too loudly. Dr. Goodfreid turned to look at her. “I mean, no, I’m not a virgin.”